south front
De Irakiske Security Forces (ISF), støttet af den amerikansk ledede Koalition er fortsat med at rapportere om fremstød i nord og syd for Ramadi mens de samtidigt har modstået angreb fra ISIS øst for byen. ISIS benytter et mobilt forsvar og bruger SVBIEDs imod ISF syd og øst for byen. Disse angreb har til sigte at vende ISFs momentum. ISIS benytter samme strategi med et mobilt forsvar, som det forsøgte øst for Tikrit tidligere på året.

Mens den irakiske regering og ISF forbliver fokuseret på Anbar, så fortsætter ISIS angreb mod civile i Diyala. Derudover er løber spændingerne højt i alle områder som er blevet generobret af ISIS, hvor Sunni samfundene er delte i hvorvidt de vægrede sig eller samarbejdede med ISIS. Det indikerer at den amerikansk-støttede irakiske regerings forsøg på at få støtte fra Sunni grupper i de genvundne områder langt fra er en success.

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Iranian-backed operations around Fallujah have continuing to advance there. However, If Shia militias redeploy to Diyala, where ISIS attacks persist amid deteriorating security, anti-ISIS operations around Fallujah may lose a momentum.

In the first days of August anti-ISIS forces started to coonduct massive airstrikes on ISIS rear areas, lines of communication and fire positions around Ramadi and Fallujah. According to reports of Air Forces of Iraq they hit 5 bases of ISIS.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi government, following initial tepid public criticism of Turkish airstrikes against the PKK, has denounced the airstrikes as a matter of principle but has simultaneously recognized Turkey's role in facilitating anti-ISIS operations.

Turkey has been commencing airstrikes on the PKK in Iraq since July 24 following U.S.-Turkey talks and the opening of select Turkish airbases to U.S. forces in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.

While the U.S. appears to support Turkish strikes against the PKK, the PKK's relationship to the Kurdish YPG forces fighting ISIS in northern Syria raises the question of how Turkish interests is really sihronized with interests of diverse range of the anti-ISIS groups. Aside from the potential suppport to ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Turkish strikes also ultimately express a message of regional disapproval of Kurdish autonomy. Moreover, if Turkish strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan distract ground forces from the anti-ISIS fight near Mosul and Kirkuk, it will undermine the anti-ISIS fight there.

Novorossia Military Reports