Patrick Byrne
Patrick Byrne i det Hvide Hus fredag aften.
Den tidligere Overstock-administrerende direktør Patrick Byrne kritiserede i skarpe vendinger præsident Trumps stabschef Mark Meadows og advokater i Det Hvide Hus i kommentarer offentliggjort søndag om et møde i Det Hvide Hus fredag ​​aften med Trump om det omstridte præsidentvalg, som Byrne deltog med advokat Sidney Powell og tidligere Trumps nationale sikkerhed rådgiver løjtnant Michael Flynn (US Army ret.) og sagde, at Trump bliver "forrådt indefra." Byrne benægtede også rapporteringen om, at et militærkup eller krigsret blev diskuteret.

'Mit engagement er, at jeg var i rummet, da det skete. De hævede stemmer inkluderede mine egne. Jeg kan love dig: Præsident Trump bliver frygtelig betjent af sine rådgivere. De vil have ham til at tabe og lyver for ham. Han omgiver sig af løgnagtige middelmådigheder. '.. Desuden er ethvert forslag, hvis der var tale om et militærkup eller krigsret, også en flad løgn. 100% falsk. Jeg var der i 4 1/2 timer, jeg hørte hele samtalen, det er en 100 % fabrikation. '

Byrne called out White House Counsel Pat Cipollone as the leaker to the New York Times about the meeting and accused Meadows and White House staffers of lying to Trump to get him to concede, "I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff "get the president to concede" while they stall Trump. Meadows + Lawyers Eric, Derek, GC Pat Cippollone (leaker)."

"Meadows and legal staff led by GC Cippolone reflexively shoot down every sober discussion or idea presented. Their frame of mind is automatic: "we better not try that, it may not work, it would hurt your reputation in the press..." No kidding, they say stuff like that. Tell DJT."

Byrne named the advisors he believes are hurting Trump, "Pat Cippollone and two other lawyers. Eric and Derek. Meadows wants him to concede and transition also."

Responding to a poster who offered an opinion on why the establishment is intent on getting rid of Trump, "I'm convinced the US Establishment including the Republican Establishment have decided to end the Trump era. They want Biden/Harris and the Globalist Reset. The reason they have resorted to such extreme measures is because the Reset is time critical. They need the US on board now," Byrne replied, "Correct."

Byrne responded to several questions about the meeting and Trump's attitude, It is 100% winnable. No martial law required. Sydney and Flynn presented a course that I estimate has 50% - 75% chance of victory. His staff just try to convince him to do nothing but accept it. As a CEO, my heart broke to see what he is going through. He is betrayed from within."..."He truly believe he won and he truly did win. I did not vote for him, but I don't want to see our country hijacked in a psyop."..."Too nice. Thinks he will look bad in press. Nonsense like that."...He wants to fight on. They are bending over backwards to come up with reasons to tell him he can't do anything. He needs to fire them all or he loses."

Byrne has a strong dislike of Cipollone, blasting when asked who leaked the meeting, "White House General Counsel Pat Cippolone."..."I'm not afraid of these weasels. A greasy slickster like Pat Cippollone leaks lies to the NYT. I tell the truth publicly."..."No intelligence was involved. It was the White House general counsel and his team."

Byrne posted photos from the White House to prove he was there Friday night.

Byrne published a detailed analysis on the rigged election in November: