Zuck currency
© The Verge/William JoelMark Zuckerberg
I den globale fantasi ville Facebook være et ansvarligt socialt netværk, der giver alle mulighed for at forbinde fortroligt, mens de censurerer meddelelser i strid med lokal lovgivning. I praksis er det ganske anderledes. Facebook indsamler oplysninger om dig til NSA, censurerer dine meninger og skaber sin egen valuta. På få måneder er dette firma blevet en af ​​de mest indflydelsesrige aktører i verdenspolitikken.


Den vigtigste politiske spiller på Internettet er det sociale netværk Facebook. Den 1. januar 2021 havde den 2,85 milliarder månedlige aktive brugere og 1,88 milliarder daglige aktive brugere verden over. Det sociale netværk censurerer rutinemæssigt indlæg, der omfatter nøgenbilleder, seksuel aktivitet, chikane, hadfuld tale, forfalskninger, spam, terrorpropaganda eller vold ved hjælp af særlig grov og uretfærdig kunstig intelligens. Det lukker konti, som det anser for farligt, enten fordi de er blevet censureret flere gange, eller fordi de er knyttet til fjender af USA.

Facebook er en kæmpe virksomhed, der omfatter Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Oculus, Workplace, Portal, Novi. Det beskæftiger over 60.000 mennesker.


Facebook udsteder nu sin egen valuta som stat, Libra. Det bakkes op af en kurv af valutaer bestående af 50% dollars, 14% yen, 11% serlingpund og 7% Singapore -dollars [1].

Ved at blive en bank, hvis valuta gradvist accepteres af internetsalgssider, opbygger Facebook en paralleløkonomi, både virtuel og global, der er større end økonomien i mange stater.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra The political power of Facebook

Søger man efter Facebook på Sott.net kommer der mere end 130 sider op med links, blandt de første sider kunne man bland andet finde:
Facebook's secret blacklist is a powerful tool for moderating thought, free speech and projecting US foreign policy globally
Hypocrisy at its finest: Facebook whistleblowers are feted, while Julian Assange is jailed
Greenwald: Democrats and media do not want to weaken Facebook, just commandeer its power to censor
Facebook whistleblower is leftist activist repped by lawyer for 'whistleblower' behind Trump impeachment
Facebook 'Whistleblower' donated 36 times to Democrats, including to anti-primary extremists and AOC
'Whistleblower' Haugen was part of Facebook team that spiked Hunter Biden laptop story
The real story behind Facebook's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week
Bringing Facebook to heel: A system-connected 'whistleblower' and a 'for the children' narrative mask a bid for political control
Web scrapers claim to possess and sell personal data on 1.5 billion Facebook users on a hacker forum
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey blasts Facebook's removal of her campaign page: 'Big Tech has gotten out of hand'
Facebook admits targeting kids as young as four, where is the parental outrage?
Facebook confirms Instagram made girls with body issues feel worse - but denies it is harming teens in other ways
Facebook has revealed how it suppresses news it doesn't like and decides what's true and what isn't. It's chillingly Orwellian
Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft: Waging a domestic War on Terror™ and making billions in the process
Facebook post from TV station accidentally reveals more people are dying from the vaccine than the media is reporting
Facebook reads and shares WhatsApp private messages: report
'BURN IN HELL': Families of slain troops RAGE at Biden as Facebook suspends grieving mother after angry posts aimed at president
Facebook imposed face recognition tech on 200,000 South Koreans & took social security info without consent, data watchdog finds
FTC files another antitrust lawsuit against Facebook
'Weaponizing its terms of service': Facebook FORCED shutdown of project monitoring Instagram's algorithm, German researcher says
Facebook cuts off NYU researcher access, prompting rebuke from lawmakers
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Psaki dodges on WH revealing which Facebook posts it flags as misinformation
White House 'flagging' posts for Facebook to censor over COVID 'misinformation'
Facebook to ban claims about 'man-made' Covid-19 & 'unsafe' vaccines as it launches election-like campaign to promote vaccination
Facebook goes full Big Brother
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Facebook rolls out weird 'you've been exposed to extremist content' alerts - encourages reporting wrongthink
And then they came for Hercules: Facebook removes conservative actor Kevin Sorbo's account with 500,000 followers
'They're silencing women who don't agree with radical feminism' - author who claims book was censored by Facebook

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Facebook forces WhatsApp users to share their personal data... or get off the platform
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Indian Army wants officers to deactivate Facebook accounts, avoid WhatsApp amid Israeli spyware disclosure
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'Betrayal of trust': WhatsApp to start sharing user data with Facebook and corporations


Facebook calls on its users to detect accounts that violate its rules. It opens a file on each of its informants and notes them [2].

