Muammar Gaddafi
Med den nylige udgivelse af Hillary Clintons e-mails fra Wikileaks ved offentligheden nu præcis, hvordan den nordatlantiske traktatorganisation (NATO) gik fra en kollektiv forsvarsorganisation til de nye Barbareskpiraters imperialism.

Under den libyske opstand i 2011 vedtog FN's Sikkerhedsråd resolution 1973, som opfordrede til en våbenhvile og godkendte militæraktion for at beskytte civile liv. En koalition blev dannet, centreret omkring NATO med vedtagelsen af ​​resolutionen den 17. marts 2011. Dens formål - en såkaldt 'flyveforbudszone' over Libyen.

Ironien i, at den USA-dominerede NATO militærorganisation ville være optaget af at 'beskytte' arabiske civile er alt for indlysende, da USA er den nation, der er mest ansvarlig for at dræbe arabiske civile.

De virkelige årsager til angrebet er blevet behandlet mest direkte af USA's berømte reformerede 'økonomiske lejemorder', John Perkins.

Perkins påpeger, at angrebet på Libyen, ligesom angrebet på Irak, har at gøre med magt og kontrol over ressourcer, ikke kun olie, men guld. Libyen har den højeste levestandard i Afrika. 'Ifølge IMF er Libyens centralbank 100 % statsejet. IMF anslår, at banken har næsten 144 tons guld i sine hvælvinger,' skrev Perkins.

NATO tog dertil som moderne Barbareskpirater -- for at plyndre Libyens guld. De russiske medier rapporterede udover Perkins, at den panafrikanske Gaddafi, den tidligere præsident for Den Afrikanske Union, havde slået til lyd for, at Afrika brugte det guld, der er så rigeligt af i Libyen og Sydafrika til at skabe en afrikansk valuta baseret på en gulddinar.

'Det er betydningsfuldt, at Muammar al-Qaddafi i månederne op til FN-resolutionen, der gjorde det muligt for USA og dets allierede at sende tropper ind i Libyen, åbent talte for oprettelsen af ​​en ny valuta, der ville konkurrere med dollaren og euroen. faktisk opfordrede han afrikanske og muslimske nationer til at tilslutte sig en alliance, der ville gøre denne nye valuta, gulddinaren, til deres primære form for penge og udenlandsk valuta. De ville kun sælge olie og andre ressourcer til USA og resten af ​​verden for gulddinarer,' forklarede Perkins.

Revelation in Email to Hillary Clinton

Wikileaks released an unclassified U.S. Department of State document emailed to Hillary dated April 2, 2011, key Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal confirmed that the Perkins was right and the attack on Libya had nothing to do with Qaddafi being a threat to the United States and NATO and everything to do with looting his gold.

"Qaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver. During late March, 2011, these stocks were moved to Sabha (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli," Blumenthal reported to Clinton.

Blumenthal pointed out the purpose of Qaddafi's precious metal: "This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA)."

Blumenthal spells out the reason for NATO's attack and France's imperial plunder, "French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicholas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya."

There were five reasons for France's illegal war with NATO against Libya. Sarkozy sought, according to Blumenthal, "a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libyan oil production, b. Increase French influence in North Africa, c. Improve his internal situation in France, d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to assert its position in the world, e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa."

Under the neo-colonialism favored after World War II during the period of the Cold War, we preferred to bribe various African leaders to help us loot their nation's resources. The U.S., of course, killed any Pan-African aspirations as well as potential leaders like Patrice Lumumba.

This highjacking of Arab and African resources and slaughtering of Arab civilians is a long-standing plan put forth by neo-conservatives in the United States. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) has had a "hit list" of Arab nations and little regard for Arab casualties.

General Wesley Clark wrote in "Winning Modern Wars" that "As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we are still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there was a total of seven countries beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.

What we witnessed in Libya was old-fashioned 19th century imperialism -- the deliberate plundering of a sovereign nation-state's resources by more powerful Western conquistadors.