Østasien blev værst ramt i juli måned. Ekstrem monsoon regn og de efterfølgende oversvømmelser og jordskred berørte snesevis af millioner af mennesker, fortrængte tusindvis og dræbte hundrede af mennesker i Kina, Nepal, Bangladesh og Indien.
Kina forsætter med at bekæmpe de værste oversvømmelser i årtier idet vandniveauet i 437 floder er over flodkontrollinjen; herunder er 33 nået rekordhøjder. Kraftig regn ramte 27 ud af landets 31 provinser, berørende mere end 37 millioner af mennesker og efterladende 141 dræbte eller savnede indtil videre.
Sydkorea fortsætter også med at lide under den vådeste monsoon i mands minde, med mindst 15 dræbte og mere end 1500 evakuerede. Omkring 1300 huse er rapporteret til at være under vand eller at være begravet i jordskred landet over, og 1000 veje og broer er blevet ødelagt eller beskadigede.
Kommentar: Delvis oversat til dansk af Sott.net fra SOTT Earth Changes Summary - July 2020: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
Heavy rain and floods continue to ravage Assam, India since May, affecting 2 to 3 million in 27 districts, claiming the lives of more than 100 people, and destroying crops. Over 2,400 villages submerged.
After two weeks of heavy rains, flash floods washed away houses, farms, roads, and electricity and water lines in Yemen. Thousands have been left homeless, and at least 14 have died.
Heavy rains and floods also affected parts of the US Midwest and Southeast, meanwhile, the tornado season has been prolonged another month, with cases of multiple tornadoes at the same time. Ontario, Alberta and Saskatoon, Canada, also experienced multiple tornadoes, something that is becoming more common, even in places where they are supposedly rare.
Snow continues with its off-season displays, 1 foot of snow and -7C degrees temperatures chilled Noway, and China got a fair share despite it being summer.
In the Southern hemisphere, the Andes recorded a historic record of 17 feet of snow; The Snowy Mountains in Australia reported 40 inches, and South Africa experienced a rare snowfall, something new to many locals.
Meteor fireballs gave us a very bright display this month, reminding us that we need to pay attention to the skies and "cosmic intentions".
At the same time, noctilucent clouds are becoming a common sight, perhaps indicating a more significant accumulation of charged particles in the upper atmosphere.
As a reminder:
The unbelievable amount of precipitation during the past months can be explained with the increasing amount of charged particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere.[...]Extreme weather continues to impact food production all over the world, and we can expect an increase in food prices sooner than later.
[...]Charged particles influence weather much more than has been appreciated.
All that and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for July 2020:
Watch it also on Sott.net's Vimeo channel:
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection
Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here, or here.
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