Hvis vi ikke er på vej mod en økonomisk afmatning (recession), hvorfor fortsætter vores økonomi med at reagere som om det netop er hvad vi er på vej imod? Som du vil se nedenfor, så lærte vi i denne uge at fabriksordrer er faldet 6 måneder i træk i forhold til for et år siden..Dette er noget som aldrig er sket før udenfor en tid i recession. Vi har set nye ordrer for forbrugsgoder falde dramatisk. Faktisk så er den eneste gang som vi har set et mere dramatisk fald i tallene under den sidste recession. Og når du lægger det sammen med disse to emner som jeg har tidligere har skrevet om, så er det store økonomiske billede endnu mere foruroligende.

Virksomhedernes overskud er faldet to kvartaler i træk, vores eksport er faldet med 7.6 procent i løbet af første kvartal af 2015 og USAs bruttonationalprodukt er skrumpet med 0.7 procent i løbet af 1.kvartal. Selvom Barack Obama og massemedierne bevidst ignorerer dette, så er sandheden at disse tal skriger til himlen om at vi er på vej mod en ny recesssion.

Nogle gange er et billede mere værd end 1000 ord, og jeg tror at det bestemt er tilfældet med den graf som jeg lagt nedenfor. Den kommer fra Zero Hedge, og den viser at fabriksordrer er faldet seks måneder i træk i forhold til samme periode for et år siden. Den eneste gang at det nogensinde tidligere er sket, så har den amerikanske økonomi været i recession.
Når vi kigger på nye ordrer for forbrugsgoder, så ser vi at noget lignende er tilfældet. Den næste graf kommer fra Charles Hugh Smith, og har virkelig ikke brug for megen forklaring...
Her er en anden graf fra Charles Hugh Smith. Den viser procentændringen i nye ordrer for forbrugsgoder på en år for år basis...
De ovenstående grafer som jeg har delt med dig er ganske overbevisende. Hvordan nogen overhovedet kan se dem og stadig tro at vi er i en "økonomisk genrejsning" er ufatteligt for mig.

Når en økonomi begynder at vende, så er der visse ting som er på udkig efter. Som jeg har skrevet om igen og igen ovre på min hjemmeside, så er der mange af de præcis samme mønstre som vi har set dukke op under tidligere økonomiske afmatninger som nu for øjeblikket viser sig igen.

Ja, aktiemarkedet sidder smukt for tiden. Men næsten alle kan se at det er massivt overvurderet og kan begynde at vende snuden den anden vej hvert øjeblik. Og når markedet begynder at kollapse, så vil det blot forårsage en yderligere acceleration af vores økonomiske problemer.

Desvære er de fleste amerikanere totalt uvidende om alt dette.

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Most Americans just continue to do the same things that they have always done. That includes going into ridiculous amounts of debt. For instance, this week we learned that the percentage of auto loans that are being stretched out for periods of greater than 6 years is at an all-time high...
The average new car loan has reached a record 67 months, reports Experian, the Ireland-based information-services company. The percentage of loans with terms of 73 to 84 months also reached a new high of 29.5% in the first quarter of 2015, up from 24.9% a year earlier.

Long-term used-vehicle loans also broke records with loan terms of 73 to 84 months reaching 16% in the first quarter 2015, up from 12.94% — also the highest on record.
But you know what?

Even though most Americans are being exceedingly foolish and are living paycheck to paycheck, that still isn't good enough for the boys and girls on Wall Street.

Just consider the following excerpt from a recent Wall Street Journal piece entitled "A Letter To Stingy American Consumers"...
Do you know the American economy is counting on you? We can't count on the rest of the world to spend money on our stuff. The rest of the world is in an even worse mood than you are. You should feel lucky you're not a Greek consumer. And China, well they're truly struggling there just to reach the very modest goal of 7% growth.

The Federal Reserve is counting on you too. Fed officials want to start raising the cost of your borrowing because they worry they've been giving you a free ride for too long with zero interest rates. We listen to Fed officials all of the time here at The Wall Street Journal, and they just can't figure you out.

Please let us know the problem. You can reach us at any of the emails below.


The Wall Street Journal's Central Bank Team

-By Jon Hilsenrath
They just want all of us to keep borrowing and spending our way into oblivion. But of course when things do fall apart and millions of Americans can't pay their debts, they will be there to foreclose on our homes and repossess our vehicles without any hesitation.

And when the next major economic downturn does strike, don't expect the rest of the planet to feel sorry for us. We like to think that the rest of the world looks up to us, but the exact opposite is actually true. At this point, much of the globe is pointing fingers at us and mocking us. Just consider the following excerpt from an article that appeared in Pravda...
The land of illusion; the land of entertainment producing songs and movies to warp reality. People pretending to be something they are not. Likewise, Washington DC has people who pretend to represent the people's interests. Pretending to bring hope and a change for the better. Pretending to bring unity and peace among all races. Lying through their teeth and laughing like clowns behind closed doors. Setting up a consumer based economy forcing the once mighty middle class to shrink and work at customer service jobs. "Ya want fries with that?"
It would be easy to dismiss that paragraph as "Russian propaganda", but the cold, hard reality of the matter is that there is nothing in that quote that is not true.

They are mocking us, and they are dead on. We are the land of illusion. We do have a shrinking middle class. And we are definitely addicted to entertainment. If you doubt this, just check out what one study recently found...
If you weren't reading this article, you would probably be scanning something else on the internet, watching TV, or maybe—just maybe—reading a newspaper or magazine. In short, you would be consuming media.

On average, people spend more than 490 minutes of their day with some sort of media, according to a new report by ZenithOptimedia. Television remains dominant, accounting for three hours of daily consumption—an hour more than the internet, in second place.
Other studies have actually discovered that the amount of time that Americans spend connected to media is even greater. This is something that I discussed in a previous article entitled "How Much Time Do Americans Spend Plugged Into The Matrix Every Day?"

For the moment, the mainstream media is assuring everyone that everything is going to be just fine and that they should go out and spend lots and lots of money.

But instead of spending your money on frivolous things like boats, electronic toys and expensive vacations, I believe that now is the time to get prepared for the great economic crisis which is currently starting to unfold.

Right now, I know that most people don't actually believe that life in America is about to dramatically change.

So many of the things that people (including myself) have been warning about for so long are about to happen. Our politicians and national leaders have turned a deaf ear to all of the warnings and have continued to conduct business as usual. Soon, the error of their ways will be apparent to all.

We are heading into the greatest economic crisis in U.S. history, and there is going to be no coming back to the false, debt-fueled "prosperity" that we are enjoying today.