Så fulgte et Instagram-portræt af en ukrainsk skønhedsdronning med en airsoft-riffel og skydebriller, som skabte mere fascinerende vestlig krigspropaganda, der fik de ukrainske flag-emoji-bærere til at vred sig i et digitalt delingsvanvid.
Slørede droneoptagelser fra Syrien er blevet brugt til at vise strålende ukrainske slagmarkssejre, som kan mætte vestlige masser. Objekter, der eksploderer på monokromt termisk syn, kan være næsten hvad som helst for enhver sand troende.
Selv et amerikansk slagskib i brand blev brugt som fotorekvisit, der hævdede, at det var en russisk destroyer angrebet af modige ukrainske frihedskæmpere ved Sortehavet. Faktisk blev den brugt to gange i samme måned, i begyndelsen og slutningen af marts. At sige, at den vestlige krigspropaganda har været sjusket, er en underdrivelse.
Mariupol-fødehospitalets 'bombning' var en iscenesat medieoperation, der lignede de hvide hjelme i Syrien, ligesom påstande om russiske luftangreb på teatret i den samme by, som blev udråbt til at have holdt tusinder af civile på det tidspunkt. De vestlige overskrifter løb med beskyldninger om, at russere slagtede civile fra luften.
Ubekræftede overskrifter baseret på ukrainske regeringspåstande rammer de vestlige kloakkludeoverskrifter, og øjeblikkeligt udspredes løgnene rundt om i verden og forstærkes på opmærksomhedsnetværk til de utvivlsomt nyttige brugere, der udfører deres forargelse og hysteri var det bestilt.
Propagandakrigen er ikke krigen, men propagandakrigen er nyttig til at forme vestlige politiske reaktioner og samle de hysteriske masser, som vil tro på alle de medieoverskrifter, de ser.
Der er ikke gået en weekend uden fuldstændig opdigtede og ubekræftede historier om russiske grusomheder eller krigsforbrydelser mod civile. Når bekræftede videooptagelser der viser hvordan ukrainske soldater torturerer russiske krigsfanger ved at skyde dem i benene og brække deres knogler, ignorerer de vestlige medier bekvemt de ubelejligede billeder, der underminerer de fortællinger, der skal presses frem for at manipulere masserne.
Den seneste farce, der har skabt overskrifter i det vestlige i weekenden, er anklager om folkedrab i Bucha, en forstad til Kiev, efter at russiske styrker trak sig tilbage. De vestlige medier hentede billederne fra den ukrainske regerings propagandakunstnere og forstærkede dem overalt. Som bestilt giver vestlige ledere udtryk for deres forargelse.
If Zelensky visited the site, surely he's not lying about this 'genocide', is he?
There are apparently satellite photos of mass graves.
Here's the comic reacting to the dozens of "bodies" supposedly shot at close range and left in the street. Always putting on his best performance for the cameras with western CIA-controlled photographers of the reliable Getty Images in tow.
Propaganda or not propaganda? That is the question.
The answer can usually be found by watching the western media's reactions, followed by western leaders. If they're all in agreement so quickly, then something is usually amiss.
The EU never learn or perhaps they enjoy making life miserable for people across the 27-nation bloc. Food and energy inflation is hitting 20-40% across the continent but that's apparently not enough. They want to levy more sanctions on Russia which will only hurt the European people.
What say you, evil Ruskies?!
The Russian Defence Ministry denies accusations by the Kiev regime of allegedly killing civilians in Bucha, Kiev Region. Their counterclaims:
- All the photos and videos published by the Kiev regime allegedly testifying to some "crimes" committed by Russian servicemen in Bucha, Kiev region are just another provocation.
- During the time that the town has been under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action. Russian servicemen have delivered and distributed 452 tonnes of humanitarian aid to civilians in Kiev Region.
- For as long as the town was under the control of the Russian armed forces and even then, up to now, locals in Bucha were moving freely around the town and using cellular phones.
