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Daesh (Islamisk Stat) træner to grupper af terrorister til at udføre angreb i Europa, rapporterer den norske avis Dagbladet.

En af grupperne omfatter efter sigende selvmordsbombere, mens en anden gruppe forbereder ekstremister til terrorangreb, som dem i Paris.

Ifølge Dagbladet så er den første gruppe af terrorister allerede ankommet til Europa og er gået under jorden. Den anden gruppe afsluttede for nyligt træning i en militærlejr, men er stadigvæk i Syrien.

Kommentar: Man kan vel spørge om, hvorfra de ved dette, og at hvis de har vist dette, hvorfor de så ikke har gjort noget derved, som for eksempel at fortælle, hvor disse folk befinder sig i Syrien. Det er dog mere sandsynligt at dette blot er propaganda, således at når den næste falske flag operation sker i Europa, så vil syrere og muslimer let kunne blive syndebukkene. Det betyder som sagt ikke, at der ikke vil ske terrorangreb igen i Europa, blot at de egentlige udøvere deraf ikke vil blive pågrebet.

The information was given to the newspaper from a source familiar with the situation under a condition of anonymity. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) confirmed to Dagbladet that it has this information as well.

"PST knows about it. [But] I do not want to go into details about the information that is available to PST," PR-Head of PST, Trond Hugubakken said.

The source also told Dagbladet that the first group of trained terrorists originally consisted of 300 people, but 28 of them were killed in Syria, in bombings and shootings. 272 militants arrived in Europe and then received the command to go into hiding.

The second group consisted of 150 terrorist fighters who are still in Syria. 112 of them have already completed their training in Iraq and have arrived in the Syrian city of Raqqa about two weeks ago, the source said.

According to Hugubakken, there is a huge number of reports about terrorists right now, some of which are based on true information, but additionally, many are false.