Xi Jinping
© Unknown
Siden 1990'erne har en stor del af Kinas udenrigspolitik været at investere i udviklingslande rundt omkring i verden.

Dette har omfattet private investeringer, som det mega milliard dyre solenergiprojekt i Ghana med en kinesisk energivirksomhed i spidsen eller det megamilliard dyre projekt om byggelsen af en kanal i Nicaragua af en kinesisk infrastrukturvirksomhed.

Det omfatter også offenlige investeringsprojekter som den Asiatiske infrastruktur investeringsbank, som var startet op tidligere i år med det formål at hjælpe med midler til infrastrukturprojekter i fattige asiatiske lande (og reducere indflydelsen som amerikansk-ledede investeringsbanker har).

I lørdags gav den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping endnu et tilsagn til at hjælpe økonomisk vækst i udviklingsverden, idet han erklærede at Kina vil eftergive gælden i verdens fattigste landes.

Præsident Xi gav tilsagnet i en tale ved FN topmødet om globale udviklingsmål. I sin tale, gav han også tilsagn om etableringen af en fond med $2 milliarder, som vil blive helliget til forbedringen af forholdene i de fattigste lande i verden.
"Rundt omkring i verden forbliver fred og udvikling de to store temaer i vore tider,"
sagde Præsident Xi til de delegerede ved topmødet i New York. Han fortsatte,

Kommentar: Denne artikel er blot delvis oversat til dansk af sott.net fra World after Empire: China announces it will cancel debts held by world's most impoverished nations

"To solve various global challenges, including the recent refugee crisis in Europe, the fundamental solutions lie in seeking peace and realising development. Facing with various challenges and difficulties, we must keep hold of the key of the development. Only the development can eliminate the causes of the conflicts."
Xi's speech came a day after the UN unveiled its new Global Goals for Sustainable Development, an ambitious plan that aims to eradicate poverty and hunger in the next 15 years.
Coincidentally, China played a key role in helping the UN achieve its previous poverty reduction goals as well — BBC correspondent James Robbins explains,
It was China's extraordinary record shifting so many families out the ranks of the poor which ensured that the overall global record in poverty reduction under the previous Millennium Development Goals was substantial.
China's new pledge of financial support, as well as its promise to forgive the debts of the world's poorest countries, show a continued commitment to the goal of reducing poverty worldwide.
"The world is going through a historical process of accelerated evolution. The sunshine of peace, development and progress will be powerful enough to penetrate the clouds of war, poverty and backwardness,"
President Xi said.

Read more from the BBC. Read a full transcript of President Xi's speech from Quartz.