Bobby Piton mathematics Arizona fraud testimony
© YouTubeBobby Piton under hans afgivelse af vidnesbyrd om valgsvindel i Arizona
En matematiker, der tilbød resultaterne af sin undersøgelse vedrørende beskyldninger om vælgerbedrageri foran medlemmer af Arizona State Legislature, sagde, at han er blevet suspenderet fra Twitter.

'Lige blevet suspenderet OFF TWITTER IGEN .... Gætter, at jeg ikke længere er velkommen der,' skrev Bobby Piton på sociale medier Parler.

En konto på Twitter med hans navn siger, 'Konto suspenderet ... Twitter suspenderer konti, der overtræder Twitter-reglerne.' Det er uklart, hvorfor Pitons konto blev suspenderet, og Twitter har endnu ikke svaret på en anmodning om kommentar.

Piton erklærede ved begivenheden mandag, at på baggrund af sin analyse 'ville jeg aldrig have certificeret' valgresultatet i nogle slagmarkstater. 'Jeg vil hellere træde tilbage end at certificere disse resultater,' sagde han og tilføjede, 'jeg tror, ​​de er svigagtige ... forudsat at de data, jeg fik, er korrekte.'

It appears that Twitter suspended the account following Piton's remarks at the event, according to users.

Secretaries of state in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and others have said they've received no evidence showing that there was fraud or irregularities to overturn the election. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who was criticized by Maricopa County GOP Chairwoman Linda Brickman in Monday's event for allegedly being "bought and paid for," issued a statement after the event, saying that "in Arizona, we have some of the strongest election laws in the country, laws that prioritize accountability and clearly lay out procedures for conducting, canvassing, and even contesting the results of an election."

Also in the hearing, several people testified, including a cybersecurity expert and retired Army colonel, who asserted that Dominion Voting Systems machines — of which some were used in Arizona's Maricopa County — said that a user guide shows users how to connect to the Internet. Dominion has denied that its machines can connect to the Internet, while its CEO dismissed vote-switching or foreign influence in a recent opinion piece.

"The Dominion suite user manual is about an inch and a half thick. My team went back through the user manual and looked at all the instances where in the user's manual, it tells operators to connect the ethernet cords to the router, and it is, the systems are connected to the internet," said Phil Waldron, the cybersecurity expert, in front of members of the Arizona Legislature.

Meanwhile, a woman who said she was an observer in Pima County claimed to have witnessed a large number of people who had recently moved to the state vote. Many of them, she alleged, didn't even have Arizona drivers' licenses or IDs and instead presented bills that suggested they lived in the precinct.

"I was having to allow people to vote who literally had just moved here. A large percentage had addresses from two apartment complexes," poll observer Anna Orth said, adding that many were not "residents for more than a month," which, if true, would be a violation of state law.