south front
Siden begyndelsen af deres operation i Syrien den 30. September har det russiske luftvåben udført 1391 bombetogter i Syrien, ødelæggende i alt 1623 terror mål. Særligt at bemærke, har de russiske krigsfly ødelagt 249 at IS kommandoposter, 51 træningslejre og 131 depoter, sagde Andrey Kartapolov, chefen for den russiske generalstab for større operationer, fredag. Ifølge ham forsøger de militante i Syrien at flytte deres styrker til Iraq og andre nabostater, men deres morale og træningsniveau er meget lav.

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For the last six days, ISIS has blockaded the Syrian Government's only supply route to the provincial capital of the Aleppo Governorate. However, for the last 48 hours, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah have worked to restore the security of this vital highway that stretches across the Khanasser Plains of east Hama. The SAA and Hezbollah are currently less than 1km away from liberating the Khanasser-Ithriya highway.

Meanwhile, southwest of Ithriyah, ISIS launched another assault on the imperative hilltop of Tal Khayber, targeting the NDF positions at the southeastern perimeter of the hill. The assault was beaten back.

ISIS has recently shifted its focus from Khanasser-Ithriya Highway to the Salamiyah-Ithriya Road, where the SAA reinforces their soldiers at the crucial city of Ithriya. If it falls, the SAA at the latter city will be cutoff from their main supply line.

According to reports the leaders of the al-Nusra terrorist group operating in the Syrian province of Hama have decided to join forces with ISIS as the Syrian army continues its offensive.

Separately, the SAA and the NDF continued their advance to the Kuweires Military Airport, capturing several building blocks from ISIS inside the town of Sheikh Ahmad in the Deir Hafer Plains. Then they captured the Railroad barrier inside the eastern district of the town. This allowed for the Syrian Armed Forces to cross the Aleppo-Baghdad railroad that passes through the east Aleppo.