oil airstrike russia syria
Russia does what the US pretends to do.
Amerikanske medier kan ikke blive enige med sig selv om Rusland er blevet ISIS's luftvåben eller om Rusland smadrer ISIS med et at de største bombetogter i årtier. Sådan en forvirring forekommer når propaganda fantasier tørner sammen med observerbar virkelighed.

Så når USA påstår at handle mod Islamisk Stat's finanser, mens de i virkeligheden ikke gør særligt meget, bliver den amerikanske public service nød til at bruge russisk materiale af luftbombardamenter imod Islamisk Stat, mens den hævder amerikanske luftangreb's sucesser.

USA hævdede for nyligt at have ramt Islamisk Stat olietankere i Syrien. Kun efter Putin gjorde Obama til skamme ved G-20 topmødet i Tyrkiet. Putin viste satellitbilleder af en latterlig lang olietanker kø der ventede i dagevis på at tanke olie fra Islamisk Stat, uden nogen indblanding fra amerikansk side.

USA påstod så at have ramt 116 olie tankere mens de russiske luftvåben påstår at have ramt 500. Men der er en vigtig forskel mellem disse påstande. Russerne sørgede for videoer der viste hvordan deres luftangreb ramte mindst to meget forskellige olietanker forsamlings-punkter, hver med hundreder af tankere. De bidrog også med video af adskillige nedslag på olie-oplagring og raffinaderi-infrastruktur.
of several hits on oil storage sites and refinery infrastructure.

Jeg har ikke fundet nogen videoer med amerikanske nedslag på Islamisk Stat's olie tankere.

Den amerikanske Public Broadcasting Service fandt heller ikke nogen.

I deres TV rapport igår omkring Islamisk Stat finansiering og den hævdede amerikanske bombning af olietankere, brugte de videoer som russerne har publiveret, uden at nævne en kilde. Du kan se de russiske videoer videoer der bliver afspillet under et interview med en amerikansk militær-talsperson ved 2:22.

The U.S. military spokesperson speaks on camera about U.S. air force hits on Islamic State oil trucks, the video cuts to footage taken by Russian airplanes hitting such trucks and oil tanks, the video cuts back to the U.S. military spokesperson. At no point is the Russian campaign mentioned or the source of the footage revealed.

Any average viewer of the PBS report will assume that the black and white explosions of oil trucks and tanks are from of U.S. airstrikes filmed by U.S. air force planes.

The U.S. military itself admitted that its strikes on IS oil infrastructure over the last year were "minimally effective". One wonders then how effective the claimed strike against 116 trucks really was. But unless we have U.S. video of such strikes and not copies of Russian strike video fraudulently passed off as U.S. strikes we will not know.

Comment: Indeed. Did they even bomb any trucks in the first place?

Propaganda and reality also collide in the larger U.S. policy on Syria. President Obama claims that the "overwhelming majority of people in Syria" want the Syrian President Assad to leave. But independent British polling in Syria found (pdf) that a strong plurality of Syrians prefers him as president over any of the available alternatives.

And while new research reveals extensive cooperation between NATO member and U.S. ally Turkey and the Islamic State the U.S. is asking for more cooperation with Turkey to shuffle more weapons into the Syria conflict and thereby, inevitably, also to the Islamic State. Some other U.S. allies are likewise deeply involved in financing and equipping the Islamic State.

But Kuwait just arrested a gang that was smuggling weapons from the U.S. client state Ukraine to the Islamic State. Iraqi military and Shia militia findhuge bundles of cash (vid) which were to be smuggled to the Islamic State. How does it come that the otherwise all-seeing (including your emails) U.S. secret services are unable to uncover Islamic State financing and smuggling when smaller states with much less resources can do so?

Does all this sound like the U.S. is really campaigning against the Islamic State? Or is this whole campaign just as fraudulent as the PBS video and Obama's proclamations? Why is the U.S. so deeply lost on the 'Dark Side' in Syria?