Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen: "Det er tid til en folkeafstemning om immigration."
Lederen af Rassemblement National Marine Le Pen krævede, at Frankrig og Europa skal hjælpe Grækenland med at håndtere tilstrømningen af flygtninge og anklagede også den tyrkiske præsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan for at ville "islamisere Europa", rapporterer Ouest-France.

"Frankrig og Europa skal hjælpe Grækenland og fuldstændigt ændre deres migrationspolitik," citerede den franske avis politikeren i Marseille på det sidste møde inden for rammerne af valgkampagnen på kommunalt niveau.

En uge efter, at Ankara annoncerede migranters frie passage til Europa, anklagede Le Pen i lang tid Tyrkiet, der "afpresede" EU, og kritiserede Erdogans forsætlige og gentagne ønske om at "islamisere Europa."

"He himself readily admits this:" If God wants, Europe will be Muslim, "said Le Pen under the indignant whistle of her supporters.

As the leader of the "Rassemblement National" emphasized, millions of "true Europeans" are now sympathetic to Greece - the "cradle of our civilization," which has become the target of a "migration attack across the continent." In this regard, Marine Le Pen condemned the French government, which "forgot that international politics is primarily a balance of power," while Trump and Putin understood this well.

In addition, Le Pen called the European Union "a story of major deception with the secret, almost undisguised influence of immigration supporters." As an example, the politician named the billionaire George Soros. The article notes that someone from the crowd at that moment shouted "Bastard!"

Then, Marin Le Pen moved on to the main topic of the meeting and promised the audience that her party candidate Stefan Ravier, as mayor, would not allow the Aquarius ship, which helps migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, to land on the shores of Marseille. Ravier himself predicted a "political thunder" in the second round of elections and listed the names of his "very criminal" rivals, which met with approval in the hall.

According to Ouest-France, in conclusion, Marine Le Pen asked if those present would express their disapproval of Emmanuel Macron in the second round of elections. The crowd answered her in unison: "Yes!"

The immigration subject has been created into a divisive one by French media. It has become a morality-litmus test among the so-called 'liberal elites' and pundit class who appear eager to make a limited number of subjects, like immigration, the primary subjects while ignoring the real and deteriorating socio-economic conditions of French people. Much of the French left does indeed address these socio-economic conditions, but also backs the liberal position on migration - leading to disengagement with left-wing politics among broadening sections of France's middle and working class.