© Stringer / SputnikFakkeltog til ære for Stepan Bandera i Kiev, Ukraine, den 1. januar 2022.
Tidligt den 24. februar meddelte præsident Vladimir Putin, at Rusland officielt har iværksat en særlig operation for at håndhæve fred i Ukraine.
Ifølge den russiske leders tv-tale er målet med operationen at beskytte LPR- og DPR-beboere (tidligere anmodede DPR og LPR officielt om militær hjælp fra Moskva) samt demilitarisering og denazificering af Ukraine.
'Omstændighederne kræver, at vi tager beslutsom og øjeblikkelig handling.'
'Folkerepublikkerne Donbass henvendte sig til Rusland med en anmodning om hjælp. I denne henseende i overensstemmelse med artikel 51, del 7 af FN-pagten, med sanktion fra Føderationsrådet og i henhold til venskabstraktaterne ratificeret af Federal Forsamling og gensidig bistand med Donetsk- og Lugansk-folkerepublikkerne har jeg besluttet at gennemføre en særlig militæroperation.'
Putin understregede, at målet med operationen er 'er at beskytte mennesker, der har været udsat for misbrug,
folkedrab af Kiev-regimet i otte år, og for dette vil vi forsøge at demilitarisere og afnazificere Ukraine, samt at stille dem, der begik adskillige blodige forbrydelser mod fredelige beboere, inklusive borgere i Den Russiske Føderation, sagde Putin.
- Airspace all over Ukraine has been restricted for civil flights, according to a notice to airmen (NOTAM) distributed by local agencies and airport operators
- Local media and sources report 'explosions' in southern, eastern and central Ukraine. It seems that Russia have may conducted precise strikes on military infrastructure, weapon depots and command centers of the Kiev regime. (These reports are yet to be officially confirmed)
- Local outlets from DPR and LPR also report that artillery units have been active at the contact line.
Kommentar: Reports of explosions heard in Kiev, Kharkov, Mariupol, Slavyansk, Odessa, Vasilokovy, NovayaKakhovka, Borispol, etc...
As background to the timing of the launch of this massive military op, South Front writes:
When it became apparent that Western sanctions that followed failed to meet the promised level; of "Sanctions from Hell" as promised, the UAF began bombarding the territories east of the LOC in increasing intensity. This military escalation intensified against the backdrop of contradictory statements by Russian Foreign Ministry officials which began at approximately noon on February 22. Russian President Vladimir Putin later delivered a statement unequivocally clarifying the official Russian position regarding the sovereign borders of the two republics and the nature of the new treaties.
The tempo of bombardment on the part of the UAF then intensified up until the late evening and early morning hours of February 23. By the afternoon of that same day, units of the UAF attempted to breakthrough the front in several locations with the assistance of preparatory artillery bombardment with some success. This occurred prior to Russian military units being able to advance to defensive positions. By the early evening, the Ukrainian forces that has attempted to entrench themselves were dislodged and forced to retreat, apparently with the assistance of advanced Russian military units. Following these events, Ukrainian president Zelensky addressed the nation and enacted the closure of a number of airports as described.
There are unconfirmed reports that the entire Ukrainian
navy and
air force have been been effectively eliminated, and
navy bases taken control of.
"Before the aircraft enters, missiles destroy the air defense facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout Ukraine"
Russian troops have
reportedly landed in Mariupol and Odessa. The U.S. and allies will impose "full-scale sanctions" tomorrow.
UPDATE: Zelensky called a security council meeting (2 hours after the attacks started) to declare
martial law. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian armed forces are using
precision weapons to destroy Ukraine's military infrastructure, air defense sites, military airfields and aircraft -
not cities.
Kommentar: Reports of explosions heard in Kiev, Kharkov, Mariupol, Slavyansk, Odessa, Vasilokovy, NovayaKakhovka, Borispol, etc...
As background to the timing of the launch of this massive military op, South Front writes: There are unconfirmed reports that the entire Ukrainian navy and air force have been been effectively eliminated, and navy bases taken control of.
"Before the aircraft enters, missiles destroy the air defense facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout Ukraine"
Russian troops have reportedly landed in Mariupol and Odessa. The U.S. and allies will impose "full-scale sanctions" tomorrow.
UPDATE: Zelensky called a security council meeting (2 hours after the attacks started) to declare martial law. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian armed forces are using precision weapons to destroy Ukraine's military infrastructure, air defense sites, military airfields and aircraft - not cities.