På trods af adskillige forsøg fra FN på at underspille det, så vil den seneste skandale involverende medlemmer af organisationens fredbevarende mission i seksuelt misbrug af afrikanske børn ikke blive ignoreret. Og det internationale samfund må langt om længe huske på hvad det oprindelige mål var med FN, som det blev grundet af de allierede magter efter Anden Verdenskrig, med fred og sikkerhed for alle mennesker på kloden for øje.

Ifølge en serie af afsløringer fra Bruxelles2, France Info, Guardian og en række af andre nyhedsudgivelser, så har et antal franske og georgiske soldater som var udstationenet i FNs fredsbevarende operation "Sangaris" i Centralafrika, været ansvarlige for seksuelt misbrug af børn.

Det bør erindres at en væbnet konflikt mellem regeringen i den Centralafrikanske Republik (CAR)og muslimske oprørere, hvoraf mange tog del i den civile krig i 2004-2007, resulterede i at den franske forsvarsminister Jean-Yves Le Drian annoncerede at Frankrig ville udstede 1000 soldater i den Centralafrikanske Republik for at foretage en under FN fredsbevarende mission. Den 9. December besluttede USA at tage del i denne operation mens det georgiske parlament også besluttede at sende soldater til CAR et år senere, den 22. Februar, 2014. i juni 2014 havde Georgiens væbnede styrker i CAR nået op på 140 medlemmer.

Ifølge det franske nyhedsagentur France Info, så voldtog franske og georgiske soldater børn i alderen 8-15år i et område nær M'Poko lufthavnen og tvang dem til seksuel udnyttelse.

Kommentar: Vi undskylder at resten af artiklen er på engelsk, men vores lille stab må af og til ty til blot delvist at oversætte artikler for at få så meget information ud til vores læsere. Hvis du vil hjælpe med at oversætte, så hører vi gerne fra dig:

Some of the incidents that occurred between December 2013 and June 2014 in a refugee camp at M'Poko airport were depicted in a special UN closed report that was titled "Sexual Abuse on Children by International Armed Forces." In particular, the document contains witnesses of local boys that were subjected to sexual exploitation, including rape and homosexual relations in exchange for food and water. The majority of the victims were orphans, increasing their vulnerability. In the summer of 2014 this report was handed over to the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, however no action was taken to investigate the factual findings.

In these circumstances and in order to stop systematic child rape in CAR, one of the staff members of the Geneva Branch of the United Nations Anders Kompass had given those documents to French authorities on his on initiative, in hopes that they would take effective measures to investigate the described incidents and punish those responsible. However, the highest ranks of the United Nations didn't seem willing to "wash their dirty linen in public", instead they are now planning to sack the "snitch" for an "unauthorized disclosure of proprietary information."

In this regard, one must note that in the past the United Nations has been caught trying to conceal incidents of pedophilia numerous times, including sexual exploitation of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kosovo and Bosnia, along with concealing incidents involving sexual harassment in Haiti, Burundi and Liberia.

Recently, some serious accusations against the UN were made by James Wasserstrom, a former US diplomat that was fired from the UN once he expressed his suspicions about the corruption among senior officials of the former UN mission in Kosovo. In particular, this former diplomat stressed the fact that instead of punishing Anders Kompass, this international organization must have taken all possible measures to prevent such abuse in the future, along with punishing all responsible figures in a timely manner. A responsible official of the Swedish Foreign Ministry Anders Ronquist, has also raised his voice in the defense of Anders Kompass, stating that those incidents must never again occur in the future. There's little doubt that those crimes along with the UN's attempts to hide them do not erode the credibility of this international organization.

But the fact is that this credibility has already been jeopardized by numerous cases of unjustified use of force initiated by certain UN members to achieve their own geopolitical goals. Once the UN became a political servant of Washington, it has started serving US military contractors that hungry for even more bloodshed all across the globe. This policy has already led to the death and suffering of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries of the Middle East, along with Africa and the former Yugoslavia.

If there's going to be no change in the policies and actions of the United Nations officials now, it is possible that this organization may suffer the sorry fate of its predecessor - the League of Nations, that was just as unable to prevent conflicts and global threats to humanity on the basis of respect to international laws.