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Forstærkninger fra rækken af terrorgrupper i Mellemøsten ankom Kiev-militanterne på frontlinjen med Lugansk Folkerepublik, ifølge Kontoret for Folkepolitiet i LPR.

"På grund af den lave bemanding af enheder i de væbnede styrker i Ukraine og det utilfredsstillende niveau af kamptræning hos personalet fra de væbnede styrker i Ukraine, tiltrækker den ukrainske ledelse fortsat islamiske lejesoldater fra landene i Mellemøsten til den straffeoperationszonen i Donbass, "sagde Ivan Filiponenko, pressemedarbejder for UNM.

Republikens forsvarsafdeling annoncerede de oplysninger, der blev modtaget af efterretningen: i området Muratovo ankom to lastbiler med ammunition.

According to eyewitnesses, together with the ammunition, up to ten unknown people of eastern appearance in black uniform arrived at the temporary deployment point of the 93rd brigade.
"It was possible to establish that these persons belonged to the radical Islamist group Jabhat Fath al-Sham (formerly Jebhat al-Nusra) and arrived from Severodonetsk, where they were trained under the leadership of the militants of Hizb-ut-Tahrir-al- Islami ". In this connection, we expect an increase in the intensity of provocative attacks and the work of enemy sabotage reconnaissance groups in order to aggravate the situation in this direction, " Filiponenko said.

Note that n. Muratovo is located on the other side of the front line from the long-suffering village of Donetsk, which has been covered by shells for 6 years.