© Stephen Lee
Endnu et hajangreb blev rapporteret i onsdags udfor kysten af North Carolina, ifølge embedsmænd. Hajangrebet fandt sted ved Ocracoke Island i Outer Banks, ifølge Hyde County EMS. En livredder kaldte 911, ifølge en ansat fra nødhjælpen. Ofret blev taget ud af vandet og fløjet til et nærliggende hospital. Der er ingen information om ofrets tilstand.

Hyde County tweeted en udtalelse, sigende at "en person som svømmede ved NPS området som er åbent om dagen på Ocracoke pådrog sig et bid fra et havdyr" og at tilfældet er blevet efterforsket. Onsdagens angreb markerer det syvende tilfælde på North Carolinas strande i Juni og Juli. Sidste år var det kun fire rapporterede tilfælde i staten i løbet af hele sommeren.

I sidste uge, blev to mennesker bidt af hajer tæt ved Cape Hatteras.

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On Friday, a 47-year-old man was bitten by a shark in the leg and back while trying to get children and another adult out of the water near Avon.

On Saturday, an 18-year-old was swimming with other people near Waves when the shark bit his calf, buttocks and both hands.

Both victims were rushed from the beach and underwent surgery.

In South Carolina, a shark attack also took place Friday morning at Hunting Island State Park. The male victim was taken to Beaufort Memorial Hospital for treatment. No further information was available about the victim or the extent of his injuries.

On Wednesday, an 8-year-old boy in Surf City suffered what appeared to be a shark bite. Police said the wounds were superficial and the injuries were minor.

On June 14, 12-year-old Kiersten Yow from North Carolina and a 16-year-old boy from Colorado both lost their arms in shark attacks at Oak Island.

Yow lost her left arm below the elbow and suffered injuries to her left leg. Hunter Treschl lost an arm.

A 13-year-old girl was bitten while boogie boarding off Ocean Isle Beach on June 11. In that incident, the victim suffered non-life threatening injuries, but the shark took bites of her boogie board.