Grækenland vil ikke få en cent i nye eurozone bail-out lån mens Alexis Tsipras og Yanis Varoufakis er ved magten, fordi Tyskland vil blokere enhver sådan aftale, siger en af Europas mest indflydelsesrige politikere til The Times.

"I dag er spørgsmålet om vi har tillid til Tsipras og Varoufakis? Svaret er klart fra alle partier, nej" siger den senior tyske konservative.

Han løftede også sløret for et forsøg fra den Europæiske Union til at skubbe Hr. Tsipras's venstreorienterede Syriza fra magten uanset resultatet af valget den 5. Juli.

Hvis Grækenlands premierminister og finansminister forbliver ved magten, selv efter en "ja" afstemning i søndagens referendum, så ville Grækenland ikke stå en chance for en ny bailout, indikerede han.

Under reglerne for den europæiske StabiliseringsMekanisme, euroens bail-out fond, så har det tyske parlament eller Bundestag et veto eller blokerende veto på ethvert nyt program såsom det er ønsket af Grækenland i 11. time.

Den senior tyske konservative sagde at Angela Merkel's regerende parti Christian Democrat Union (CDU) og dets bavariske støttepartier Christian Social Union (CSU) ville blokere ethver anmodning mens parret, beskrevet som "kommunisterne" sidder ved magten.

Kommentar: Kommunisterne er tilbage! Det samme er koldkrigs retoriken.

Kommentar: Vi undskylder at vi ikke er istand til at oversætte hele artiklen, men vi må af og til prioritere vores kræfter og håber at lidt mere lys er blevet kastet på dette emne.

"In my party the CDU/CSU there would be a lot of colleagues who would vote 'no' if Varoufakis and Tsipras are asking. For sure. Because there is simply no trust any more. They say, I am not going to give taxpayers' money to Greece without a reliable partner," he said. Referring to Syriza, he added: "We need a reliable partner who wants to do the job."

Kommentar: 'Reliable partner' meaning 'compliant yes-men for the democracy-hating, debt-controlling Western world order'.

The EU's plan is to back a "yes" vote strongly by posing it as an in/out question on membership of the euro rather than austerity measures and then, in the event of a victory, to oust Syriza after the expected resignation of Mr Tsipras.

"We will do everything to get a 'yes'. Then we will need a new government, then we have to implement measures," he said.

Kommentar: Spoken like a true Western 'democrat'. 'We' decide who rules, not the people.

The politician revealed that the socialist Martin Schulz, the president of the European parliament, was involved in secret talks, possibly including Mr Tsipras — whom he sees as a moderate — to "split the Syriza movement".

Kommentar: Ah yes, a tried-and-tested measure: divide-and-conquer.

The aim was to create a "technical government" as a precondition for a new EU bailout, incorporating moderate MPs in Syriza to avoid new elections.

Kommentar: Governments in the Western order cannot be ruled by normal men: they must be ruled by heartless technocrats that are supplicated by compliant yes-men who can be convinced to betray the wishes of the common people.

In the event of a "no" vote and Syriza continuing to hold the reins of power, the German conservative said, "it's over" and Greece would have to leave the euro after defaulting on ECB loans on July 20. "We will talk about a humanitarian rescue programme but not an additional [bailout]," he said.