© UnknownMichael Flynn • Russian President Vladimir Putin
Med olieprisen presset over $100 pr. tønde, åbner det amerikanske aktiemarked med store tab, flere globale økonomiske udfordringer truer, det reelle potentiale for betydelige tab af menneskeliv og det internationale samfund i fuldstændig uorden med svage forsøg på at fordømme det, der var fuldstændigt undgåeligt, står vi over for begyndelsen af ​​endnu en meget alvorlig og historisk periode med spændinger mellem konkurrerende ideologier og endnu værre, begyndelsen af ​​3. verdenskrig.

Denne 'invasion' var fuldstændig undgåelig.

Som en ven fortalte mig, dækkede præsident Joe Biden og hans mislykkede udenrigspolitiske hold bordet og sendte invitationen, og den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin kom og spolerede middagsselskabet.

Det er klart, at der er brudlinjer på begge sider, men indtil videre må vi bede om, at de berørte, uden evnen til at bestemme deres skæbne, er i stand til at overleve denne ekstraordinære periode af verdenshistoriens udfoldelse (for mange, optrævling) på verdensscenen. Civile og militære styrker vil blive dræbt, såret og fordrevet; det er krigens virkelige konsekvenser.

Bed om, at denne konventionelle krig er begrænset i omfang, formål og hensigt.

Yes, there were gross violations of previous agreements due to incompetence, arrogance and ignorance that got us to this point. Beyond this, what happens next is anyone's guess, but Putin (and Xi — Taiwan?) just laid down a new world order marker.

That said, it is doubtful that the U.S. administration will change its failed foreign policy, and instead, it will make weak attempts to triple down on leveraging this extremely serious situation in Europe to continue to distract from problems here at home.

Given the shutting down of the Keystone pipeline and America's energy independence while also enabling Russia and Germany (read: Europe) to reopen the Nordstream pipeline, one has to wonder about the discussions in the Oval Office that came to these conclusions.

This is the Biden administration:
Describing America as a systemically racist nation; appointing Marxists and other radical ideologues to positions of power; allowing millions to surge across our southern border; attempting to federalize our election systems and processes; implementing racist critical race theory in our schools, military and government; and all along, raising the national debt until it is closing in on $30 trillion — spending us toward extinction, all for left-wing causes.

Let us not forget the Afghanistan disaster, the myriad lies about COVID, a certain Biden-owned laptop, a complete refusal to investigate allegations of election irregularities ... all while China gets a pass.
It is extremely difficult to trust this administration when they lie with a straight face to the American people daily.

Anyone who questions these rotten foreign and domestic policies is demonized as a racist. We see the unleashing of the federal government on citizens who are simply exercising their constitutional rights and the establishment media covers all this incompetence with a fake smile due to their own deep corruption.

Our president rarely entertains questions or takes responsibility for his tone deafness and failures. The White House ignored — even laughed at — Putin's legitimate security concerns and ethnic unrest in the Ukraine. We have yet to hear from the president of the United States an explanation of U.S. national security interests in the region.

Instead, we continue to demonize Russia — reminiscent of the fake Russia-collusion hysteria we now know was perpetrated against the Trump administration by elements of the Clinton campaign and Obama administration (among others).

President Putin calculated this strategic, historic and geographic play and made the decision to move.

And he did.

All that given, there will never be justification for this invasion or any other form of invasion. However, never forget that war results when diplomacy fails.

May God watch over and protect those in harm's way and may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America.