Millioner af flygtninge som stormer Europas grænser er sandeligt kommet som en overraskelse til Vestlige politikere. Det burde det ikke, hvis blot Vestens ledere havde lyttet til hvad Libyens leder, Muammer Gaddafi sagde måneder før han blev brutalt henrettet.

Faktisk så ville nogle af disse mennesker ikke søge tilflugt i Vesten hvis ikke deres hjem var blevet ødelagt som resultat af kortsigtet aggressiv Vestlig politik.

I marts 2011, advarede Gaddafi, at uden et forenet og stabilt Libyen, ville der ikke være nogen til at kontrollere utallige migrationer fra Afrika og Mellemøsten fra at flygte til Europa. Ulig Vestlige ledere, så forstod han tilsyneladende at millioner, ikke tusinder ville komme, hvis Tripoli skulle falde.

"Der er millioner af sorte, som kunne komme til Middelhavet for at krydse til Frankrig og Italien, og Libyen spiller en rolle i sikkerhed af Middelhavet," sagde han til France 24 tv-stationen.

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Gaddafi's son Saif, once considered the heir apparent and now on death row awaiting execution, echoed the sentiment in the same interview.

"Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door," he noted.

Another quote, attributed to Gaddafi, paints a vivid picture of what the late colonel expected to happen: "The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos."

No one listened. Instead, the West launched a military intervention to oust Gaddafi and look at what has become of Libya. The country is torn apart by rivaling factions and radicals.

Just like Gaddafi prophesied, the Mediterranean still remains a sea of chaos as thousands of refugees crammed into boats head to the shores of Italy. For many this journey becomes the last one they will ever make.

The Arab Spring, supported by the West, and the US-led military interventions across the Middle East and beyond are largely considered the main factors, which caused the current exodus of refugees. If Western capitals fail to understand the real causes of the overwhelming influx of migrants, increasingly more people will be forced to risk their lives trying to find shelter outside their home countries.