© Rene Burcher Beitung/Petras Malukas/AFP via Getty Images/KJNWEF Klaus Schwab • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Ukraines Præsident Volodymyr Zelensky, følgende sine globalistiske marionetførere, taler nu åbent for "Great Reset" agendaen. Skuespilleren repeterede de globalistiske nøgleord om klimaforandring og erklærede:
"Lang tid inden denne krig stod det klart at menneskeheden skal reducere brugen af fossile brændstoffer. Hele den tidsperiode med brug af kul og olie har forårsagede enorme skader for miljøet og vores klode i det hele taget.

"Grønne teknologier og grøn energi er blevet et logisk og retfærdig svar til denne udfording. Europæisk politik er allerede indstillet på at reducere brugen af miljøskadelige farlige resourcer. Men Ruslands aggression imod Ukraine og alt hvad liv i Europa er bygget på er et argument til at accelerere den grønne forvandling af dette kontinent. "
Zelensky er fortaler for politkker som er direkte ud af the Great Resets drejebog.
Hans fulde erklæring kan findes her:

Big League Politics has reported on how the climate change lie is key to World Economic Forum propaganda meant to push the Great Reset policies that will destroy economic production and subjugate the individual under a technocratic beast government:
A bizarre new video of the globalist World Economic Forum is ordering citizens of western countries to cease washing their clothes in order to fight climate change, following the WEF's commands that the populace of developed nations eat bugs and renounce all possessions in order to lower carbon emissions.

The strange missive appeared on the WEF's Twitter feed on Sunday morning.

The World Economic Forum, chaired by infamous "Great Reset" architect Klaus Schwab, routinely insists that decreasing the quality of life of average citizens is the way forward to deter climate change and supposed catastrophe.

Some noted that the very concept of eschewing the washing of clothes applies almost exclusively to the white-collar "laptop class," with blue collar workers who are employed in arduous trades likely to face serious health repercussions if they continually wore dirty, soiled and sweaty clothes.

Zelensky is a puppet who is likely giving speeches in front of a green screen advocating for more Ukrainians to die to prop up his corrupt regime that was installed after a foreign-backed color revolution coup. He is one of the worst men on the planet and is a soulless minion of the New World Order.