Facebook, which claims to treat every user equally, has secretly compiled a list of 5.8 million VIPs to whom its rules do not apply. Only they can say and show everything [3].


The personal data of at least 87 million users was targeted and siphoned off by the British company Cambridge Analytica (of billionaire Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon) and its Canadian subsidiary, AggregateIQ [4]. They were used at least :
- for the election of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 [5],
- for 44 local elections in the US in 2014,
- for Mauricio Macri in the Argentine presidential election,
- for Nigel Farage in the UK Brexit referendum in 2016.
And above all during the US presidential campaign also in 2016, successively
- for Ben Carson, Ted Cruz [6], and finally for Donald Trump and his campaign manager Steve Bannon.
According to The Observer, Cambridge analytica employed many figures from the British military-industrial complex and MI6 propaganda services [7]. Perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg: Edward Snowden revealed that Facebook had joined the ultra-secret PRISM electronic surveillance network allowing the National Security Agency (NSA) to access the personal data of all its customers. But nothing has leaked out about what use the NSA makes of it.

According to Newton Lee, a former researcher at the Institute for Defense Analyses, the PRISM network is the avatar of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) project that Admiral John Poindexter developed under Donald Rumsfeld at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) [8].


In 2011, Facebook, at the request of Israel, censored accounts calling for an uprising in the Palestinian territories.

In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg, personally committed himself to Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Perez. He oversaw the creation and promotion of the Israeli president's official page, and created a video campaign called "Be my friend for peace", featuring Nicolas Sarkozy, David Cameron, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan or even Queen Elizabeth II of England, among others.

In 2015, Facebook declared Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Republic "terrorist organisations". It closed the accounts of several TV channels including Al-Mayadeen (then the most watched news TV in the Arab world), Sama and Dunia (two Syrian public TVs) and Ikhbariya (a Syrian private channel). At the same time, it provided trainers to the jihadists fighting the Syrian Arab Republic.

In this regard, Facebook does not censor all messages of hatred or violence. For example, it encourages the account of opponents of Syria that collects information (name, address, photo) of Syrian nationalists in order to assassinate them.


In 2010, Nature published a study on "An experiment in social influence and political mobilisation on 61 million people" [9]. Researchers from the University of California show that political messages on Facebook during the US mid-term elections had a very large impact not only on the users of the social network, but also on their friends and even on their friends' friends.

In 2014, Facebook, without the knowledge of its subscribers, conducted a study on "Experimental evidence of large-scale emotional contagion via social networks" [10].

In 2018, Facebook partnered with the Atlantic Council, an influential think tank funded by NATO, to "promote US leadership and engagement in the world with its allies". The specific aim of the partnership is to ensure "the proper use of Facebook in elections around the world, monitoring misinformation and foreign interference, helping to educate citizens and civil society" [11].

Ultimately, in 2020, Facebook engaged in colonial politics in Africa with its proposed undersea cable encircling the continent, 2Africa. This network would link the main ports, but would not penetrate inland [12]. It is only a question of serving the elites who participate in the plundering of the continent and the shipping of its wealth to the West.

Internationally, Facebook's director of public relations is the Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg. He was a deputy to British Prime Minister David Cameron. Facebook France is headed by Laurent Solly, former chief of staff to President Sarkozy and then second in command of the private television channel TF1. He is the husband of Caroline Roux, a star journalist for the public television channel France2.

Facebook is neither in the service of the Democrats nor the Republicans. It is a company that defends the interests of the "American Empire" by using both its knowledge of its users and the emotions it spreads among them.

From this point of view, it is particularly interesting that in 2017 Mark Zuckerberg thought of becoming President of the United States without having to run for office. He had put together a campaign team before giving up. His plan was to lean on the Democratic Party to remove President Donald Trump from office, then get close to Vice President Mike Pence so that Pence would hand over the office to him when he automatically became president, and finally lean on the Republicans to get Pence to resign and become president himself. [13].


In 2008, candidate Barack Obama relied on former Facebook spokesman Chris Hughes, director of My.BarackObama.com (MyBO) and designer of Obama's Online Operation (OOO), to reach and mobilise five million voters via Facebook [14].

In 2010, Facebook censored Wikileaks, the association that revealed the Pentagon's practices and thus undermined the "American Empire".

In 2010-11, the platform, officially supported by the US State Department, exploded during the 'Arab Spring' in the 'wider Middle East'.

In 2018, Facebook banned the intergovernmental TV channel TeleSur, which then included Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Uruguay and Venezuela.

In 2020, Facebook closed accounts linked to the French army in Central Africa and Mali. The latter were running a campaign that did not correspond to that of the Pentagon.

In 2021, Facebook closed the accounts of the incumbent presidents of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, and the United States, Donald Trump.


A British association, Full Fact, has created a coalition between the competent ministries of the United Kingdom and Canada on the one hand, and information giants (Facebook, but also Twitter, Alphabet and Reuters) on the other, in order to fight misinformation on the English-speaking Net.

Facebook does not limit itself to fighting against Fake News. It has just created a programme, "News Innovation", to support the written press. It has already been deployed in Canada, Argentina and Brazil. It has signed more than $10 million worth of contracts focusing on media that support Justin Trudeau in Canada or are hostile to Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.


The Biden administration worried - before the public - about the rise of Facebook, which it sees as a rival. The company sets its own borders, enforces police and justice on its network, and issues its own currency. It may currently serve the Pentagon, but all it needs is an army to become a state.

This is why the Biden administration introduced whistleblower France Haugen to The Wall Street Journal and then to the Senate. The debates focused on the deleterious influence of Facebook on certain children. This is a way to put the social network in its place without asking the political questions we have just listed.

The only person in the US today who is asking the question of the political influence of digital giants is former President Donald Trump. He has just filed a lawsuit against Twitter for taking his account offline while he was still the sitting president of the United States. Trump is relying on the confidences of Democratic senators who have boasted of having pressured Twitter. This proves, he says, that the censorship is not a business decision, but a political one; that it violates the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution on free speech. His lawyers make it clear that Twitter has never censored violent speech. It hosts an account of the Taliban government of Afghanistan.

Roger Lagassé, Translation
About the Author:
Thierry Meyssan is a political consultant, the president-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network). His latest work in English - Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies: From 9/11 to Donald Trump, Progressive Press, 2019.

[1] "Fed's Brainard: Facebook's Libra faces 'core set' of regulatory hurdles", Reuters Staff, Reuters, December 18, 2019.

[2] "Facebook is rating the trustworthiness of its users on a scale from zero to 1", Elizabeth Dwoskin, The Washington Post, August 21, 2018.

[3] "Facebook Documents Reveal Secret Elite Exempt From Its Rules", Jeff Horwitz, The Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2021.

[4] Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America, Christopher Wylie, Randon House (2019). Targeted: The Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower's Inside Story of How Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and How It Can Happen Again, Brittany Kaiser, Harper (2019).

[5] "How Facebook's Secret Unit Created India's Troll Armies For Digital Propaganda To Influence Elections", by Shelley Kasli, Great Game India (India), Voltaire Network, 23 December 2017.

[6] "Ted Cruz PsyOp", by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 8 February 2016.

[7] "The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked", Carole Cadwalladr, The Observer, May 7, 2017.

[8] "The Eye of the Pentagon", by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 18 November 2002.

[9] "A 61-million-person experiment in social influence and political mobilization", Robert M. Bond, Christopher J. Fariss, Jason J. Jones, Adam D. I. Kramer, Cameron Marlow, Jaime E. Settle & James H. Fowler, Nature 489, p. 295-298 (2012). doi:10.1038/nature11421.

[10] "Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks", Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory & Jeffrey T. Hancock, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNSA), Vol 111, #24, July 17, 2014.

[11] "Announcing New Election Partnership With the Atlantic Council", Katie Harbath, Facebook, May 17, 2018. "U.S. think tank's tiny lab helps Facebook battle fake social media", Joseph Menn, Reuters, August 7, 2018. "Facebook's partnership with the Atlantic Council", Kevin Reed, World Socialist Web Site, September 8, 2018

[12] "Facebook surrounds Africa", by Manlio Dinucci, Il Manifesto (Italy) , Voltaire Network, 17 June 2020.

[13] "Mark Zuckerberg: a US President in the making?", Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 4 August 2017.

[14] "The Reason for the Obama Victory: It's the Internet, Stupid", Betsy Schiffman, Wired, July 11, 2008. "Obama's Wide Web", Jose Antonio Varga, The Washington Post, August 20, 2008. "How Chris Hughes Helped Launch Facebook and the Barack Obama Campaign", Ellen McGirt, Fast Company, April 1, 2009..