patient in hospital
© AP Photo/Kyle Green, FileEn ny undersøgelse foretaget af Oxford University den 27. september 2021 viste, at levetiden for amerikanske mænd er faldet med 2,2 år.
Forventet levetid for amerikanske mænd faldt med mere end to år under COVID-19-pandemien, har en ny undersøgelse fundet.

Oxford University sagde i undersøgelsen, der blev offentliggjort mandag, at levealderen blandt mænd faldt med 2,2 år i 2020, det største fald siden anden verdenskrig, ifølge Reuters.

Forventet levetid faldt med mere end seks måneder i forhold til 2019 for 22 af de 29 lande, der blev analyseret til undersøgelsen, som omfattede USA og europæiske nationer.

Overall, there were reductions in life expectancy in 27 of the 29 countries, the news outlet said.

Most life expectancy reductions could be linked to official COVID-19 deaths. The pandemic has so far claimed about 4.7 million lives across the globe and infected almost 232 million people, according to the latest numbers by Johns Hopkins University.
man ambulance covid
© Jon Cherry/Getty ImagesLife expectancy fell by more than six months compared to 2019 for 22 of the 29 countries that took part in the study.
In the US, more than 688,000 people have died and almost 43 million cases have been confirmed.

"The fact that our results highlight such a large impact that is directly attributable to COVID-19 shows how devastating a shock it has been for many countries," said Dr. Ridhi Kashyap, co-lead author of the study, which was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Comment: How devastating a shock LOCKDOWNS were...

Most countries saw greater drops in life expectancy for men than women. Overall, men's life expectancy fell by more than a year in 15 countries, compared to women in 11 countries.

In the US, the increased mortality was mainly among people of working age and those under 60. In Europe, meanwhile, deaths among those over 60 contributed more significantly to the spike in mortality.