Kiew Bandera Nazi
Deklassificeringen for nylig af over 3800 dokumenter fra CIA giver detaljeret bevis for, at CIA siden 1953 har opereret to større programmer med henblik på, ikke blot at destabilisere Ukraine, men på at nazificere det med tilhængere af den ukrainske nazileder under anden verdenskrig Stepan Bandera.

CIA programmerne strakte sig over fire årtier. Det begyndte som en paramilitær operation, som skaffede midler og udstyr til antisovjetisk ukrainske modstandsgrupper som Ukraines Højeste Frihedsråd (UHVR); dets associerede Organisationen for Ukrainske Nationalister (OUN) og Ukraines Modstandshær (UPA), alle nazibanderister. CIA skaffede også støtte til en fraktion af UHVR, ZP-UHVR, som var imod Bandera, en udenlandsk baseret virtuel del af CIA og det britiske efterretningsvæsen, MI-6. Den tidlige CIA operation med henblik på at destabilisere Ukraine brugte eksilukrainske agenter i vesten, som blev infiltreret i det sovjetiske Ukraine og den havde kodenavnet Project AERODYNAMIC.

Et tidligere TOP SECRET CIA dokument dateret 13. juli, 1953, gav en beskrivelse af AERODYNAMIC:
"Formålet med Project AERODYNAMIC er at hjælpe med udnyttelsen og ekspansionen af den antisovjetiske ukrainske modstand med henblik på både kold krig og varm krig. Sådanne grupper som Ukraines Højeste Frihedsråd (UHVR) og dennes Ukraines Modstandshær (OUN), Den Udenlandske Repræsentation for Ukraines Højeste Frihedsråd (ZPUHVR) i Vesteuropa og USA og andre organisationer som OUN/B vil blive anvendt."
CIA indrømmede i 1970 i et dokument, der tidligere havde været hemmeligholdt, at det havde været i kontakt med ZPUHVR siden 1950.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Declassified CIA docs: U.S. has been supporting Ukrainian neo-Nazis for over 60 years
CIA er et udtryk for amerikansk magt som udfolder sig andre steder end i Ukrainie: Victoria Nuland? Wayne Madsen slutter nærværende artikel med:
Assisterende statssekretær for europæiske og euroasiatiske affærer Victoria Nuland, [...] fortalte den amerikanske kongres at USA har brugt 5 milliarder dollars til at vriste Ukraine ud af den Russiske sfærer siden kollapset af Sovjetunionen. Med de seneste afsløringer fra CIA synes det at prisen til de amerikanske skatteborgere for sådanne udenlandske aktioner var meget højere.
Viktoria Nuland var også den, der i en samtale i forbindelse med kuppet i Ukraine, kom med udtalelsen, som blev kommenteret i denne kommentar: Et åbent brev til Europas ledere: Fuck EU var en fornærmelse ikke en ordre! Så, selv om Wayne Madsen har ret i, at USA har betalt meget, så har Europa i USA's ledte antirussiske sanktioner betalt mere: Russian sanctions to 'cost Europe €100bn' og omkring to millioner jobs. Set fra et amerikansk synspunkt er det ikke så dårligt endda, så er Europa måske mere villige til at skrive under på TTIP aftalen på USA's betingelser. Og TTIP tager "F*ck the EU" til et helt nyt niveau! America's foremost intellectual, Noam Chomsky, on why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is not a free trade agreement.

The OUN-B was the Bandera faction of the OUN and its neo-Nazi sympathizers are today found embedded in the Ukrainian national government in Kiev and in regional and municipal governments throughout the country.

AERODYNAMIC placed field agents inside Soviet Ukraine who, in turn, established contact with Ukrainian Resistance Movement, particularly SB (intelligence service) agents of the OUN who were already operating inside Ukraine. The CIA arranged for airdrops of communications equipment and other supplies, presumably including arms and ammunition, to the "secret" CIA army in Ukraine. Most of the CIA's Ukrainian agents received training in West Germany from the US Army's Foreign Intelligence Political and Psychological (FI-PP) branch. Communications between the CIA agents in Ukraine and their Western handlers were conducted by two-way walkie-talkie (WT), shortwave via international postal channels, and clandestine airborne and overland couriers.

Agents airdropped into Ukraine carried a kit that contained, among other items, a pen gun with tear gas, an arctic sleeping bag, a camp axe, a trenching tool, a pocket knife, a chocolate wafer, a Minox camera and a 35 mm Leica camera, film, a Soviet toiletry kit, a Soviet cap and jacket, a .22 caliber pistol and bullets, and rubber "contraceptives" for 'waterproofing film.' Other agents were issued radio sets, hand generators, nickel-cadmium batteries, and homing beacons.

An affiliated project under AERODYNAMIC was codenamed CAPACHO.

CIA documents show that AERODYNAMIC continued in operation through the Richard Nixon administration into 1970.

The program took on more of a psychological warfare operation veneer than a real-life facsimile of a John Le Carré "behind the Iron Curtain" spy novel. The CIA set up a propaganda company in Manhattan that catered to printing and publishing anti-Soviet ZPUHVR literature that would be smuggled into Ukraine. The new battleground would not be swampy retreats near Odessa and cold deserted warehouses in Kiev but at the center of the world of publishing and the broadcast media.

