cows killed by lightning
© Victor Benson
Bare to dage efter at et lynnedslag dræbte over 300 rensdyr i Norge, slog lynet ned og dræber 19 køer i Texas. Øjenvidner fortæller at lynet slog ned i et træ nord for Hallsville hvor køerne sod i ly for stormen.

Det var en tragisk slutning for køerne der søgte ly for stormen. Victor Benson så det ske.

"Helt pludseligt slog et lyn ned og køerne faldt om," forklarer han.

"På bare et øjeblik var der lyn alle vegne, men bare et lyn og det var forbi," tilføjede han.

19 døde som resultat af lynnedslaget, omkring en tredjedel af flokken på græsningsarealet hvor de stod. Der er stadig tegn på træet af hvor lynet slog ned.

"We kept thinking 'oh they'll get up.' Some of them were getting up and stumbling away, and I called the owner and he goes 'No that's not normal,'" Benson explained.

They were owned by the Andersons who have hundreds of cows in the area.

dead cows
© Ashley Anderson
"It's not something you see every day. Just kind of surreal to see it," Ashley Anderson said.

Her husband has been working with cows his entire life. She said he has never had anything like this happen.

"Not any of his (cows). And especially not to this magnitude," she explained.

The Andersons say while this is a significant loss, they don't plan to do anything differently with their cows.

"It's just a freak thing; I mean they were just staying out of the rain. There's really, to my knowledge, nothing you can do to prevent this," Anderson said.

It was a sign of the power of nature that many in the area won't soon forget.

The Andersons also said that the cows were removed quickly after the storm. They say they gave them to people who were able to use them for meat.