Crowds: ObamaBidenTrump
© Unknown
Valget i 2020 vil blive det mest korrupte amerikanske valg i historien. Valget i USA blev ødelagt på så mange måder.

En Twitter-blokeret tweet fra Kanekoa @KanekoaTheGreat: Når du vinder et rekordlavt 17% af amter, mister Black og Hispanic support, mister 18/19 Bellwether Counties, mister Ohio, Florida og Iowa - og mister 27/27 House 'Toss -Ups '- men du knuser den populære afstemningsrekord! (Billedet set ovenfor.)

Bill Binney fra amerikansk Intel-berømmelse tweetede en besked i går, hvori det blev bemærket, at flere mennesker stemte i 2020-valget over hele landet, end der var stemmeret.

Kommentaren før billedet i Tweeten lyder oversat: Med 212 millioner registrerede vælgere og 66,2% stemme stemte 140,344 M. Hvis Trump nu fik 74 mio., Efterlader det kun 66,344 M for Biden. Disse tal stemmer ikke overens med det, vi får at vide. Løgne og mere Løgne!

What Binney points out is that according to the Washington Post, 2020 had the highest voter turnout in over a century:

Bar graph 2020 comparison
© Washington Post
Of course this on its face value implies fraud since no one was excited about voting for Joe Biden, but the WaPo wouldn't consider going there - not with their far-left extreme bias.

Binney attaches a link to the number of registered voters in the US. We made a copy as of today and added these voters up. When we add up the number of registered voters we obtain 213.8 million registered voters in the US as of this morning.
Chart registered voters per state
Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney's, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

If President Trump won 74 million votes, then that leaves only 67.5 million votes remaining for Biden. This means 13 million duplicate or made up ballots were created and counted for Biden!

This also supports our observations from the start. Biden committed fraud in every imaginable way, but the big steal was in millions of fraudulent votes that were created to steal the election for Biden. MILLIONS!

The result of the 2020 election at a very high level do not add up. This is math liberals - very simple math that even liberals should be able to understand. At a high level, the Biden camp clearly committed fraud.