Men CIA byggede ikke den Europæiske Union fra grunden af. De vigtigste byggesten blev lagt af nazisterne. Fra et geopolitisk synspunkt, repræsenterede Det Tredje Rige, med sine besatte Europæiske lande og satellitstater en udgave af et "Forenet Europa." Mange af nazisternes resultater blev senere brugt af amerikanerne, der bestemte den aggressive, antinationale og antirussiske karakter af det moderne Europæiske Union.
Tyske historikere har gentagende gange offentliggjort nazistiske dokumenter, som indeholdte planer for den europæiske integration. Gerhardt Haas og Wolfgang Schumanns samling af dokumenter blev udgivet i 1972 i Østberlin med titlen,
The Anatomy of Aggression: New documents concerning the military goals of German imperialism during the Second World War. Bogen citerer primært beviser for storstilede planer for Europas økonomiske integration under nazistisk lederskab til gavn for Europas økonomiske kapital. Specielt blev sådanne planer udtænkt i Rigets Økonomiministerium, Rigets Industrigruppe og Rigets Udenrigsministerium. En anden tysk samling af dokumenter om relationen mellem Det Tredje Rige og den europæiske integrationsproces blev udgivet i 1987 i München, det daværende Vesttyskland. Det blev kaldet Europa og Det Tredje Rige og var sammensat af Hans Werner Neulen. Det gav speciel opmærksomhed til det Nazistiske lederskabs politiske planer for at forene Europa. I 1985 offentliggjorde Michael Zalewski det første bind af Documents the history of European integration, titled Plans for a Continental European Union: 1939-1945. [Den nærmeste kilde oversætteren kunne finde til dette værk var link.] Det er ikke vanskeligt at gætte sig til hvilken slags integration, der var på spil.
Historikere har bemærket at sådanne lingvistiske konstruktioner som "Europæisk Union", "Europas Økonomiske Samfund", og Europæisk Konføderation", der fylder Europas medier først blev annonceret som officielle elementer i en statspolitik i dokumenter fra Det Tredje Rige.
Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra The Nazi origins of the European Union
Under den engelske version af Sott artiklen skrev en af Sott redaktørerne:
"En smule dumt og ikke virkelig fair at sige tyskerne!I relation til ovennævnte kommentar er der denne artikel: Hvordan en hemmelig elite styrtede menneskeheden ud i den første verdenskrig - en boganmeldelse
Europas forening er ikke et nazistisk begreb.
50 år før nazisterne var Europa delt i bare tre blokke (imperier) og var godt på vej til at blive forenet via den tyskledede toldunion.
Skal vi sige at Bismarck var en nazist?? Næppe!
Så det som forfatteren faktisk har fat i, er det historiske mønster, hvor der er et dynamisk samspil mellem integration og disintegration.
Alt kommer altid tilbage i retning af integration og centralisering af magt. Det er ligeså uundgåeligt som jernspåner, der lægger sig i overensstemmelse med magnetiske felter. "Europas forening" blev smadret af anglo-amerikanerne via første verdenskrig. Alt lige siden har drejet sig om deres forsøg på at kontrollere den underliggende og naturlige tendens mod integration så at den efterfølgende "genforening" skete PÅ DERES BETINGELSER...
Det er et umuligt mål de har sat sig selv; de vil sandsynligvis ende med at smadre Europa igen, hvis og når de ikke får gennemført deres TTIP, eller hvis Europa får militær magt, som er adskilt fra NATO strukturen.
Så ideen om Europas forening som sådan er ikke nødvendigvis en dårlig ting, og det er helt afgjort ikke en nazistisk ide."
