Putin Ski
Teksten siger: "Fremad Rusland!"
Når man ser på hysteriet og demoniseringen af Ruslands Præsident Putin, kan man som et rationelt menneske undre sig... "Hvorfor sker det? Fortjener han virkelig dette?"

Se spetaklet over mødet han havde med Trump i Helsinki for nylig. De grå eminencer (Eng: "powers that be") havde håbet på en konfrontation ikke en civiliseret diskussion. Som et resultat fik Præsident Trump en masse ballade for at være for venlig og "beviste" igen, endnu engang, at der var en ægte begrundelse for Mueller undersøgelsen. Men bortset fra Donald Trump er det virkelige mål for FBI Mueller undersøgelsen Vladimir Putin og det, som han repræsenterer: Fredelig Sameksistens.

Så hvad er der på færde her?

Det er klart, at Putin udgør en trussel mod de mest magtfulde - Kongemagerne bag Imperiets trone om du vil. Disse strengetrækkere har delt de lavere klasser i hundredevis af år. Og det er altid det samme spil. Del og Hersk. For at opretholde magten og undgå opstande har de altid sat gruppe op mod gruppe blandt de lavere klasser. I stedet for at gøre opstand mod "Dem" dræber de manipulerede masser hinanden.

Kommentar: Fredfyldt sameksistens er en torn i siden på den Dybe Stats ønske om endeløs (men alligevel indtægtsgivende) krig. Desuden repræsenterer sådan et møde altid noget andet; dagene for den unipolære verden med kun én verdenshersker or ovre.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af Sott.net fra What's really going on with Vladmir Putin and the FBI

This is also done internationally. "They" sow division among countries to make sure any competition is eliminated before it challenges the status-quo run by "Them". War will be declared on the threat and justified by fabricated evidence and propaganda supporting the great cause!

Putin however is too smart. He offers good-will to every nation even though they may be hostile to Russia. It takes two to argue and Putin never argues. He explains his beliefs as if he were a philosophy professor. Persuasively. Logically.

This is not what "They" want or expect. It's pure Taoism and Confucianism. Putin you see is also a devoted student of Oriental Philosophy. He has, no doubt, read Lao-Tzu who said - if I may paraphrase- "a leader must be like a tree that bends so it does not break". Put up strong opposition and you will be broken. Bend and you will survive to bend again. .

This is why Putin drives Russian nationalists crazy because he does not fight back hard against the many provocations - from Georgia to Ukraine to sanctions. They say that Putin has no back-bone! Well, he does...but it bends.

The second important thing about Putin is that he was and still is "foreign service material". What I mean by that is his moral compass. For foreign service,the old KGB not only recruited highly intelligent people, but highly moral ones as well. Not because they were an ethical organization, but because they knew morally weak candidates would be subject to temptations galore offered by the other side. Being a man of character Putin cannot be bought or otherwise tempted and this makes "Them" furious.

Ergo "They" constantly use their obedient media to denigrate him by referring to him as a former KGB agent and therefore devious, thuggish and prone to espionage. No one can prove he actually meddled in American elections yet this is somehow proof of how diabolical he is! No proof becomes irrefutable proof.

Thirdly. Vladimir Putin is genuinely Russian Orthodox. Why is this significant? Well, as the great Russian Orthodox writer Dostoevsky once wrote: the biggest problem and danger in the world is Division. The antidote to this spiritual illness is "Sobornost" - togetherness.

This may explain why there is a steady stream of foreign dignitaries coming to Moscow month after month. Competitors and also enemies are coming to someone who seems to be working on bringing rivals together. Putin is even trying to pull Israel into the mix. "They" really hate that.

After all, Israel is the key to maintaining Division in the Middle East. And plenty of money is to be made there through Division and war.

The Deep State has many components all working in concert. One of these - the FBI - is currently making it clear that Vladimir Putin is their "public enemy #1". He's in good company here because Martin Luther King Jr - the great peacemaker - was also reviled and hated by this very same FBI. It's leader at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, branded King - also a deeply religious man- "the most notorious liar". Lacking any proof, Hoover had his team fabricate some.

Well ... at least they're consistent.