Trump rally
© Getty ImagesDen amerikanske præsident Donald Trump • Kampagne "Keep America Great"
Trump-kampagnen har i morges indgivet en retssag i Wisconsin med påstand om en række valgforseelser, der påvirker op til 221.000 stemmesedler.

Præsident Donald J. Trumps genvalgskampagne indgav en sag til Wisconsin-højesteret efter kampagnens anmodede genoptælling for at afdække svindel og misbrug, der uigenkaldeligt ændrede resultatet af dette valg. Dagens sag omfatter fire sager med klare beviser for ulovlighed, såsom ulovlig ændring af fraværende afstemningskonvolutter, optælling af stemmesedler, der ikke havde nogen påkrævet anvendelse, med udsigt over ulovlige krav om ubegrænset indespærring og afholdelse af ulovlige afstemningsbegivenheder kaldet Demokrati i Parken. Disse ulovlige handlinger påvirkede ikke mindre end cirka 221.000 stemmesedler ud af over de tre millioner afgivne stemmesedler i Wisconsin.

Valgkommissionen i Wisconsin instruerede kommunale embedsmænd til ulovligt at ændre ufuldstændige fraværende afstemningskonvolutter i strid med Wisconsin-loven. Kontorister blev instrueret i, at de kunne stole på deres egen 'personlige viden' eller uspecificerede 'lister eller databaser til hans eller hendes rådighed' for at tilføje manglende oplysninger om returnerede fraværende afstemninger. I henhold til Wisconsin-loven skal ufuldstændige stemmesedler korrigeres af vælgeren, og kun vælgeren eller de tælles muligvis ikke.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Trump campaign files suit over 221,000 ballots in Wisconsin

In another example, municipal clerks issued absentee ballots to voters without requiring the mandatory application, in direct conflict with Wisconsin's absentee voting safeguards. Wisconsin law expressly requires that absentee ballots may not be issued without receiving a written application requesting the ballot. Despite clear statute, clerks in Madison and Milwaukee issued thousands of absentee ballots without collecting a written application during the two-week in-person absentee voting period that ran from October 20, 2020, through November 1, 2020.

Voter identification is an essential requirement in Wisconsin to ensure only eligible voters cast ballots. In Madison and Milwaukee, voters were fraudulently permitted by election officials to circumvent voter ID laws and claim an absentee voting status that is only to be used for voters who are indefinitely confined under the circumstances that they are physically ill, infirm, elderly, or disabled. More than 20,000 voters claimed that status and received and returned ballots without providing proper identification and without meeting the requirements for that status, and those ballots should not be counted in accordance with Wisconsin statute.

Finally, the city of Madison created unlawful polling locations at over 200 parks and city locations through their Democracy in the Park voting events. These voting events were held outside of the county's approved polling locations and did not follow the state's strict absentee voting requirements. Not only did they not follow the law, but Joe Biden's campaign encouraged this unlawful voting, advertising these events as opportunities to vote and telling voters to bring their completed ballot to turn in or their incomplete ballot to have a so-called "poll worker" serve as a witness. Voters are not allowed to turn in their absentee ballots anywhere other than the designated polling locations, and any ballots illegally cast there should not be counted.

Jim Troupis, counsel to the campaign, stated:
"The people of Wisconsin deserve election processes with uniform enforcement of the law, plain and simple. During the recount in Dane and Milwaukee counties, we know with absolute certainty illegal ballots have unduly influenced the state's election results. Wisconsin cannot allow the over three million legal ballots to be eroded by even a single illegal ballot. We will continue fighting on behalf of the American people to defend their right to a free and fair election by helping to restore integrity and transparency in our elections."
And former New York City Mayor and Personal Attorney to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, said:
"As we have said from the very beginning of this process, we want all legal votes and only legal votes to be counted. Americans must be able to trust in our election results, and we not stop until we can ensure voters once again have faith in our electoral process."