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Det russiske forsvarsministerium sagde torsdag, at det snart vil frigive yderligere dokumenter vedrørende driften af ​​Pentagon-finansierede biolaboratorier i Ukraine. Moskva mener, at de har været involveret i biovåbenforskning.

Russiske militærspecialister i masseødelæggelsesvåben analyserer dokumenter indhentet fra ansatte i de ukrainske laboratorier, sagde ministeriets talsmand Igor Konashenkov i en daglig briefing. Han hævdede, at de detaljerede 'implementering af USA i Ukraine af et hemmeligt projekt for at studere, hvordan mennesker kan blive inficeret fra flagermus', som blev udført i Kharkov.

Embedsmanden sagde, at det samme Institut for Eksperimentel og Klinisk Veterinærmedicin i den ukrainske by arbejdede i årevis på at undersøge, under hvilke forhold vilde fugle, der bærer influenza, kunne forårsage en epidemi hos mennesker og for at vurdere skaden, der ville resultere.

Konashenkov forklarede ikke, hvorfor sådan forskning skulle betragtes som militær af natur, som vurderet af forsvarsministeriet.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Russia promises more disclosures on Ukraine biolabs

The spokesman further said more Ukrainian documents will soon be released on the transfer of human samples from Ukraine to the UK and other European nations. The materials will be accompanied by Russian military assessments of the work they detail, he said.

The Pentagon sponsors dozens of labs around the world under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The work they do, the US government claims, is benign and is meant to monitor emergence of new dangerous infections. Countries like Russia and China believe they may be more sinister in nature.

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said under oath that labs in Ukraine have been destroying research materials to prevent Russia from seizing them. It was not clear why Washington saw the scenario as dangerous. US officials claimed that the pathogens in question were remnants of Soviet bioweapons programs, which Moscow would presumably already have access to.

Some American public figures, such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, were attacked for asking questions about the Ukrainian labs, which supposedly amounts to repeating "Russian propaganda."

Utah Senator Mitt Romney accused Gabbard of spreading "treasonous lies" with her concerns about the safety of pathogen samples in Ukraine. The hosts of The View television show suggested people asking such questions should be arrested and investigated as possible Russian agents.