McCain Terrorist
John McCain (center), Abu Youssef (man left behind McCain), Al-Qaeda operative now with ISIS (front left of McCain), Free Syrian Army General Salem Idris (right of McCain)
It is hard to sympathize

Nogle amerikanske embedsmænd jamrer sig fordi hans flok af bastarder får klø:
"Putin sigter bevidst på vores styrker," fortalte en amerikansk embedsmand, som er skuffet over USAs modsvar til Rusland, til Fox News.

"Vores fyre kæmper for deres liv," sagde embedsmanden, og vurderede at op mod 150 CIA-trænede moderate oprørere er blevet dræbt af russerne.
"Vores styrker", "vores fyre" - hmm. Embedsmanden refererer til CIA-lejesoldaterne som kæmper under al-Qaedas kommando:
Fremskridende sammen med islamistiske grupper, og nogle gange hjælpende dem, er der adskillige relativt sekulære grupper, som Den frie Syriske Hær som har fået en højere prominens og status fordi de har adgang til TOW missiler.

Selv i små antal spillede missilerne en stor rolle i oprørernes fremskridt som til sidst truede Assads styre. Men mens dette måtte være et kærkomment udvikling for skaberne af USAs politik, så præsenterede det et andet problem, idet Nusra front var iblandt de grupper som nød godt af den forøgede ildkdraft.

Det er en taktisk alliance som lederne af den Frie Syriske Hær beskriver som et ubehageligt ægteskab af nødvendighed, fordi de kan ikke operere uden accept af den størrere og stærkere Nusra Front.
"Embedsmanden" skulle i det mindste i fængsel for indirekte at bevæbne og støtte terroristerne fra Jabhat al-Nusra også kendt som al-Qaeda i Syrien.

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US official bellyaches to FOX News about Russian destruction of 'our' terrorists

Under U.S. domestic law Obama justifies his attacks on the Islamic State in Syria (which is illegal under international law) with reference to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists as passed by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001. According to that AUMF:
That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist ...
If that is the relevant legal code to fight the Islamic State then this even more so applies to Jabhat al-Nusra as it is loyal to the original al-Qaeda organization.

What Russia does, fighting on behalf of the legal government of Syria after having been asked to do so, is not only legal under international law but it is also easily justifiable by the same U.S. domestic law which the U.S. president applies to fight the Islamic State.

That whining official should recognize that a. what "his forces" do is illegal under U.S. law b. what Russia does with "his guys" is legal even under U.S. law and c. that there is always a moral hazard when using such proxy forces.

When the CIA send some idiots to invade Cuba where they were killed or captured it could do nothing and did nothing to protect them because that would have started a much bigger war. This is the same case here. These forces will be destroyed and there is nothing the U.S. can or will do about that. If you are sentimental about the fate of mercenaries and if you do not want this to happen do not use proxy forces but be man enough to go yourself.

Comment: Not going to happen, the psychopathic elite always gets someone else to do the fighting and dying.