Ukraine EU citizens
Ukrainske borgere er blevet mindre varme på ideen om at tilslutte sig EU
Mange ukrainere taler allerede om den kendsgerning at EU ikke har brug for Ukraine. Antallet af mennesker, der er utilfredse med den Europæiske Union, øges dag for dag.

I dag fortsætter den politiske elite med aktivt at diskutere spørgsmålet om, hvad der vil ske med Ukraine, og hvordan det vil påvirkes af resultatet af det britiske folks vilje.

Mange giver udtryk for at EU aldrig vil tage Ukraine ind i dets nuværende tilstand, eftersom det må løse sine interne problemer, for ikke at disintegrere fuldstændigt. Det viser sig at disse tilkendegivelser ikke er grundløse.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat fra Ukrainians cooling to idea of joining the EU: 'They don't need us'
Originalen, som ligger til grund for den engelske oversættelse, er Гуд бай, Европа! Украинцы не хотят в ЕС, кастрюли больше не в топе

Der er stadig problemer at løse i Ukraine:
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Gerashchenko: Nobody in the EU Waited for Ukraine, Now We Will Go to America Lad os se hvad der kommer ud af det sidste, for som de siger, USA vil bekæmpe Rusland til den sidste Ukrainer. Faktisk kom meddelelsen om, at Kiev ikke vil opfylde Minsk aftalen efter et møde den 22 juni med Victoria Nuland, kendt for "Fuck the EU" udtalelsen. Ukraine vil have hjælp fra USA, men det har landet fået i lang tid: Afklassificerede CIA dokumenter: USA har støttet ukrainske neonazister i over 60 år
Man kan godt forstå Ukrainerne, i hvert fald er EU noget andet under overfladen:

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The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.

Ukraine official
Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze
According to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, she feared that the terms of a visa-free Ukraine-EU regime will be delayed, as the European Union will deal with its own problems for a fairly long time.

"Due to internal challenges in the EU, Ukraine was dropped to a lower level," said [the] Deputy Prime Minister. In addition, Klympush-Tsintsadze said that the EU pushed back the issue of a common aviation space between Ukraine and Europe, which the Ukrainian team worked long and hard on.

Ukrainian political expert Valentin Voytkov also expressed doubt about granting Ukraine a visa-free regime. According to him, Ukrainians should not count on visa-free travel this year.

"The consequences of the referendum in the UK will be negative for Ukraine. Nobody today will consider the issue of a visa-free regime. This question will not be postponed for two months, which our government says. In 2016 we are unlikely to receive it," the expert believes.
Ukraine citizens EU
Ukraine citizens are cooling to the idea of joining the EU
In addition, the analyst said that the latest social polls say that the Ukrainians are disappointed in European integration.

"Many Ukrainians are already talking about the fact that the EU does not need Ukraine. The number of people dissatisfied with the European Union is increasing every day. This applies to both EU membership and the visa-free regime. People appreciate everything that is happening in our country today and understand that the EU does not shine on us. Besides this, people are focused on their own problems — what the EU will say if we have 90% of pensioners receive pensions to the amount of 70 dollars," said the expert.

He also noted that the European Union does not understand how it needs Ukraine with its potential, but when they do, they might already be too late, given the current mood of the Ukrainians.

As a reminder, earlier in Kiev it was suggested, using the example of Britain, to hold a referendum in Ukraine on the separation of Donbass.

Via nahnewsTranslated by Ollie Richardson