Usædvanlig kolde temperaturer og rekordsne fortsatte med at ramme USA godt ind i februar måned.

Vinterstormen Shirley ramte Upland South og Ohio dalen. I Texas var veje blokerede, mere end 4 millioner husholdninger uden strøm og så mange som 10 millioner uden hanevand. Det var den dyreste naturkatastrofe i statens historie.

Den basale infrastruktur var berørt da den viste sig at være ilde forberedt på et så pludseligt et fald i temperaturerne. "Grøn energi" viste sig også at være nytteløst i sådanne undtagelsestilstande med tilfrossede vindturbiner og ubrugelige solpaneler dækkede med sne. Er det et glimt af hvad der kunne ske i andre lande?

Store strømafbrydelser blev også rapporteret i Chihuahua, Mexiko, da det samme vejrsystem berørte de nordlige dele af Mexiko og dets output fra "grøn energi".

Stormen forårsagede også tilisninger i de Midatlantiske delstater førende til over 212,000 strømafbrydelser og dræbende mindst 12 mennesker.

Frysende regn efterlod veje, elledninger, og træer dækket med is i den nordvestlige Portland-Oregon regione og mere end 270000 mennesker stod uden strøm. I alt faldt knap 30cm i Seattle i midten af måneden førende til den mest snerige dag i Seattle i 52 år.

Men USA var ikke det eneste land med sjælden sne- og ekstreme kuldebegivenheder i denne februar måned. Moskva havde det meste snefald i 100 år, med en måneds snefald faldende på blot to dage. Og en anden snestorm ramte Krim førende til en lukning af Krimbroen for første gang.

Further south, after a period of unseasonably warm weather across the country, the cold front "Medea" brought frigid temperatures and snow to northern Greece.

A strong winter storm also battered northern Japan coastal regions, ripping off roofs, flooding homes and disrupting transport.

It should be noted that Scotland, Italy, Libya, and Kazakhstan also experienced extreme cold and snowfall this past month.

We continue to read month after month about record-breaking cold and snow, longer winters, increased precipitation, and while climate is a complex matter, and there have been anomalous record heat waves in some countries from time to time, when we consider the numbers, increasingly cold temperatures and heavier snowfalls predominate. The evidence suggests that a new ice age is settling in.

As part of this shift, weather chaos is also part of the picture. Heavy rain and floods continued to disrupt normal life around the world. Raging floods displaced 60,000 in Java Island, 30,000 in Greater Jakarta Region, and affected 90,000 in Semarang City, Indonesia.

South Wales was slammed by a month's worth of rain in 24 hours, while in France, rivers across the country burst banks as Storm Justine dumped half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours.

A 7.3-magnitude quake struck off the coast of Fukushima, Japan. The quake came nearly a decade after an earthquake and tsunami killed over 18,000 people.

One thing is sure, it's becoming increasingly clear that humans are not in control of what's going on out there.

All this and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for February 2021:

Watch it also on's Vimeo channel:

To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection

Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here, or here.

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