Nuclear War
© Off-Guardian
Jeg vil ikke lyde hyperbolsk, men jeg begynder at konkludere, at de nukleare gale mennesker, der styrer USA/NATO's Nye Kolde Krig, de startede for årtier siden, klør efter at starte en atomkrig med Rusland.

Deres hykleri og nihilistiske tørst efter død og ødelæggelse er så ekstrem, at det forvirrer mit sind. De beskylder Rusland for at starte en ny kold krig, da de gjorde det for årtier siden, og de har skubbet på konvolutten lige siden. Nu optræder de chokeret over, at Rusland efter mange års tålmodighed har slået tilbage i Ukraine.

I 2017 udgav Oliver Stone sine firedelte interviews med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin. Putin-interviewene blev gennemført mellem 2015, året efter at USA lavede statskuppet i Ukraine, hvor nazister fik magten i det land, der grænser op til Rusland, og 2017.

Stone blev naturligvis udskældt for at vove respektfuldt at stille spørgsmål og modtage svar fra den russiske leder, som de amerikanske medier altid har udråbt, som alle de mytiske bogeymen, som den nye Hitler, der har til hensigt at erobre verden, når det er USA, ikke Rusland, der har over 750 militærbaser over hele verden og har angrebet Afghanistan, Irak, Libyen, Syrien - listen er uendelig.

I sine Putin-interviews lader Oliver Stone, en mand med sandhed og ære, seerne få et glimt af den virkelige Vladimir Putin og de forhold, der vedrører ham som leder af Rusland. I 2018 skrev jeg om disse interviews:
...he [Putin] makes factual points that should ring loud and clear to anyone conversant with facts.
..han [Putin] kommer med faktuelle pointer, der burde ringe højt og tydeligt for enhver, der er fortrolig med fakta.
  1. at USA har brug for en ekstern fjende ('Jeg ved det, det føler jeg.').
  2. USA lavede kuppet i Ukraine ved Ruslands grænse.
  3. USA har omringet Rusland med US/NATO-tropper og baser bevæbnet med anti-ballistiske missiler, der kan, som Putin rigtigt siger til Stone, på få timer omdannes til regulære offensive atommissiler rettet mod Rusland.
Dette er et faktuelle og sande udsagn, som burde få enhver retfærdig person til at rejse sig i rædsel. Hvis Rusland havde sådanne missiler, der omkranser USA fra Cuba, Mexico og Canada, hvilken amerikaner ville så finde det acceptabelt? Hvad ville CNN og The New York Times have at sige?

Alligevel finder de samme mennesker det let umuligt at se legitimiteten i Ruslands position, idet de tyer til navnekald og ulogisk retorik. Rusland er omringet med U.S./NATO-tropper og missiler, og alligevel er Rusland aggressoren.

In the years since those interviews, U.S./NATO has consistently tightened the noose around Russia, including fueling the Ukrainian attacks on the Donbass, killing thousands, all the while pleading innocent and expecting no reply. Now the reply has come.

Although I have no inside information, I get the sense that the Western Empire is planning/initiating counter-measures far more extreme than the highly publicized economic sanctions.

While it is true, as many commentators such as Ray McGovern and Pepe Escobar have pointed out, that a paradigm shift is underway and the once dominant US/NATO bully boys must now contend with the Sino-Russian alliance that has ushered in a dramatic change, nevertheless, as in the past decades, the so-called leaders of the US are a dumb bunch driven by unquenchable demons.

As McGovern says:
Yet, there remain unsettling indications coming from Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan that senior administration 'dolts' (copyright North Korean leader Kim Jong Un) in the Washington Swamp still don't get it.
I'm afraid they don't and never will. That is what frightens me. While it seems counterintuitive and totally irrational that these people would be planning to use some type of nuclear weapon in this current situation, I am not so sure.

They obviously pushed Russia to have no alternative but to attack Ukraine, and now that they have accomplished that goal, it seems to me that they will up the ante. Diplomacy is not their way; violence is.

Pepe Escobar has just written:
This is what happens when a bunch of ragged hyenas, jackals and tiny rodents poke The Bear: a new geopolitical order is born at breathtaking speed.

From a dramatic meeting of the Russian Security Council to a UN history lesson delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the subsequent birth of the Baby Twins - the People's Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk - all the way to the breakaway republics' appeal to Putin to intervene militarily to expel the NATO-backed Ukrainian bombing-and-shelling forces from Donbass, it was a seamless process, executed at warp speed.

The (nuclear) straw that (nearly) broke the Bear's back - and forced it to pounce - was Comedian/Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelensky, back from the Russophobia-drenched Munich Security Conference where he was hailed like a Messiah, saying that the 1994 Budapest memorandum should be revised and Ukraine should be nuclear-rearmed.
As usual, his analysis is correct, but it may fail to grasp the unspeakable nature of the madness that drives desperadoes.

If those running US foreign policy feel that a new geo-political order is being born "at breathtaking speed" as a result of Russia's move into Ukraine, then they are capable of extreme acts. And they have all the mainstream western media behind them, barking out their non-stop propaganda.

We are inexorably moving toward a global war that will become nuclear if an international movement doesn't quickly arise to stop it. Most people bemoan the thought of such a war to end all wars, but refuse to analyze the factors leading to it.

It seems so unimaginable, but It happens step-by-step, and many steps have already been taken with more coming soon. It's so obvious that most can't see it, or don't want to.

The corporate mainstream media are clearly part of the continuation of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, and those who still rely on them for the truth are beyond reach. We need to use all alternative means to raise the alarm and make sure the ultimate nightmare never occurs.

Perhaps hyperbole is the only way to do so, for it may be closer to the truth than we want to believe.