"War 08.08.08. The Art of Betrayal" - er én af de første dokumentariske internetfilm. Dette er den mest afslørende film om krigen, som begyndte den dag de Olympiske lege åbnede i Beijing i 2008. Det er film om en krig, hvor dusinvis af russiske peacekeepers døde såvel som hundredevis af fredelige Ossetier. Det er en film om den krig, der viste sig at være bedøvende narkotika for den republikanske kandidat til USA's præsidentpost - John McCain.

Redaktionen ved holdte øje med krigens udvikling fra begyndelsen af Geogiens invasion i Tskhinval. Kameraholdet fra TV-kanalen kom for første gang til den ødelagte republik den 12. august.

Denne tur resulterede i mere end 100 optagelser om den ødelagte hovedstad i Syossetien, om brændte landsbyer, døde civile, om familier efterladt uden huse, om mennesker hvis slægtninge var forsvundet. dannede en stor database af eksperter, kommentatorer og vidner til den georgiske hærs krigsforbrydelser. Til sidst blev det besluttet at udføre en fuldstændig undersøgelse af hændelserne i Kaukasus, og kameraholdet fra, ledet af forfatteren Kiril Benediktov tog igen tilbage til Sydossetien.

Beretningerne, som blev fortalt af vidnerne til disse handlinger og af republikkens anklagemyndigheder, viser klart, at filmen om folkemordet på Ossetierne simpelt hen ikke kan have noget andet navn end "Forrædderiets kunst" [Eng: The Art of Betrayal].

Kommentar: Det US støttede statskup i Ukraine under de olympiske lege i Sochi i 2014, mens verdens opmærksomhed var fokuseret et andet sted. var altså ikke det første angreb nær Rusland i de seneste år.

I disse dage, er det ni år siden Washingtons marionetregering i Geogien, ledet af den psykopatiske Mikheil Saakashvili, gennemførte et uprovokeret angreb mod civile mål i et omstridt område i Sydossetien. Veslige medier bemærkede ikke det mindste, indtil Russiske tankvogne gik ind i Sydossetien og tvang Geogierne tilbage til Tbilisi. På dette tidspunkt blev det en større mediehændelse og den falske fortælling, at Georgien angreb Rusland blev etableret og har holdt sig til idag.

Som denne dokumentar viser, var det faktisk Geogien der angreb, og det med hjælp fra NATO støttet militært personel, NATO våben og udstyr, NATO "antiterrorist" træning, og et grønt lys fra Washington. Faktisk deltog soldater fra Ukraines Nationale Forsvarsstyrker (UNA-UNSO), organiseret af NATO, som snigskytter og andet militært personnel. Den samme organsation, som senere blev et middel til at orkestrere statskuppet i Kiev og blodbadet mod etniske russere i det Østlige Ukraine.

Georgia's ex-president thanks Kiev for support in 2008 South Ossetia conflict
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Pudsigt nok blev Mikheil Saakashvili, efter at have fået et Ukrainsk statsborgerskab udleveret senere guvernør i Odessa, en stor by ved Ukraines sortehavskyst.

Georgia's president Saakashvili concedes election defeat, signalling end of CIA's 'Rose Revolution'?
Former Georgian president Saakashvili and party investigated for possible post elections coup plot
Ruthless and corrupt totalitarian Georgia's Saakashvili to lecture at US school for diplomats
Georgia summons ex-president and U.S. puppet Saakashvili for questioning in criminal investigations
Gangster state: Fugitive Saakashvili nominated as governor of Ukraine's Odessa region
Say what? US to pay salaries of Governor Saakashvili's team in Odessa
Odessa residents rally against appointment of Saakashvili to governor
Saakashvili's rare moment of sanity: "There is no Russian aggression in Ukraine"
Saakashvili's science: Ex-President sheds new light on Evolutionary Theory
Ukraine junta considers extraditing Saakashvili back to Georgia (but they don't seem to want him)
Saakashvili's appointment to head Odessa related to Ukraine's oligarch wars
Like his masters: Leaked tape exposes Georgia ex-President Saakashvili for 'inciting bloodshed'
Fugitive Saakashvili calls for 'a second Maidan' in Georgia
The real reason behind Saakashvili's resignation
Georgian Fugitive Saakashvili announces new political party in Ukraine, challenges Poroshenko
Wishful thinking: Saakashvili plots return to Georgia after Ukraine fiasco
Big dreams or wishful thinking? Saakashvili says his ambitions stretch further than Ukraine's premiership

The attack upon Tskhinval was preceded by a range of treacheries. OSCE and other international observers have just ignored the claim of the Ossetian part about the fact that the Georgian army is preparing the base area for the bombardment of Tskhinval and has already taken a strategically important high ground and for several weeks has been building entrenchments, blindages and fire trenches there.

Exactly from these entrenchments fire was delivered to the sleeping city by the Georgian peacemakers wearing the uniform of NATO - although they were the people whose duty was to keep peace within this region, but not to bring deaths. The traitors, the fifth column, turned out to be in the South Ossetia as well. And the most straightforward treachery was the speech of Mihail Saakashvili, who 4 hours before the attack upon Tskhinval calmed down the Ossetian people, persuading them that he doesn't want to set the war off.

The film "War 08.08.08. The Art of Betrayal" is made up of 40 hours of the video-footage, brought from the South Ossetia by the camera crew, found on the YouTube Web site and other video- portals, sent by the Internet users, or taken from the video recordings of the cell-phones of the dead Georgian soldiers.

For the first time in the history the war has been recorded by the video-cameras of the cell-phones. These recording give the audience the chance to see the attack upon the South Ossetia in the way, the aggressors (who were destroying the houses of the Ossetian people with the cries of joy) saw it.

The uniqueness of these recordings is obvious: the journalists just are not able to film the very thick of the war, the faces of the murderers at the moment when the crime is being committed, the most straightforward and scary video of genocide. All this was recorded by the Georgian military men themselves.

The mission of this film was to show the truth about this war to the huge amount of viewers, to the millions of people in the whole world. It is the film about those people, who set off this massacre, about the fact who backs Mihail Saakashvili, and who received political dividends from the genocide of the Ossetian people and from the western informational chasing aimed at Russia.

In the nearest future the film will be translated into English, Chinese, Spanish, German and other languages and will be available for all the users of the World Wide Web. If someone of our audience wishes to take part in the distribution of this film, if you have the chance to help us, you can put the hyperlink to the film "War 08.08.08" in your blog or on your Internet-page.

It is so, because today any people, who are not indifferent to the tragedy of the South Ossetia, can become the participants of unmasking the lies of a range of Western mass media and of politicians, with whose connivance and assistance Georgia was able to attack the sleeping Tskhinval to frighten the whole world by the made up "Russian threat".

It is so, because the war in the South Ossetia is not to vanish in history, is not to be forgotten and is not to become one the latest historical myths.

It is so, because all the world has to know what happened on the 8th of August, 2008.

War 08.08.08. The Art of Betrayal from RUSSIA.RU on Vimeo.

Også tilgængelig på YouTube.

Check out the documentary producers' website to learn more about the film, and to watch it in German, Russian or Spanish.