Der er et par bøger der er tilgængelige på internettet i pdf format: Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Matthias Rath und August Kowalczyk The Nazi Roots of the 'Brussels EU' eller I tysk udgave Die Nazi-Wurzeln der "Brüsseler EU" En anden titel men fra 1941 er Arno Sölter: Das Großraumkartell, Ein Instrument der industrieller Maktordnung im Neuen Europa se også The Großraum-Kartell - Greater Sphere Cartel - and its organisational framework
Eller The Hidden Nazi Background Of Walter Hallstein, Founding President Of The Brussels EU Commission
Et andet af Nazitysklands konstruktioner var Antikomintern, der var vendt mod det daværende Sovjetunionen. Der står på Wikipedia:
"Antikominternpagten oprettedes i 1936 af det nazistiske Tyskland og Japan for at bekæmpe Sovjetunionen og de kommunistiske partier verden over, der var sluttet sammen i Kommunistiske Internationale (Komintern). I 1937 tilsluttede det fascistiske Italien sig og efterfulgtes i 1939 af Spanien, Ungarn og Manchukuo. Efter at Tyskland havde indledt krigen mod Sovjetunionen i 1941, blev Rumænien, Bulgarien, Slovakiet, Kroatien, Finland og Danmark medlemmer.[1] Danmark blev medlem i november 1941 efter stærkt tysk pres, og underskrivelsen blev ledsaget af omfattende protestdemonstrationer i København, hvor især studenterne gjorde sig gældende[2]."
Pudsigt nok kan man et sted i en tre timer lang tale: Dansk østfront frivillig fortæller sin historie finde en irritation over den måde som Europa har udviklet sig på siden, han kæmpede på østfronten gennem flere år i Waffen SS i Ukraine, Kaukasus, og under det langsamme tilbagetog nær Leningrad, i Estland, Estonien, Litauen, Polen og Tyskland.
Efter Antikominterpagten kom NATO og den er blevet udvidet lige til EUs/NATO's grænse i øst. Kommunisme eller ej, alle der betvivler Vestens ubestridelige ret til at diktere verden deres opfattelse af "Freedom and Democracy"; ikke så meget fordi at "Freedom og Democracy" eller folkeretten er så vigtige, tag Saudi Arabien som eksempel, men fordi det handler om kontrol med penge, ressourcer og mennesker.
Imidlertid er tyskernes situation også ændret, fordi magtens centrum er flyttet: Germany a US colony ? - 30.04.2015 eller Secret service chief of Austria grabs: Germany is still a US-occupied
The European integration of the SS
One of the main developers of "united Europe" was the SS officer Alexander Dolezalek who headed an SS department specifically created for this. After World War II Dolezalek worked for the special services of Western Germany and the United States under the name of Alexander Bomhoff and headed the "All-European educational project" (Gesamteuropäischen Studienwerk) in the German town of Vlotho . His works on European integration after the war were thoroughly studied by leading theorists in this domain and had an impact on the speech of Winston Churchill in Zurich in 1946, when the former British prime minister appealed to create a United States of Europe. Some aspects of the Schuman Declaration, which began the history of the modern EU, especially in terms of the integration project as a means of ensuring lasting peace in Europe, can be found in Dolezalek's earlier plans.
To his credit, the Nazi officer's plans to transform Europe at least included a declaratory preservation of the identity of the peoples of the western part of the continent, something which the EU does not even humor now. At the same time, in other parts of the SS on the other hand, plans for the consistent Germanization of conquered Europe were elaborated. In particular, there were plans for totally implementing the German language as obligatory and forming a homogeneous information space. This question was given priority by the famous German linguist in the SS-Ahnenerbe.
Other of Dolezalek's plans sound quite modern now and in fact fully coincide with the policy of the current European elites. In particular, Dolezalek proposed to eliminate the borders between European countries and introduce a single European passport. East Europeans, like now, were treated as second class humans. The SS planned to redraw the ethnic borders within Eastern Europe in order to avoid cause for conflict in the future. However, the activities of the SS for creating a "United Europe", as we have seen, were not limited to the person of Dolezalek.
On March 1st, 1945 another SS officer, Hans Schneider, was instructed to undertake the development of the topic of "European organizing ideas." Schneider, who worked for the "Ancestors Heritage" institute (Ahnenerbe), soon disappeared, only to reappear after the war with documents bearing the new name of Hans Schwertke and settle in the publishing house "Stalling", which was engaged in the propaganda of the "European idea" and European integration. Interestingly enough,"Stalling" simultaneously hired some former officers of the SD: Hans Reossner and Wilhelm Spengler. The organization declaratively adhered to left-liberal ideology but, significantly enough, their post-war European integration propaganda involved the same people that it did during the Nazi dictatorship. From a geopolitical point of view, they tried to recreate the unity achieved by German weapons on new grounds, and restore Europe as a geopolitical entity. The United States, in turn, hoped to manipulate the anti-communist convictions of the former Nazis and their achievements in order to oppose united Europe to Russia as was done on the eve of the Second World War. In both cases, the Atlanticists relied on the same forces.
