Mail-in ballots
© Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty ImagesPost-in-stemmesedler i deres konvolutter afventer behandling i Los Angeles County Registrar Recorders 'mail-in-stemmeseddelingsbehandlingscenter i Pomona, Californien, den 28. oktober 2020.
Dovenskab fører til sløvhed, og sløvhed er, hvordan den mest skamløse heist i amerikansk histories bliver afsløret.

Tyveriet af valget i 2020 var en enorm virksomhed, der involverede udbredt lovløshed og ulovlige partnerskaber mellem private aktører og offentlige embedsmænd. De har arbejdet med at dække deres spor siden valgdagen, men de arbejdede ikke hurtigt nok. Nu er domstolene nødt til at forhindre dem i at ødelægge flere beviser, så befolkningen i Pennsylvania - og resten af ​​landet - nøjagtigt kan vurdere konsekvenserne af deres forseelser.

Eksplosiv ny retssag anlagt ved føderal distriktsdomstol den 21. november beskriver og dokumenterer en bred vifte af ulovlige fremgangsmåder, der blev brugt til at blæse antallet af stemmer modtaget af demokratens præsidentkandidat Joe Biden, herunder forskellig behandling af vælgerne baseret på hvor de bor og direkte manipulation af Pennsylvania's vælgerregistreringssystem af partisanaktivister.

Et hidtil uset antal mail-in og fraværende stemmesedler blev afgivet i år, og praktisk talt alle forventede, at dette ville resultere i, at en højere end almindelig stemmeseddel blev afvist på grund af forskellige mangler, såsom manglende hemmeligholdelsesramme eller manglende information. I Pennsylvania blev titusindvis eller hundreder af tusinder af stemmesedler sandsynligvis afvist, baseret på historiske mønstre. I stedet blev kun 0,03 procent af mail-in-afstemninger i sidste ende afvist - et eller andet sted i nærheden af ​​omkring 1.000 stemmer.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra The thieves who stole our election got sloppy

Considering that a significant majority of mail-in votes were cast for Biden, the Democrat candidate benefited handsomely from this discrepancy. But how did this anomaly happen?

It turns out that election officials in Democrat strongholds such as Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), Philadelphia County, and Philadelphia's collar counties — particularly Delaware County — exceeded their authority in order to give voters preferential treatment that wasn't afforded to voters in Republican-leaning areas of the state.

Specifically, election workers illegally "pre-canvassed" mail-in ballots to determine whether they were missing a secrecy envelope or failed to include necessary information. When ballots were found to be flawed, voters were given an opportunity to correct, or "cure," their ballots to make sure they counted. In at least some cases, Democrat Party officials were even given lists of voters to contact about curing their ballots.

Election officials in Republican-leaning counties rightly interpreted this as a violation of Pennsylvania's election code, but Democrat Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar issued guidance authorizing the illegal practices despite lacking the statutory authority to do so.

That's not the only way Democrats broke the law to give their candidate an unfair advantage, though. Extensive on-the-ground investigations conducted over the past year and a half by attorneys and investigators with the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society have uncovered another element of the plot that involved even more egregious behavior.

Boockvar also exceeded her authority by granting private, partisan organizations — including the notoriously pro-Democrat group "Rock the Vote" — access to the Commonwealth's Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE).

"Rock the Vote's web tool was connected to our system, making the process of registering voters through their online programs, and those of their partners, seamless for voters across Pennsylvania," the lawsuit quotes Boockvar as saying.

That's not supposed to happen. It's one thing for outside groups to submit registration applications to the state on behalf of would-be voters, but election clerks are the only ones who are supposed to enter this sort of information directly into the records.

It's easy to see why by inspecting post-election voter lists, which contain names such as "Mary April Smith," followed by "Mary May Smith," "Mary June Smith," "Mary July Smith," and so forth through the rest of the calendar. When the same voter lists were purchased just a week later, however, those suspicious names had mysteriously disappeared from the rolls.

Under the circumstances, that's direct evidence of a systematic effort to conceal wrongdoing. All further alterations to the SURE system should be immediately halted to allow a thorough investigation of the records before any more evidence can be destroyed.

The thieves who attempted to hijack the 2020 presidential election were bound to slip up somewhere, and now they're trying to clean up the glaring evidence of their wrongdoing before the full extent of their crimes can be exposed to the American public. We can't allow that to happen, or we may never be able to trust the integrity of our elections again.

Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran as a presidential candidate in 2012.