The CIA front company was Prolog Research and Publishing Associates, Inc., which later became known simply as Prolog. The CIA codename for Prolog was AETENURE. The group published the Ukrainian language "Prolog" magazine. The CIA referred to Prolog as a "non-profit, tax exempt cover company for the ZP/UHVR's activities." The "legal entity" used by the CIA to fund Prolog remains classified information. However, the SECRET CIA document does state that the funds for Prolog were passed to the New York office "via Denver and Los Angeles and receipts are furnished Prolog showing fund origin to backstop questioning by New York fiscal authorities."

As for the Munich office of Prolog, the CIA document states that funding for it comes from an account separate from that of Prolog in New York from a cooperating bank, which also remains classified. In 1967, the CIA merged the activities of Prolog Munich and the Munich office of the Ukrainian exiled nationalist "Suchasnist" journal. The Munich office also supported the "Ukrainische Gesellschaft fur Auslandstudien." The CIA documents also indicate that US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents may have interfered with AERODYNAMIC agents in New York. A 1967 CIA directive advised all ZPUHVR agents in the United States to either report their contacts with United Nations mission diplomats and UN employees from the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR to the FBI or their own CIA project case officer. CIA agents in charge of AERODYNAMIC in New York and Munich were codenamed AECASSOWARY agents. Apparently not all that taken with the brevity of MI-6's famed agent "007," one CIA agent in Munich was codenamed AECASSOWARY/6 and the senior agent in New York was AECASSOWARY/2.

AECASSOWARY agents took part in and ran other AERODYNAMIC teams that infiltrated the Vienna World Youth Conference in 1959. The Vienna infiltration operation, where contact with made with young Ukrainians, was codenamed LCOUTBOUND by the CIA.

In 1968, the CIA ordered Prolog Research and Publishing Associates, Inc., terminated and replaced by Prolog Research Corporation, "a profit-making, commercial enterprise ostensibly serving contracts for unspecified users as private individuals and institutions."

The shakeup of Prolog was reported by the CIA to have arisen from operation MHDOWEL. There is not much known about MHDOWEL other than it involved the blowing of the CIA cover of a non-profit foundation. The following is from a memo to file, dated January 31, 1969, from CIA assistant general counsel John Greany, "Concerns a meeting of Greaney, counsel Lawrence Houston and Rocca about a 'confrontation' with NY FBI office on January 17, 1969. They discussed two individuals whose names were redacted. One was said to be a staff agent of the CIA since 8/28/61 who had been assigned in 1964 to write a monograph, which had been funded by a grant from a foundation whose cover was blown in MHDOWEL (I suspect that is code for US Press). One of the individuals [name redacted] had been requested for use with Project DTPILLAR in November 1953 to Feb. 1955 and later in March 1964 for WUBRINY. When the Domestic Operations Division advised Security that this person would not be used in WUBRINY, Rocca commented that 'there are some rather ominous allegations against members of the firm of [redacted],' indicating one member of that firm was a 'card-carrying member of the Communist Party.' The memo went on to say that Rocca was investigating the use of the individual in Project DTPILLAR concerning whether that person had mentioned activities in Geneva in March 1966 in connection with Herbert Itkin." Raymond Rocca was the deputy chief of the CIA's Counterintelligence Division. Itkin was an undercover agent for the FBI and CIA who allegedly infiltrated the Mafia and was given a new identity in California as "Herbert Atkin" in 1972.

In 1969, AERODYNAMIC began advancing the cause of the Crimean Tatars. In 1959, owing to Canada's large Ukrainian population, Canada's intelligence service began a program similar to AERODYNAMIC codenamed "REDSKIN."

As international air travel increased, so did the number of visitors to the West from Soviet Ukraine. These travelers were of primary interest to AERODYNAMIC. Travelers were asked by CIA agents to clandestinely carry Prolog materials, all censored by the Soviet government, back to Ukraine for distribution. Later, AERODYNAMIC agents began approaching Ukrainian visitors to eastern European countries, particularly Soviet Ukrainian visitors to Czechoslovakia during the "Prague Spring" of 1968. The Ukrainian CIA agents had the same request to carry back subversive literature to Ukraine.

AERODYNAMIC continued into the 1980s as operation QRDYNAMIC, which was assigned to the CIA's Political and Psychological Staff's Soviet East Europe Covert Action Program. Prolog saw its operations expanded from New York and Munich to London, Paris, and Tokyo. QRDYNAMIC began linking up with operations financed by hedge fund tycoon George Soros, particularly the Helsinki Watch Group's operatives in Kiev and Moscow. Distribution of underground material expanded from journals and pamphlets to audio cassette tapes, self-inking stamps with anti-Soviet messages, stickers, and T-shirts.

QRDYNAMIC expanded its operations into China, obviously from the Tokyo office, and Czechoslovakia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Soviet Central Asia, the Soviet Pacific Maritime region, and among Ukrainian-Canadians. QRDYNAMIC also paid journalist agents-of-influence for their articles. These journalists were located in Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, and Austria.

But at the outset of glasnost and perestroika in the mid-1980s, things began to look bleak for QRDYNAMIC. The high cost of rent in Manhattan had it looking for cheaper quarters in New Jersey.

Assistant Secretary of State for European/Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the baked goods-bearing "Maiden of Maidan," told the US Congress that the United States spent $5 billion to wrest control of Ukraine from the Russian sphere since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the recent disclosures from the CIA it appears that the price tag to the American taxpayers of such foreign shenanigans was much higher.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).