- The exits from Bucha were not blocked. All local residents were free to leave the town in the northern direction, including toward the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the southern outskirts of the city, including residential areas, were shelled round the clock by Ukrainian troops with large-caliber artillery, tanks, and multiple launch rocket systems.
- We would like to emphasize that all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha as early as March 30, the day after the Russia-Ukraine face-to-face round of talks in Turkey.
- Moreover, on March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, confirmed in a video message that there were no Russian servicemen in the town, but he did not even mention any locals shot in the streets with their hands tied.
- It is not surprising, therefore, that all the so-called "evidence of crimes" in Bucha did not emerge until the fourth day, when the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town.
- It is of particular worry that all the bodies of the people whose images have been published by the Kiev regime are not stiffened after at least four days, have no typical cadaver stains, and the wounds contain unconsumed blood.
And here are some comments translated from Russian about that curious video:
Upon the first "liberation" of the city by Ukrainian forces:
- Nothing peculiar was reported by the residents
- Civilians walking around as if waiting to be "liberated"
- No mention of killings, genocide, mass graves
- No images from the video of any of the genocidal accusations
Who were the real butchers of Bucha?
Were the corpses fake and brought in for another photo op?
Were civilians in the above video slaughtered by the Ukrainian army?
Turns out the mayor of the town made a video three days before those reports and also curiously makes no mention of all those civilian bodies in the street. Perhaps he didn't get the memo from the comic's handlers at Langley yet for what was to take place soon.
Apparently, it takes Ukrainian soldiers about 1-2 days to round up dead civilians from an area (or fake ones), or kill some and stage them accordingly so western propagandists unquestioningly print "Russian War Crimes" and "Putin's Genocide" in bold black evil print.
Meanwhile here is a 400-page report detailing Ukrainian War Crimes and human rights violations from 2017 to 2020 before a single shot was fired. Some of the topics include the rise of Nazism, Anti-Semitism, Russiaphobia, assaults, and assassination of journalists, attacks on media outlets, offices, and the usual killing of thousands of civilians in the Donbas region who got no western media attention because they were ethnic Russians killed by CIA trained Ukrainian neo-Nazi hit squads. Righteous kills by righteous men.
Some war crimes are more equal than others.
Before the start of Russian military operations, Putin called the Ukrainian attacks on ethnic Russians in Donbas a genocide. Since 2014 roughly 14,000 have been killed. There are images floating around the darker corners of telegram and the Internet, giant PDF files that show images of civilians killed by shelling in Donbas. They are gruesome and real and confirmed by international observers.
While Russia has named dozens of Ukranian officials and generals who are guilty of war crimes, and whom they intend to hold accountable for those killings, don't expect any western governments to call for trials of Ukrainian war criminals complicit in that genocide. It was supported by the U.S. and CIA in the aftermath of their 2014 coup, excuse me "dignity revolution".
Some genocides are more dignified than others.
And don't expect any western media outlets to report on Ukrainian soldiers shooting and torturing Russian prisoners of war, using civilians as human shields in urban areas like Mariupol, Kharkiv, Sumy, stealing their food and water, or the fact that recent reports reveal western militaries were aiding neo-Nazis in the battle of Mariupol.
Two French military advisors turned up dead in a helicopter crash with Azov soldiers as they tried to flee the city. NATO soldiers in Ukraine, assisting Neo-Nazi battalions? That's one that will be completely ignored by the western press.
On the butchers of Bucha, who really knows if anything happened there but it's probably best when in doubt, to resort to the first two Good Citizen Rules.
The first words ever written and posted to this site:
- Don't believe anything your government tells you.
- Don't believe anything the western corporate media tells you.
The fog of war always produces the foggiest of war propaganda.
Time will tell the truth. It usually does.
Will the western media correct their lies?
They usually don't.
Update two hours after posting (SBU are Ukrainian CIA or FSB):
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