© Spencer Platt/Getty ImagesThe Stern Gang and other Zio-nazi's were busy in the early to mid 20th century exterminating and terrorizing Arab and Christian communities.
Netanyahu erklærede krig mod Palæstina før voldsomme sammenstød begyndte, der indledtes af sikkerhedstyrkers overlagte provokationer, med en palæstinensisk protest-respons over israelske forbrydelser for øje. Fra den 1. Oktober til i Søndags, har soldater og politi skudt over 1,300 palæstinensere - med skarp ammunition, gummi belagte stål kugler og internationalt forbudte dum-dum kugler, der er i stand til udvide sig internt og skabe langt mere seriøse skader.

Den 11. Oktober, blev 24 Palæstinenser myrdet i koldt blod. Officiel Israelsk fremgangsmåde er at skyde først. Stil ingen spørgsmål. Skyd skylden på ofrene for det tiltagende antal af virkelige eller fabrikerede kniv-overfalds hændelser, for at i flæng at skyde forsvarsløse palæstinensere. Israel ser overlagt koldblodigt mord som selvforsvar.

Den daglige gru fortsætter. En 15 årig palæstinensisk pige blev skudt og alvorligt såret på vej hjem fra skole med hendes venner, hun var ingen trussel til nogen som helst. Teenageren Mustafa Al-Khatib blev snigmyrdet af politiet. Øjenvidner bestred falske anklager om at han havde forsøgt at kniv-stikke en betjent. Han havde ingen våben på sig. Han blev stoppet i sin bil ved Øst Jerusalem's al-Asbat Port, beordret til at træde ud af sit køretøj, for derefter at blive dødeligt skudt 10 gange på klods hold.

Hændelsesrapporter fortsatte med at blive ændret - fra først at sige at han havde forsøgt stikke en bosætter, så en soldat, derefter blev det til at han havde modsat sig visitation, dernæst at have stukket en en soldat ned - fire erklæringer, alle løgne. Alle officielle israelske rapporter omkring voldelige hændelser mangler troværdighed.

Kommentar: Artiklen er delvis oversat til dansk af fra:Palestinian genocide continues, 1,300 people shot in the last 11 days

Human rights groups denounced state-sponsored violence. Palestinians are being murdered, injured and mass arrested daily. On October 11, the PA Health Ministry said 75 Palestinians were wounded or killed by live fire on Sunday alone - another 77 injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, 208 more suffered from toxic tear gas inhalation.

Palestine is "on the brink" of exploding, warned the Al Haq human rights group. It blamed "Israel's wanton and excessive use of force...with no accountability for" cold-blooded murder. It noted increasingly severe and frequent settler attacks, including shootings, beatings, vandalism and crop destruction.

On Monday, Netanyahu addressed Knesset members, blaming Palestinians and Arab MKs for his high crimes, claiming nonexistent Palestinian "terrorism." Saying it represents a "desire to destroy us."

"That was the motive for terrorism in the early years of Zionism and that's what it is today," he ranted. Arab MKs walked out of the session before he began speaking.

All his rants are beginning-to-end Big Lies, in all public appearances. He outrageously accused Arab MKs of endorsing violence, claimed MK Hanin Zoabi incited terrorism. He wants "a criminal investigation against her" opened.

Why is world outrage absent? Why are the only comments heard outrageously calling on both sides to show restraint - ignoring premeditated, willful Israeli cold-blooded murder!

Palestinian victimhood doesn't matter. Decades of suffering are ignored. So is fundamental international law. Palestinians are on their own like always, facing three enemies - Israel, their illegitimate PA government, and world leaders turning a blind eye to brutalizing daily oppression.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.