dumpster ballots
© unknown
Nye valgsvindelblæsere kom frem tirsdag, herunder en, der var vidne til afsendelsen af ​​anslået 144.000-288.000 afsluttede stemmesedler over tre statslinjer den 21. oktober. De nye oplysninger blev offentliggjort på en pressekonference af Amistad-projektet fra Thomas More Society, en national forfatningsretlig organisation. På pressekonferencen blev det meddelt, at de har kontaktet politiet om deres fund.

Bevis fra whistleblowers bruges i retssager af Amistad Project for at sikre valgintegritet og til at opretholde valglove i vigtige slagmarkstater, herunder Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania og Wisconsin.

Amistad-projektet sagde, at de har svorede erklæringer om, so erklærer over 300.000 afstemninger i Arizona, 548.000 i Michigan, 204.000 i Georgien og over 121.000 i Pennsylvania. De hævder, at deres bevis afslører bestræbelser hos USPS-arbejdere i flere stater for på ulovlig vis at påvirke valget i mindst tre ud af seks svingstater.

Whistleblower-erklæringerne inkluderer potentielt hundreder af tusinder af udfyldte stemmesedler fra folk der ikke stemte, der blev transporteret over tre statslinjer, og en trailer fyldt med stemmesedler, der forsvinder i Pennsylvania.

One of the whistleblowers, a USPS subcontractor, Jesse Morgan, drives a route from Lancaster, PA to Bethpage, NY to Harrisburg, PA, and back to Lancaster.
"On October 21, he arrived at Bethpage where he saw 24 gaylords (large cardboard containers used by USPS) and was told they contained mail-in ballots. He saw 24 gaylords containing bulk mail bins filled with identically-sized ballot envelopes stacked crosswise, which likely contained 144,000-288,000 ballots or more. He could see it contained handwritten return addresses and one was even marked Certified Mail, prompting the expediter to remark that the person must have really wanted the ballot to get to its destination. Both of these observations revealed the ballots had already been completed and were being returned to be counted."
Amistad continued on to explain that
"Mr. Morgan got to Harrisburg at 9:15 a.m., ballots in tow, but was forced to sit in the USPS yard until 3:00 p.m. When he went inside to speak with someone because his hours were about to expire, a self- identified 'transportation supervisor' made himself known and instructed Jesse to drive the whole load to Lancaster without unloading the portion intended for Harrisburg. The 'transportation supervisor' would not provide him with a written slip, saying he would need to unload in Harrisburg in order to receive a slip. Morgan drove to Lancaster under orders from the Harrisburg postal supervisor, unhooked the trailer in the normal place, parked his tractor in the normal place, and went home."
The next day, his trailer, the only trailer he ever used on his Bethpage route, was gone.
"Mr. Morgan experienced several odd behaviors by a select group of USPS personnel which postal experts in sworn statements indicate grossly deviate from normal procedure and behavior. The experts and investigators conclude that this behavior likely reflects concern by those aware of the potential illegal behavior and their attempts to prevent discovery of that behavior."
The Amistad Project alleges that fraudulent ballots were mistakenly placed on Jesse Morgan's trailer, and that he has since been monitored by those who perpetrated the crime - and that these persons could not allow the trailer to be opened and unloaded in a public fashion.

A second whistleblower, Nathan Pease of Madison, Wisconsin, was also a USPS subcontractor. He says that on November 4 and November 5, two separate postal workers informed him that the USPS was gathering tens of thousands of ballots and backdating the postmarks to November 3 so that they may be counted — despite the deadline already passing. Amistad Project, in a statement, said:
"Mr. Pease's sworn statement coincides in time with a dramatic ballot dump on the morning of November 5 which heavily favored Mr. Biden and which has caused significant controversy within the expert community regarding the statistical probability of the late insertion of tens of thousands of ballots in favor of a single candidate on the morning after the election."
Greg Stenstrom, who testified before the Pennsylvania legislature last week, also spoke at the Amistad news conference.

Stenstrom says that in Delaware County he
"witnessed unsupervised access by a vendor representing Dominion during which the vendor apparently violated election system certification protocols and inserted jump drives to download and update the aggregation machines counting the vote."
Stenstrom says that he witnessed election officials violating protocols by breaking the seal on the machine jump drives and co-mingling them. He believes that this reflects an intentional effort to prevent audits to accurately determine the count. Amistad Project responded:
"This conduct as well violates certification protocols. This evidence joins evidence from Georgia indicating a dominion vendor actually removed the hard drive from an aggregator and took it home with him, thus breaking the chain of custody and undermining the integrity of the count."
The organization has additional evidence including postal workers in Pennsylvania who were instructed to place Trump mail - including campaign literature - in undeliverable bins while making sure that Biden mail was delivered in a timely fashion.