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Den Vestlige offentlighed ved det ikke, men Washington og dets europæiske vasaler overbeviser Rusland, om at de forbereder et angreb. Eric Zuesse har berettet om et læk til en tysk avis vedrørende det tyske Bundeswehr beslutning om at erklære Rusland for en fjende af Tyskland.

Dette er fortolkningen, som nogle russiske politikere selv har givet af NATO's militærbaser, som Washington etablerer ved den Russiske grænse.

Washington har måske til hensigt at bruge den militære oprustning til at lægge pres på præsident Putin, for at reducere Ruslands opposition til Washingtons eneherredømme. Imidlertid minder det nogle fremstående russere, som Vladimir Zhirinovsky, om Hitlers tropper ved den russiske grænse i 1941.

Zhirinovsky er grundlægger og leder af Ruslands Liberale Demokratiske Parti og er viceformand for det russiske parlament. I en konfrontation med redaktøren af en Tysk avis, siger Zhirinovsky til ham, at tyske troppers tilstedeværelse ved Ruslands grænse vil fremprovokere et afværgende angreb, hvorefter intet vil blive tilbage af Tyskland og NATO tropperne. "Jo flere NATO tropper på jeres territorium, jo hurtigere vil I dø'. Til sidste mand. Fjern NATO fra jeres territorium"

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Paul Craig Roberts - Approaching Armageddon I praksis ville det kræve meget hvis Tyskland skulle smide NATO ud, fordi Tyskland i realiteten har været besat af allierede troppe og senere NATO lige siden 2. Verdenskrig

Se også en artikel fra Fort Russ Putin's Warning: Full Speech 2016 eller Churkin writes letter to UN: A final warning for Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed his frustration with Washington's reliance on force and coercion instead of diplomacy. It is reckless for Washington to convince Russia that diplomacy is a dead end without promise. When the Russians reach that conclusion, force will confront force.

Indeed Zhirinovsky has already reached that point and perhaps Vladimir Putin also. As I reported, Putin recently dressed down Western presstitutes for their role in fomenting nuclear war. See also Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists of War.

Putin has made it clear that Russia will not accept US missile bases in Poland and Romania. He has informed Washington and the imbecilic Polish and Romanian governments. However, as Putin observed, "they don't hear."

The inability to hear means that Washington's arrogance has made Washington too stupid to take seriously Putin's warning. If Washington persists, it will provoke the preventive strike that Zhirinovsky told the German editor the Merkel regime was inviting.

Americans need to wake up to the dangerous situation that Washington has created, but I doubt they will. Most wars happen without the public's knowledge until they happen. The main function of the American left-wing is to serve as a bogyman with which to scare conservatives about the country's loss of morals, and the main function of conservatives is to create fear and hysteria about immigrants, Muslims, and Russians. There is no sign that Congress is aware of approaching Armageddon, and the media consists of propaganda.

I and a few others try to alert people to the real threats that they face, but our voices are not loud enough. Not even Vladimir Putin's voice is loud enough. It looks like the West won't hear until "there remains nothing at all of the German and NATO troops," and of Poland and Romania and the rest of us.