Ribbentrop's Plans for a European Confederation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Third Reich also worked on the draft for a "United Europe" Together with the SS, Ribbentrop's Office paid special attention to this issue after the defeat at Stalingrad. It became necessary to propose an idea which could mobilize the population of European countries against the growing might of the Soviet Union. Goebbels' Propaganda Office then issued a communique which called for actively pursuing "a new European image of German foreign policy." Established in 1942, the new "European Committee" within the Reich Foreign Ministry began active work. On March 21st, 1943, Ribbentrop sent a memorandum to Hitler in which he stated the need for a "European Confederation." The composition of this new political entity was supposed to include Germany, Italy, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Greece and Spain.
A memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany from September 9th, 1943 reveals the structure of the future European Confederation. This proposed structure does not differ significantly at all from the current structure of the EU. Economic issues were to be governed by the European Economic Council, and it was suggested that a European Monetary Union and European Central Bank be created. All of these ideas were later implemented in the European Union in a liberal format.
The European Economic Community and the beginning of European integration
Another term, "European Economic Community", was also used for the first time and elaborated in detail in Nazi documents for plans to integrate the economic space of European countries as developed by the economic departments of the Reich. The leading theorist on this matter was Werner Deitz, the head of the Society for European Economic Planning and Great Space Economics. Nazi economic theorists planned to establish a uniform planning and management system for the European economy which would steadily erode the economic sovereignty of states. At the same time, the political sovereignty of states in this system was supposed to be replaced by the "sovereignty of the people" which in practice led to the destruction of the independence of traditional European nation-states, as is the case in the current EU.
The economic departments of the Reich understood European integration as a process in which all the other nations of Europe were to promote the development of the German economy. At the same time, although sharing this idea, some German economists elaborated a more differentiated approach. As Secretary of State of the Imperial Ministry of Economy and SS officer Gustaw Schlotterer advocated, the process of European unification on an economic basis in German interests could begin with linking national economies. This concept later became the basis for the contemporary process of European integration. The Schlotterer Commission also drew up plans for a future European bank to be based in Vienna.
It is noteworthy that the current European Union grew out of the European Coal and Steel Community. The same German steel and coal industrialists of the Ruhr in Germany supported the Schlotterer plan and then in 1951 initiated a new association. In Düsseldorf, in the center of the Rhine-Ruhr region, Shlotterer found work after de-Nazification as an economist at the enterprises of the steel industry.
Given the Nazis' active work on creation of the European Union, it is not surprising that, for example, Walter Hallstein, the first president of the Commission of the European Economic Community, one of the founding fathers of the European Union, and the father of European Law in the 1930's and '40's, was a member of the National Socialist Union of Jurists. Moreover he openly used the same phrases and logical constructions regarding new European law after the Second War II as he did during the Hitler regime for discussing new juridical systems for occupied territories.
Of course, plans for the unification of Europe existed before the Second World War. The Nazis did not invent anything new, but it was their organizational efforts and advocacy activities that helped demonstrate that United Europe is not a myth, but an implementable political and economic project. Their achievements formed the basis for European integration in its liberal version just as former Nazis became the post-war advocates of the "European idea." The same German industrialists that led the Nazis to power (the Tyssen and Krupp families) later initiated the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community.
Undoubtedly, Europe should become a new pole of a multipolar world. However, the birth marks of European integration associated with the inheritance of the Nazi project cause fear as to the future of the European countries in this structure. The Nazi legacy was absorbed by the liberal EU mainly because of the common rationalistic basis of the Enlightenment. This legacy includes:
- Hyper-centralism in the economic and political spheres, which leads to the infringement of the national sovereignty of member states.
- Aiming to eliminate the national state sovereignty Europe
- The unification of Europe by a single ideological standard (Nazi or liberal) and the submission of national interests to this abstract idea (whether Nazi or liberal)
- A basically undemocratic nature of European institutions, which are accountable to the financial and industrial elite, not the people of European countries
- The exploitation of weak peripheral countries (Greece, Eastern Europe) by Western European powers, especially Germany
- Anti-Russian geopolitical orientation.
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