FSA gun runners
Jihadists on the "Free Syrian Army": "The best arms sellers we have are the FSA. If they get a good weapon they sell it to us."
To prominente fans og fortalere for den Frie Syriske Hær og dens "revolution" giver op.

Siden starten af operationen til styrtelsen af regimet i Syrien har Jenan Moussa, som arbejder for den i de Forenede Arabiske Emirater baserede Al Aan TV station, været en trofast fan af de "moderate oprørere". Hendes embede rapporterer om dem var mere ensidig anti-regime propaganda end journalistik. Hun er ganske populær med over 100.000 følgere på Twitter.

Men hendes honeymoon med FSA lader til at være forbi. Hun anerkender langt om længe at FSA blot er en våbenkurrier service mellem CIA og Saudierne på den ene side og al-Qaeda og Islamisk Stat på den anden side:

Dette er hovedproblemet med FSA i Hama/Idlib: Ja, FSA eksisterer stadigvæk, men de kontrollerer intet territorium. Hvis de ikke adlyder de radikale, så er FSA ude. >

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Reality bites: Two promoters of the "Syrian Revolution" give up

More tweets from Ms. Moussa:
FSA in Hama & Idlib can't do anything against strict Islamic rules issued by Jaish alFatah because FSA weak & doesn't control territory. >

This is main problem of FSA in Hama/Idlib: Yes, FSA still exists, but they dont control territory. If they disobey radicals, FSA is out. >

We all remember how Jamal Maruf group & Hazem (both western backed FSA) were destroyed by Nusra (AlQaeda) after they "disobeyed" them.>

So FSA in Idlib/Hama has only HQ's, no territory. Even worse: FSA have no courts. So if FSA-member makes mistake, trial is at Nusra court >

Nusra allows FSA 2 operate in Hama/Idlib bcz FSA there gets TOWmissiles from West. FSA uses these TOW in support of Nusra etc vs SAA. <

"Nusra allows FSA 2 operate in Hama/Idlib bcz FSA there gets TOW missiles from West. FSA uses these TOW in support of Nusra etc vs SAA."
That is, of course, not new. When the German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, who traveled to ISIS-controlled Syria and Iraq last year, was asked about how the FSA is seen by the Jihadis he responded (vid):
They are laughing about the FSA. They don't take them for serious. They say: "The best arms sellers we have are the FSA. If they get a good weapon they sell it to us." They didn't take them for serious. They take for serious Assad. They take for serious of course the bombs. But they fear nobody. But FSA does not play any role.
Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda in Syria, is meanwhile happy with all the attention the Islamic State gets. It helps Nusra to play the "moderates". In a recent edition of Nusra's English magazine Al Risalah, a long term al-Qaeda/Nusra member from Australia is interviewed:
"One of the greatest things about IS [Islamic State] its that before people saw al Qaeda and the Mujahideen (in general) as the extremists, and those that abstain from jihad as the normal 'moderate' Muslims (following the middle-way)," Australi explains. "But now the truth has come out — the Mujahideen are in fact upon the correct and 'moderate' path, with IS being the extremists."
These people, who order strict Islamic dress code for women Idlib and punish anyone who disobeys them, are the ones the U.S. is talking about when it accuses Russia of bombing "non-ISIS" positions or the "moderate rebels".

Another long term fan of regime change in Syria and a busy propagandists on Twitter with some 26,000 followers is The 47th. Yesterday he finally had this realization:

Indeed. And that is the reason why the U.S. will never agree to a plan which includes free elections in Syria and in which Bashar al Assad, next to whomever, would be on the ballot. They know he would win.