clinton libya
De libyske stammer ringede i går for at udtrykke deres store glæde over valget af Donald J. Trump som USAs næste præsident. De ønskede også at takke det amerikanske folk for at stå op imod korruption og ondskab. De, det libyske folk, kender på første hånd, den ondskab som denne kvinde evner ved hendes krigsforbrydelser og løgne begået i 2011 i ødelæggelsen af deres land. De har lidt i over fem år med hende "bag kulisserne" støttende den illegale besættelse af deres land af hendes radikale islamiske proxyhær af lejesoldater, hendes støtte af de 4% af libyer som er radikale islamiske terrorister og deres tvangsinstallerede marionetregeringer.

De libyske stammer i Libyen har spioner i alle sektorer i Libyen. De informerede mig om at de vidste at der ville blive et angreb i deres land denne kommende weekend (12. & 13. Nov.). Angrebene havde som mål at angribe oliefelter og den libyske hær som nu kæmper mod de radikale islamiske terrorister. De ved at det var meningen at angrebet skulle blive korrigeret fra Qatar styret af Hillary Clinton.

De fastlagde: "Da Donald Trump vandt valget, ophørte angrebene med at eksistere, de er alle blevet stoppet."

They knew about the transfer of $1.8 billion dollars to Qatar by the Clinton Foundation a few weeks ago (this was reported here in the US). They said that Qatar agreed to shelter $1.5 billion of Clinton Foundation money for the Clintons and that $200 million would be used to buy arms and pay the mercenaries in Libya to attack the legitimate Libyan National Army. Since the Clintons have basically been de-fanged, it appears Qatar is in a position to keep the $1.8 billion of blood money.

Second, the tribes told me with joy that the militias made up of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia, LIFG, etc., occupying their country, are all in MOURNING. These radicals all say that no matter what they will stand with their sister, Hillary. Why is this? Because Clinton has been the one arming and funding them ILLEGALLY for the past 5 years. These so-called militias are the criminals made up of less than 4% Libyans (the rest are mercenaries) who continue to destabilize Libya. They follow no rule of law, walk the streets with AK-47's, imprison anyone they don't like without any trial or accusation, torture thousands to death, destroy infrastructure such as the Libyan International Airport, dictate their rules to the people, install their puppets to steal from Libya etc,. etc. On November 8, 2016, they lost and the Libyan people won.

Finally, I hear some hope from the Libyans that they will again have their country back in their own hands and that the millions in exile can return to a safe home.

So, thank you America from us and from Libya, you have indeed created a great hope for all of the world.