Før slutningen af 1800 tallet, var uddannelse en privat praksis, som fandt sted i private institutioner eller gennem hjemmeskoling. Alt det ændrede sig i 1902 da John D. Rockefeller skabte bestyrelsen for den almene uddannelse sammen med Frederick T. Gates, Rockefeller's forretnings- og personlige rådgiver og gode ven. Bestyrelsen for den almene uddannelse var ansvarlig for midlerne til det amerikanske offentlige skolesystem og ydede over 100 millioner dollars i 1902; de fortsatte deres støtte dertil i mindre grad efter den tid. Bestyrelsen var ansvarlig for skabelsen af det amerikanske offentlige skolesystem og har været brugt globalt som model for over hundrede år.
"Jeg vil have en nation af arbejdere, ikke tænkere." - John D. Rockefeller

Kommentar: Artiklen er blot delvis oversat til dansk af fra The ugly truth about the American school system

Let's think about this for a minute. Not long after the day we are born we are enrolled into a school, spending the majority of our days there for approximately thirteen years, eight hours a day. We are told how the world functions according to the curriculum guidelines set forth by the government, which teachers are supposed to follow. We do this so we can earn a piece of paper in order to move on to 'higher education' to get another piece of paper that qualifies us for some type of job.

Modern day education does indeed have its benefits, but many seem to believe that the negatives far outweigh the positives. Sure, we are indeed learning, but we are not (as the video below emphasizes) necessarily taught how to question the world around us or the very material we're being taught. Furthermore, the world is changing at a rapid pace and new information is constantly emerging in all subject areas. Despite this fact, children are left learning the same, decades old material that they've been taught for years, and questioning certain 'facts' or information is not always welcomed.

Are we indoctrinating our children? What are our children really learning in school, and how valuable is it?

Then we have other issues like children with special needs, gifted children, or children being labelled with ADHD, among other things.

HERE is an article I wrote one year ago explaining the issue of ADHD, and that is just one small example out of many issues people today are having with modern day education.