Den britiske meningsmålingsorganisation ORB International, som er knyttet til WIN/Gallup International, finder gentagent i Syrien at på tværs af landet er omkring 80% af syrerne imod ISIS (IS) og (i den seneste meningsmåling) også at 82& af syrerne beskylder USA for ISIS.

Washington Post opsummerede den 15t. september den seneste meningsmåling. De lavede ikke en overskrift som reflekterede den anti-amerikanske holdning, såsom "82% af syrerne beskylder USA for ISIS". Det ville have være af nyhedsværdi. Istedet for var rapportens overskrift "Kun en ud af fem syrere siger at Islamisk Stat er en god ting, viser meningsmåling." Den medfølgende grafik var dog ikke fokuseret på de få syrere som støttede ISIS (og med blot en ud af fem, så er det helt klart ikke mange.) Den gav istedet (for enhver som måtte læse mere end blot denne 'og hvad så" overskrift) en opsummering af hvad syrerne egenligt støtter. It instead (for anyone who would read beyond that so-what headline) provided a summary of what Syrians actually do support. Dette er hvad grafikken af meningsmålingen viste:
82% er enige i at "IS [Islamisk Stat] er en amerikansk og udenlandsk lavet gruppe."
79% er enige i at "Udenlandske krigere gør krigen værre."
70% er enige i "Er imod splittelse af landet."
65% er enige i at "Syrerne kan leve sammen igen."
64% er enige i at "Diplomatisk løsning er mulig."
57% er enige i at "Situationen forværres."
51% er enige i at "Politisk løsning er bedste svar."
49% er enige i at "være imod luftangreb fra den amerikanske koalition."
22% er enige i at "IS er en positiv indflydelse."
21% er enige i at "Foretrækker livet nu end under Assad."

Her er den mere detaljer fra meningsmålingen, en meningsmåling som blev foretaget med 1365 syrere fra alle 14 regioner i Syrien.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat fra den engelske udgave som kan findes her: Polls reveal Syrians overwhelmingly blame US for ISIS
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The finding that 22% agree that "IS is a positive influence" means that 78% do not agree with that statement. Since 82% do agree that "IS is US and foreign made group," Syrians are clearly anti-American, by overwhelming majorities: they blame the U.S. for something that they clearly (by 78%) consider to be not "a positive influence."

Here is the unfortunately amateurish (even undated) press release from ORB International, reporting their findings, and it links directly to the full pdf of their poll-results, "Syria Public Opinion - July 2015". Though their press-operation is amateurish, their polling itself definitely is not. WIN/Gallup is, instead, the best polling-operation that functions in Syria, which is obviously an extremely difficult environment.

WIN/Gallup and ORB International had previously released a poll of Syria, on 8 July 2014, which reported that, at that time, "three in five (60%) of the population would support 'international military involvement in Syria'. In government controlled regions this drops to 11% (Tartus), 36% (Damascus) and rises in those areas currently largely controlled by the opposition - Al Raqqah (82%), Aleppo (61%), Idlib (88%)." In other words: The regions that were controlled by Islamic jihadists (Sunnis who are backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United States) were, a year ago, overwhelmingly wanting "international military involvement in Syria." They wanted to be saved from ISIS. Government-controlled regions didn't feel the need for international involvement. Syrians were, apparently, at that time expecting "international military involvement" to be anti-jihadist, not pro-jihadist, as it turned out to be (which is the reason why the current poll is finding rampant anti-Americanism there).

This earlier poll further found that, "There is also evidence to suggest that Bashar al-Assad's position is strengthened from a year ago."

So, apparently, the more that the war has continued, the more opposed to the U.S. the Syrian people have become, and the more that they are supporting Bashar al-Assad, whom the Syrian people know that the U.S. is trying to bring down.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 and of CHRIST's VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.