bioweapon montage
Blot to dage efter at GreatGameIndia rapporterede at hemmelige amerikanske Biolabs i Ukraine kunne været sigtet mod russere, så har den amerikanske ambassade fjernet al bevismateriale om biovåbenlaboratorier i Ukranie fra deres hjemmeside.

Mens Rusland begynder dets angreb mod militære mål i Ukraine, så er der mistanke om at de amerikanske biolabs, som blev bygget i Ukraine med forskning og forsvar som formål, også vil blive ramt.

Som GreatGameIndia rapporterede, så under the "Biological Threat Reduction Program," har USA seks sådanne faciliteter i Ukraine. Dette har ført til at nogle personer spekulerer om Rusland faktisk sigter mod disse hemmelige amerikanske biovåben laboratorier i Ukraine.

Nu har den amerikanske ambassade fjernet al bevismateriale fra deres hjemmeside om biolabs i Ukraine. Disse biolabs er financieret og fælles styret af det amerikanske forsvarsministerium (DOD). Disse dokumenter inkluderer vigtige detaljer om konstruktion, financiering og tilladelser for biovåben laboratorier i Ukraine. Men nu har den amerikanske regering slettet disse dokumenter fra internettet og blevet mindre transparente om disse kritiske informationer.

Dette kommer i en tid hvor verdens befolkning er ved at vågne op til virkeligheden om gain-of-function, biovåben forskning, laboratorie udslip og aggressive vacciner og diagnose udvikling. Disse biolabs genererer patogener af pandemi potentiale som udnytter menneskets immunsystem og er fundamentet hvorpå medicinsk svindel, medicinsk pligtforsømmelse, vaksine inducerede død og folkemord, stammer fra.

Kommentar: Delvis oversat til dansk af fra: US embassy removes all evidence of Ukraine bioweapons labs

Vast network of Biolabs in Ukraine

The US DOD funded at least 15 different bio-labs in Ukraine. These are not Chinese or Russian bio-labs. At least eight of these bioweapons labs are operated exclusively by the US. These laboratories
"consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern" to conduct "enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures" through "international research partnerships."
Each facility costs the US taxpayers anywhere from $1.8 to over $3 million. The DOD facilitated the permit process to allow Ukrainian scientists to work with pathogens of pandemic potential.

The US DOD works directly with Ukraine's Ministry of Health, State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and the Ministry of Defense. This network of bio-labs includes facilities in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Kiev, Kherson, Ternopil, Crimea, Luhansk and two suspect facilities in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv.

In recent years, many of these labs have reached Bio-safety Level 2 status, allowing scientists to experiment with viruses and bacteria. Over the past two years, these laboratories, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, erected four more mobile laboratories to conduct epidemiological surveillance of the Ukrainian people.

List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy

Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.

All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed. What is the US embassy trying to hide?

Comment: To view the list of defunct websites, go here: