Den danske forsker Jan Øberg, direktør for Transnational Foundation for Peace and Research, har formået nøjagtigt at beskrive NATO ved brug af blot ord (og ingen vulgære håndgestikulationer). Utroligt men sandt: Øberg bemærkede at den største NATO øvelse i mere end et årti var ment til at øge angsten blandt almindelige borgere, og få dem til at tro at NATO er nødvendig for at beskytte imod en mulig krig.

"Deres (NATO øvelsens) formål er PR for en døende alliance, hvilket er en slags dinosaur i en moderne verden," siger Øberg i et interview.

"Dette er et militært-industrielt-media-akademisk compleks som spiller deres spil. For at være istand til at få dem som betaler til at betale for den slags nonsens, så er du nød til at have hvad vi i psykologi kalder 'angstologi'; du er nød til at øge angsten blandt borgerne således at de tænker at dette er relevant og at det er nødvendigt at gøre dette og andre af den slags ting.

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Danish scientist: NATO is a dying alliance using 'fearology' to convince citizens of its relevance

According to Oberg, the military exercise are just a folding screen covering certain facts, like that the Ukraine crisis was actually initiated by neo-cons in Washington and that wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya were "misguided".

The scientist also noted that he found the drills "ridiculous," saying that it is plain stupid to believe that this sort of action can help NATO confront the terrorist threat coming from ISIL.

"ISIS (ISIL) is a product of these wars, it is not something that has come out of the blue," he argued.

"It's a product of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq and the misadministration of that country. And now it's spreading. We have tons more terrorism today than we had in 2001. We are doing a counterproductive thing and we are learning absolutely nothing."

Oberg is exaggerating, of course. Just check out NATO's "fact sheet about NATO", or pour yourself a strong drink and read about Operation Gladio, the NATO program which trained right-wing fanatics to terrorize Europe (and frame the Reds). Isn't NATO a darling?