Dowd became suspicious of COVID-19 shots early on, as he reviewed data on side effects from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). "These jabs kill people and they maim people. That's my personal belief, and I think I'm 100% correct," he says.
Dowd has been analyzing data about mortality rates before and after COVID-19 shots became widespread, and found that death rates worsened in 2021 — after the shots became prevalent — compared to 2020, particularly among non-COVID-related deaths among young people.
For instance, Scott Davison, the CEO of Indiana-based insurance company OneAmerica, reported the death rate for 18- to 64-year-olds has risen 40% compared to before the pandemic.
Further, insurance companies citing higher mortality rates include Hartford Insurance Group, which announced mortality increased 32% from 2019 and 20% from 2020 prior to the shots. Lincoln National also stated death claims have increased 13.7% year over year and 54% in quarter 4 compared to 2019. Dowd tweeted:Randy Frietag CFO just explained that in 2021 the share of young people dying from covid doubled in the back half of the year & that's driven the result for Lincoln & its peers. He cited 40% in 3Q and 35% in 4Q were below the age of 65 ... Mandates are killing folks ... This shouldn't be happening with miracle vaccines in a working age population period and a mild Omicron.Further, Dowd pointed out "a spike in mortality among younger, working-age individuals coincided with vaccine mandates. The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when COVID deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September)."
Dowd also reported data from public funeral home company Carriage Services, which announced a 28% increase in September 2021 compared to September 2020, while August had a 13% increase. He tweeted:Business has been quite good since the introduction of the vaccines & the stock was up 106% in 2021. Curious no? Guys this is shocking as 89% of Funeral homes are private in US. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Prækliniske undersøgelser af COVID-19 mRNA-vaccine BNT162b2, udviklet af Pfizer og BioNTech, viste reversible levereffekter hos dyr, der modtog BNT162b2-injektionen. Desuden viste en nylig undersøgelse, at SARS-CoV-2 RNA kan revers-transkriberes og integreres i genomet af menneskelige celler. I denne undersøgelse undersøgte vi effekten af BNT162b2 på den humane levercellelinje Huh7 in vitro. Huh7-celler blev eksponeret for BNT162b2, og kvantitativ PCR blev udført på RNA ekstraheret fra cellerne. Vi påviste høje niveauer af BNT162b2 i Huh7-celler og ændringer i genekspression af lang interspersed nuklear element-1 (LINE-1), som er en endogen revers transkriptase.
Immunhistokemi ved anvendelse af antistofbinding til LINE-1 åben læseramme-1 RNA-bindende protein (ORFp1) på Huh7-celler behandlet med BNT162b2 indikerede øget kernefordeling af LINE-1. PCR på genomisk DNA fra Huh7-celler eksponeret for BNT162b2 amplificerede DNA-sekvensen unik for BNT162b2. Vores resultater indikerer en hurtig optagelse af BNT162b2 i human levercellelinje Huh7, hvilket fører til ændringer i LINE-1 ekspression og distribution. Vi viser også, at BNT162b2 mRNA revers transskriberes intracellulært til DNA så hurtigt som 6 timer efter BNT162b2 eksponering.
Kommentar: Not that the FDA is much better, but the fact that the CDC has bypassed a panel of experts in order to fast-track approval of vaccines should be a scandal. There are essentially no controls in place to ensure vaccine safety and effectiveness.
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