Det seneste kapitel i NATOs 'anti-terror' operationer synes at åbne sig, igen i Libyen.

I tilfælde af du ikke ved det, er 'ISIS jihadister' på vej i Europa og England! Forklædt som muslimske flygtninge er de "stålsat på at udøve grusomheder", deraf nødvendigheden af at 'bombe dem derovre så vi ikke skal bombe dem her'. Historien fortæller at ISIS 'maskerer' sig blandt flygtninge på deres bådture til Europa, derfor kan ALLE flygtninge der kommer til Europa potentielt være 'terrorister'. Så bomb dem!

USA (NATO), der er ansvarlig for at have skabt den humanitære krise og tilfældigvis også ISIS selv, er igen ude med en 'løsningsmodel' til et problem det selv har skabt. Hvis du ikke vil have horder af flygtninge, så lad være med at bombe deres hjem; det er den simple sandhed der går hen over krigsliderlige NATOs hovede. Men prisen for at dræbe uskyldige mennesker - som Madeleine Albright ville sige - er altid "det værd". Især når du bare kan kalde flygtningene 'terrorister' og true med at dræbe dem også.

NATO spinder ikke kun guld på ISIS 'truslen', den bruger 'bekymringen' over flygtninge-krisen den skabte til fortsat at 'forvalte' Mellemøsten på en måde der sikrer vestlig kontrol af olien og holder Rusland og Kina ude af sydvest Asien. En anden vestlig intervention vil selvfølgelig skabe endnu flere hjemløse personer og udklække flere terrorister, i en uendelig sløjfe, men forvent ikke NATO bøllerne skal begynde at tage sig af det eller at have forsyn nok til at kunne til se den uundgåelige konsekvens. Det er en forvredet verden med psykopater ved magten der ikke ville figurere i dine værste mareridt.

I en nylig rapport fra the Guardian,lærer vi at:
Den Europæiske Union har optegnet planer for militære angreb i Libyen, i et forsøg på at begrænse flygtninge trafikken over Middelhavet, ved at angribe traffikkerende netværk. Det bliver sat til afstemning Mandag i et forsøg på at sikre sig et FN mandat for væbnet operation i Libyens farvande.
Nogen gange kan man kun måbe over den depraverede og forvrængede tankegang af disse psykopatiske krigsmoguler og deres kollaboratører. NATOs tæppebombning af Libyen i 2011, der udslettede det rigeste og mest stabile land i Afrika, og har været skyld i drabet af op imod en halv million mennesker sidenhen (der er ingen der synes at tælle), blev retfærdiggjort under dække af 'R2P' - 'responsibility to protect' (ansvaret til at beskytte). USA (Imperiet) påtog sig rollen af at ville forsvare almindelige Libyers liv mod deres"onde diktator", der dræbte dem i tusindtal, fik vi at vide. Det var, selvfølgelig, fuldstændigt og aldeles bullshit, men det gjorde ingen forskel; Washington, London, Bruxelles og København enedes om et nobelt formål, og måtte få detaljerne til at hænge sammen. De 'sminkede' den libyske dossier, ligesom med Irak, og folket åd det råt, igen.

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Se også:

Now here we are, barely four years later, and the same Western leaders are telling us they need to 'do' Libya again... only this time they're going to bomb the very people they said they had to protect last time because... well, you never know, they might be terrorists. British Sun newspaper reporter Katie Hopkins, in an op-ed about the tens of thousands fleeing the raging violence her government helped start in North Africa, was publicly and internationally condemned last month when she compared migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean with cockroaches. Here's what she wrote:
Rescue boats? I'd use gunships to stop migrants, May 19th, 2015

"No, I don't care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad. I still don't care."

"Because in the next minute you'll show me pictures of aggressive young men at Calais, spreading like norovirus on a cruise ship... These two populations are the same. The migrants harassing Brit truckers at the port are the same as the vagrants making the perilous trip across the Med."

"What we need are gunships sending these boats back to their own country. You want to make a better life for yourself? Then you had better get creative in Northern Africa."

"Make no mistake, these migrants are like cockroaches. They might look a bit 'Bob Geldof's Ethiopia circa 1984', but they are built to survive a nuclear bomb. They are survivors."
Yes, what she wrote is nasty, ignorant of the context that created the situation and typical of a right-winger's solution to any problem: 'kill them all; God will know His own'.

But take note of how, in the space of just one month, Hopkins' derided solution - to keep the desperate migrants at bay under the barrel of a gun - is now perfectly acceptable to Westerners of all political persuasion because they have eaten up the lie that 'ISIS is coming to get them'. Hopkins, therefore, was merely expressing what all, or most, Westerners wanted to do - 'keep darkie down and in his place in Africa' - but didn't feel comfortable being seen to agree with until the right narrative (lie) had been served, at which point their liberalism can gush forth in poetic tones - 'R2P', 'freedom and democracy', 'evil people-smugglers', 'terrorists who hate us for our freedoms', etc, etc.

The Russians were against this absurd proposal from the beginning, saying that they would veto any such UN resolution, no doubt because it sees such a plan for what it is: another attempt at 'humanitarian' intervention in Libya by the US-led Atlantic Alliance. Russian-Chinese opposition, and thus no UN Security Council approval, apparently led to the proposition being dropped by the EU, at least in the UN. Not to be deterred from the practice of their favorite sport of abusing Africans, yesterday the EU agreed with itself that it should still take military action against the refugees it created:
According to the EU foreign policy chief, the operation will consist of three main phases - intelligence gathering, inspection and detection of smuggling boats, and destruction of the captured vessels...
Following Russia's resistance to the plan, we've seen an intensification of the 'ISIS-is-coming-to-invade-Europe-disguised-as-Muslim-refugees' charade. This narrative has been blasted through the Western media before, but it appears that NATO talking-head, Jens Stoltenberg, has now received his marching orders and is rushing headlong to 'make the deets stick'.

For anyone having trouble just taking Stoltenberg's words at face value, Rita Katz of '24/7 Jihadi Watch' SITE Intelligence Group fame has obtained (produced?) - right on time - photos showing that ISIS isn't only plotting to invade Europe, they're already here! - roaming around Italy, sightseeing, and counting down 'till zero hour' when they will blow all of Christendom to kingdom come, starting with the Roman Colosseum.

If you took a step back, put down your ponerized goggles for a minute and actually looked at these photos, without being told that they are in any way related to ISIS, what would you think? These photos, like the rest of the gibberish that SITE and Rita Katz come up with, look like they came from the febrile brain of a complete lunatic. If the shoe fits...

How much of an inveterate coincidence theorist do you have to be before you admit that the consistency with which "terrorists" pop up in a foreign country and threaten the West just as Western governments are proposing to bomb that country, is no coincidence at all? The pattern couldn't be more obvious after so many interventions justified in like manner since 9/11. Yemen, the Balkans, and now - allegedly - the EU; the al Qaeda/ISIS hordes always appear on the scene when the West needs 'a noble reason' to further their war-plans and silence domestic criticism. Duh!

It's unlikely Russia can do much to save Libya from another mauling, but we wonder just what assurances Kerry was seeking from Putin in Sochi a few days ago. The silver lining, if there is one, is that with each new global crisis, the stench of stark, raving psychopathology driving the Western hive-mind leeches up closer and closer to the surface.