Overvågningsoptagelser fra State Farm Arena i Georgien
Georgias senatstilsynskomité holdt torsdag en høring om det massive valgsvindel i staten.
Præsident Trump var foran Joe Biden med mere end 110.000 stemmer i Georgia på valgaften, da Fulton County pludselig stoppede med at tælle stemmesedler, efter at et rør sprængte.
Afstemningsovervågere blev smidt ud af State Farm Arena tabuleringscenter på valgaften, efter at et sprængt rør forårsagede oversvømmelse.
We now know that a pipe never burst. It was all a lie in order to kick out poll watchers while a few crooks stayed behind to count illegal ballots for Joe Biden.
Trump's legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few "workers" stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!WATCH:
Close up photo of the suitcases being wheeled out from under tables:
Kommentar: One would think the case for massive voter fraud was a slam-dunk. But in Georgia, things appear to be more complicated due to obstruction from Georgia legislators:
When it comes to voter fraud that is being allegedly discovered in all the key battleground states, Georgia is one of the more difficult situations. It's one thing when you have discovered massive efforts by Democrats to commit election fraud in a multitude of ways, and that's hard enough to fight, but when you have Republican public officials in the Executive branch who seem to be a part of the problem, it makes it necessary for private groups to form in order to help fight the effort against the illegal things that went on during the 2020 election. Yes, I'm talking about Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp among others.
Through a mostly volunteer, donation-funded effort, the nonprofit group "Nations In Action" has discovered the most compelling evidence of alleged voting irregularities of any other investigation currently underway in Georgia.
One of many volunteer groups, a Georgia-based voter data analytics firm says it has found that about 40,000 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 3 general election. Mark Davis, President of Data Productions, Inc. and considered an expert in five court cases concerning election disputes found 40,239 people who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election and voted in their old county, which is illegal according to Georgia law. Those 40,239 people who voted failed to register their new address in time to vote in their new county, and according to the law they cannot vote in either county until they do.
40,239 illegal votes are more than triple the size of the current margins in the Presidential race as Joe Biden is listed as being approximately 12,000 votes ahead of President Donald Trump.
Full disclosure: Mark Davis has been one of my best friends for about a dozen years. He is like a brother to me. I can say with confidence that he has been very concerned about voter residency issues in his state for decades. He is the go-to guy in Georgia for voter data analysis.
Davis' investigation say they found there were 312,971 people who moved within the state from one county to another and that out of that 122,231 people moved more than 30 days prior to the election and failed to notify the state in time to vote, which means they were ineligible to vote in the 2020 election. That 40,239 number comes from that batch of people.
The analysis also found that 267,255 people notified the USPS that they moved outside the state of Georgia, which means they are no longer eligible to vote in the state, yet, 14,980 of those people allegedly voted in the 2020 election in Georgia, 100 percent of them illegally.
"When we ran the data on these changes of address, the numbers startled me," said Davis.
In search of additional verification, a second Nations In Action volunteer, Derek Somerville, CEO of Sierra Partners LLC and former FBI Special Agent, started to analyze individual voters in Mr. Davis' data. "I worked in the US intelligence community. I'm a trained federal investigator who was assigned to Public Corruption cases" says Somerville. "After investigating a random sample of these voters, it became abundantly clear that thousands, if not tens of thousands of voters in this election do not reside in the county in which they voted...or even in the state of Georgia."
Maria Strollo Zack, founder and chairman of Nations In Action, acknowledged that what is allegedly occurring in Georgia ought to concern every voter no matter party, adding "The Georgia legislature has failed its citizens by refusing to focus on systemic widespread voter fraud for decades."
Up to now, Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the final certified voter file from the Secretary of State Raffensperger have been ignored. "What are they hiding over there," Zack asked.
"Americans demand honest, free and fair elections and Georgia voters deserve better than this," Zack said. "Georgia has clear statutory and case law when it comes to voters casting ballots where they live and the Election Lawyers, Attorney General, and Georgia Bureau of Investigation should get involved."
Zack also called on the Georgia state legislature to immediately begin hearings over this information. "They may ultimately need to sue to get more time to recount without these illegal ballots, bad addresses, and unverified signatures."
"Otherwise, if the election is de-certified, the General Assembly may need to step in and decide for itself whether to send electors and make that important decision on who will be the next President."
Kommentar: One would think the case for massive voter fraud was a slam-dunk. But in Georgia, things appear to be more complicated due to obstruction from Georgia legislators: