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Bakspejl SOTT Fokus: JFK dokumenter afslører: CIA mind control, attentater, mafia, terrorisme, og mere

jfk files
Tirsdag afslørede den amerikanske regering 2.800 tidligere hemmeligholdte dokumenter med relation til attentatet på John F. Kennedy, mens det til stor ærgelse for enhver, der søger gennemsigtighed udsatte frigivelse af flere hundrede andre. President Donald Trump udsatte frigivelsen af de andre, idet han sagde, at han ikke havde "noget valg", når han skulle tage hensyn til "national sikkerhed, ordensmagten og udenrigspolitiske betragtninger" rejst for det meste af FBI og CIA. Som TFTP forudså, så var JFK dokumenterne ikke nogen rygende pistol. Imidlertid indeholder mange af dokumenterne afsløringer og bekræftelser på de fuldstændig horrible fremgangsmåder i verdens mest ondsindede efterretningsvæsen.

I et forbavsende udtryk for borgerjournalistik kastede internettet sig torsdag aften over dokumenterne og det gjadt også alle medarbejdere på TFTP. Den informationen man får ved at læse disse tidligere tophemmelige dokumenter afslører den mørke sandhed om CIA's skjulte, kriminelle og helt igennem terroristiske metoder.

Fra kontrol med sindet [mind control] til samarbejde med mafiaen og brugen af skjulte kemiske våben for at sulte uskyldige civile, CIA har opereret i det skjulte, brudt international lovgivning, og lagt alle øde, der kom dem på tværs.

The Free Thought Project har sammensat en liste af dokumenter fra JFK dokumenterne, som uddyber disse rent ud sat ondsinde fremgangsmåder i CIA

Kommentar: The number of documents withheld is more likely in the thousands, not hundreds. See: JFK files set for release today - no sign National Archives will actually do so without delays - UPDATE: CIA/FBI pressure Trump to withhold 3000 docs for "national security"

With that in mind, here are some more details gleaned from today's tiny release of documents. This document, dated Oct. 25, 1963, and written by FBI Agent Warren de Brueys, confirms that the FBI were keeping tabs on Oswald before the assassination (h/t TFTP):
"Will maintain contact with Cuban sources for any indication of additional activity on the part of subject organization which appears to have become inactive since the departure from New Orleans of LEE HARVEY OSWALD."
jfk files
De Brueys was later promoted. In another document, CIA commission member David Belin asks former CIA Director Richard Helms:
Mr. Belin: Well, now, the final area of my internal investigation relates to charges that the CIA was in some way conspiratorially involved with the assassination of President Kennedy. During the time of the Warren Commission, you were Deputy Director of Plans, is that correct?

Mr. Helms: I believe so.

Mr. Belin: Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy, which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent...
... but doesn't include Helms's answer. The document also contains this:
Helms was being questioned on the assassination of Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, and whether the CIA was involved. He revealed that he was "not persuaded that President Nixon doesn't still believe that the Agency didn't have something to do with the demise" of Diem in 1963.

"The whole thing has been rather... heated by the fact that President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem, and this was just justice," Helms said.
After the assassination, the Soviet Union feared an all-out war, seeing the assassination as an "ultra-right" conspiracy and coup and predicting that "without leadership, some irresponsible general in the US might launch a missile at the Soviet Union." They described Oswald as "a neurotic maniac who was disloyal to his own country", but downplayed his ties to the Soviet Union. An unnamed informant apparently told U.S. spies that the KGB had proof that U.S. "President [Lyndon] Johnson was responsible for the assassination."

A document also records FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's reactions to some aspects of the investigation. On Nov. 24, the day Ruby killed Oswald, he dictated this line: "There is nothing further on the Oswald case except that he is dead":
Hoover was critical of the Dallas Police Department's handling of the case, saying it could not have brought charges without the FBI's involvement. "We traced the weapon, we identified the handwriting, we identified the fingerprints on the brown bag," he said, adding that senior police had been seen too much on television.

The FBI director, working with then Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, was also eager to release information on the event "so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."
NBC adds:
It's not clear from the memo whether Hoover thought there might have been a conspiracy but didn't want it to be known or whether he sincerely believed Oswald acted alone and hoped to head off public fear and confusion.

Hoover also indicated that his concern may have been influenced, in part, by diplomacy, dictating that there could be serious international complications if the public thought Oswald might have been part of a larger plot.

Katzenbach is known from previously released documents to have shared Hoover's concern, writing in a memo the next day, on Nov. 25, 1963, that "the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

In the memo, Hoover excoriated the Dallas Police Department for not having prevented Oswald's killing by Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner. The FBI had warned the police that Oswald's life was in danger, but nothing was done, he complained.

"Oswald having been killed today after our warnings to the Dallas Police Department was inexcusable," Hoover dictated. "It will allow, I am afraid, a lot of civil rights people to raise a lot of hell because he was handcuffed and had no weapon. There are bound to be some elements of our society who will holler their heads off that his civil rights were violated - which they were."

Hoover argued against appointing an independent commission to review the evidence, contending that the matter should be left to the Justice Department, the FBI's parent agency. Lyndon Johnson, the new president, announced the creation of the Warren Commission a few days later.
More tidbits (h/t RT):
Oswald's meeting with 'KGB officer'

While Oswald's visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City in September 1963 had not been a secret, the files revealed that he had spoken with Consul Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov, described in the documents as "an identified KGB officer."

"He is a case officer in an operation which is evidently sponsored by the KGB's 13th Department (responsible for sabotage and assassination)," the document read.

On October 1, Oswald was said to have rang the embassy and asked: "Anything new concerning the telegram to Washington?"
Notice the weasel word "evidently". As MuckRock pointed out this week, Hoover said FBI files "do not contain any information to fully support" the CIA's assessment that Kostikov worked for the KGB's 13th Department. But U.S. businessman Brian Litman says he was - and he knows because he represented several ex-KGB officers, including Kostikov. According to a colleague of Kostikov, Pavel Nechiporenko, the meeting was entirely coincidental: Kostikov "said he arrived at the compound to find Oswald sitting there with his colleague, Pavel Yatskov, to whom Kostikov explained that the American had been there the previous day. Kostikov said Oswald 'was very riled up and broke into hysterics at the mention of the FBI, crying and saying as he wept: 'I'm afraid they'll kill me. Let me in.'' They gave him a glass of water and then went to a volleyball game they were late for.
FBI warned Dallas police of threats against Oswald

The FBI received a call to its Dallas office from a man claiming to be a member of a committee organized to kill Lee Harvey Oswald, according to a memo sent on the day of the assassin's death by FBI Director J Edgar Hoover.

"We at once notified the Chief of Police and he assured us Oswald would be given sufficient protection," the document read. Hoover added: "This morning we called the Chief of Police again warning of the possibility of some effort against Oswald and he again assured us adequate protections would be given. However, this was not done."

The document also states that the FBI had an agent at Parkland hospital, where Oswald was taken after he was shot, in the hope that he might make a confession before he died. He did not do so. Meanwhile, his attacker, Jack Ruby, was said to have told authorities that his grief over the killing of President John F Kennedy two days earlier had made him insane. Hoover labelled the claim "a pretty smart move" as it could have laid the foundation for a plea of insanity at his trial.

Ruby's connections with Dallas police

An informant told the FBI that Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby, had close links to local police in Dallas. Ruby, whose real name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, was said to have had a "good in" with the authorities, who were served free drinks at his nightclub.

A friend of Ruby's, Lou Lebby, described him in an FBI document as "emotional, unstable and a person who made his living primarily from 'scalping' tickets to sports events."
One more for now:
jfk files
On the whole, this release is pathetic. The CIA is toying with the American and world public by releasing documents that provide nothing new on the assassination. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a conspiracy involved in his murder and that there was very likely more than one shooter.

Yet even that investigation was denounced by insiders as a whitewash and that the CIA misled the committee (see link above). The whole world and his dog knows that Oswald either wasn't the shooter or was not alone. Likewise, it's clear that Kennedy was shot from the front, reference the Zapruder film.

The only tidbits in these documents (so far) are references by eyewitnesses to or commentators on the original investigation that claimed that there was a bullet hole in JFK's car windscreen (i.e. he was shot from the front) and that a bullet entered his neck near the adam's apple (again shot from the front). For those who don't know, Oswald was in the book depository building BEHIND JFK's car.

The main point of the release of these documents appears to be to provide the scurrilous mainstream media the opportunity to promote the official Warren Report findings and poopoo conspiracy theories. In other words, it's another exercise in deep state and mainstream media gaslighting of the American public by feigning 'transparency' around the JFK assassination while simultaneously telling everyone that the official story still holds water. Nothing could be further form the truth, and just about everyone with a few neurons still firing knows it.

Update (Oct. 28)

In addition to Hoover's curious insistence on convincing the public that Oswald was the "real assassin" (as opposed to what, a "fake" assassin?), there are at least two instances in the documents of suggestive redactions. The first is also mentioned above: the lack of an answer to the question asked of Richard Helms as to the evidence that Oswald "was in some way a CIA agent". His answer is redacted.

The second has to do with 1975 hearing testimony from former CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Bissell. Only three out of 33 pages of this Top Secret document were released. From TFTP:
The opening page of the document claims the transcript covers topics such as the attempt to overthrow Castro with the failed Bay of Pigs invasion; former CIA Director Allen Dulles and former President Eisenhower; the overthrow of Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo; the ZR/Rifle Project and CIA agent Arnold Silver; former CIA Director John A. McCone; Mafia boss Sam Giancana; CIA and FBI recruit Robert Maheu; and the Department of Justice.

The transcript of Bissell's responses to questions on any of the topics listed above would be incredibly telling regarding the inner workings of the CIA and the events that led up to, and occurred after the assassination of President Kennedy. However, the document that was released consists of 3 pages, and only 1 page contains text from the transcript.

The only page of text contains questions for Bissell such as "Now, Mr. Bissell, we went over the notes in the other room, didn't we?" to which Bissell responded, "Correct." The topic of the page appears to be on the actions of Bill Harvey, a CIA agent who played a crucial role in Operation Mongoose, the agency's attempt to overthrow Castro after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.
Mr. Schwarz: "All right. Now, in light of that document ... does that have any effect upon your prior testimony that you had no reason to question Mr. Harvey's statement at the occasion you asked him to set up the capability you said that the White House had twice urged you to do so?"

Mr. Bissell: "Yes. I think these dates do call that into question, because accepting these dates, which are Mr. Harvey's own notations, it is clear that I had given him at least some exposure to that assignment at the end of January, just at the..."
The document ends there, leaving the public to wonder where the other 30 pages of the transcript are, why they were not released, and if they will ever be released in the future.

Star of David

Bakspejl SOTT Fokus: Dræbte Israel USA's præsident i 1963 John F. Kennedy, og farvoritten til at blive demokraternes præsidentkandidat i 1968, Robert Kennedy?

Kommentar: Den 22. november 2019 var det 56 år siden, John F Kennedy, de Forenede Staters første og sidste katolske præsident blev myrdet ved højlys dag, i Dallas i Texas. De fleste mennesker behøver ikke at overbevises om, at han ikke blev dræbt af en énlig skytte, som "bare ikke kunne lide ham", men de fleste undersøgelser af den frygtlige begivenhed har antaget, at det var en ren og skær intern amerikansk affære. Den franske forfatter Laurent Guyénot har en spændende ny teori, som måske kan forklare, hvorfor denne fejlagtige antagele er forblevet uantastet i så længe...

Kennedys Israel

Lige efter midnat den 6. juni, 1968, blev Senator Robert Kennedy myrdet i et baglokale på The Ambassador Hotel i Los Angeles. Han havde lige fejret sin sejer i det califoniske primærvalg, som havde gjort ham til den mest sandsynlige vinder at blive valgt som Demokraternes præsidentkandidat. hans popularitet var så stor, at Richard Nixon på den republikanske side havde lille chance. I en alder af 43 år, ville han være blevet den yngste amerikanske præsident, efter at have været den yngste chefanklager i sin brors regering. Hans død åbnede vejen for Nixon, som til slut blev præsident otte år efter at have tabt til John F. Kennedy i 1960.

Jon blev myrdet fire og et halvt år før Robert. Havde han overlevet, ville han afgjort have forblevet præsident indtil 1968. I stedet overtog hans vicepræsident Lyndon Johnson det hviide hus i 1963 og blev så upopulær, at han trådte tilbage i 1968. Interessant nok blev Johnson præsident den samme dag John døde og aflsluttede sin embedsperiode nogle få måneder efter Roberts død. Han var ved magten under begge mordundersøgelser.

Og begge undersøgelser er i en bred kreds anset for at være tilsløringer. I begge tilfælde er den officielle konklusion fyldt med modsigelser. Vi vil sammenfatte dem her. Men vi vil gøre noget mere: vi vil vise, at nøglen til at løse begge sager ligger i forbindelsen mellem dem. Og vi vil løse dem udenfor enhver rimelig tvivl.

Kommentar: This is an intruiging angle on the JFK assassination, that there was a plot within the plot. We thought as much occurred on 9/11, with an 'Israeli double-cross' taking the Bush gang by surprise and 'binding' them to effectively conduct a cover-up on behalf of perps who had escalated the false-flag attacks to a whole other level.

It makes sense then that there would be historical precedent for such a ruse. At long last, the 'LBJ-did-it' vs the 'CIA-did-it' wings of JFK assassiantion research come together in a logical synthesis.

Cowboy Hat

SOTT Fokus: Sagen om mordet på John F Kennedy: Et vidne til mordet på Oswald taler ud.

Et vidne til mordet på Lee Harvey Oswald, giver et eksklusivt interview til WhoWhatWhy
James Leavelle
© Arne Hodalic/eyevine/ZUMAPRESS.comJames Leavelle, vist her i en alder af 83 år, den 11 november 1993. Leavelle er den tidligere politimand i Dallas, som den 24 november 1963 var ansvarlig at eskortere Lee Harvey Oswald fra Dallas byarrest til kommunefængslet. Præcis klokken 11:21, kom en mand fra den travle hob, sigtede med en .38 kaliber revolver på Oswald's bryst på nært hold og affyrede. Oswald kollapsede.
Den detektiv, som var i håndlænket til Lee Harvey Oswald den 24. November 1963, da Oswald blev dræbt af Jack Ruby, gav adskillige afsløringer i et eksklusivt interview han gav til WhoWhatWhy. Samtalen fandt sted to måneder før hans død den 29 august dette år.

Denne fredag var det have været 56 årsdagen for drabet på John F. Kennedy, som det påstås blev udført af Oswald. Søndag er det 56 årsdagen for Rubys drab på Oswald i garagen hos Dallas' Politiafdeling.

En slående påstand fra den pensionerede detektiv James Leavell, ved Dallas Politi, næsten i forbifarten, var at han tog noter, da han forhørte Oswald.

Dette strider mod den officielle position, fra politiafdelingen at ingen optegnelser eller optagelser eksisterer.


Biokrigsførelse, Nazi videnskabsmænd og skabelsen af borreliose sygdommen i USA

Plum Island Lab
Plum Island Lab
"Pentagon kan have udsluppet våbengjorte flåter som hjalp udbredelsen af borreliose sygdommen: Undersøgelse er blevet beordret" var overskriften i Newsweek i sidste måned. Artiklen nedenunder er om hvordan Representanternes Hus i USA "lige så stille lod en lovgivning passere som krævede at Generalinspektøren for forsvarsministeriet udfører en gennemgang af om hvorvidt Pentagon eksperimenterede med flåter og andre blodsugende insekter til brug som biologiske våben mellem 1950 og 1975."

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Biowarfare, Nazi scientists and the creation of Lyme Disease in the US

The article continued: "If the Inspector General finds that such experiments occurred, then, according to the bill, they must provide the House and Senate Armed Services committees with a report on the scope of the research and 'whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experimental design'...potentially leading to the spread of diseases such as Lyme."

The measure was introduced by Representative Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican, "who was 'inspired' by several books and articles claiming that the U.S. government had conducted research at facilities such as Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, for this purpose."

One of the books, published earlier this year, was Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons by Stanford University science writer Kris Newby. It includes interviews with Willy Burgdorfer who is credited with having discovered the pathogen that causes Lyme disease and earlier developed bioweapons for the Department of Defense. Said Smith on the House floor:
"Those interviews combined with access to Dr. Burdorfer's lab files suggest that he and other bioweapons specialists stuffed ticks with pathogens to cause severe disability, disease — even death — to potential enemies. With Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases exploding in the United States...Americans have a right to know whether any of this is true."

Kommentar: See also:

Book 2

Dostoevskijs tankefulde kritik af venstrefløjen - stadig relevant!

Vera Biron / Dostoevsky Museum
© Vera Biron / Dostoevsky Museum
"Folk ønsker ikke virkeligt at bringe en ende på lidelse i alle tilfælde... De har brug for udfordringer for at opleve sejrens begejstring, for skyldfølelsen over deres handlinger for at kunne få en chance for forløsning, og for muligheden for afvisning og had for i det hele taget at kunne føle nogen dyb form for kærlighed"
"Plato, Rousseau, Fourier, aluminums stolper — alt dette er kun godt for spurve, ikke det menneskelige samfund. Men eftersom der er brug for den fremtidige samfundsform lige nu, hvor vi omsider er klar til at handle for at imødegå yderligere overvejelser om emnet, foreslår jeg mit eget system til organisation af verden. Her er den!" sagde han, idet han bankede på sin notesbog. "Jeg ønsker at udlægge min bog ved dette møde så kort som det er muligt, men jeg ser, det er nødvendigt at bibringe en del sproglige afklaringer; derfor vil hele min forklaring tage mindst ti aftener, svarende til antallet af kapitler i min bog." (Mere latter høres) "Desuden må jeg erklære, at mit system på forhånd ikke er fuldstændigt." (Igen latter). "Jeg blev tabt i mine egne data og min konklusion modsiger de oprindelige præmisser, som jeg gik ud fra, da jeg startede. Mens jeg begynder med ubegrænset frihed, ender jeg med ubegrænset tyranni. Jeg må tilføje, imidlertid, at der, bortset fra min, ikke kan være nogen anden løsning på det sociale problem." --Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Onde ånder" på dansk også udgivet under titlerne "Nihilister" og "De besatte"
I sin store, men for lange bog, Onde Ånder, væver den russiske forfatter Fyodor Dostojevekij en sort komedie om en gruppe af radikale, der ønsker at overtage en lille russisk by som en trædesten for en hel revolution. De fleste af dem gentager forskellige platheder om hvordan deres kommende utopia vil være det bedste for alle, de udtrykker en universel medfølelse og sympati for de fattige og ubemidlede. Men i deres personlige adfærd er ingen af disse indbildninger synlige. I deres møder er de radikale tomme, de overvurderer deres evner og søger konstant at overgå hinanden. Langt fra virkeligt at tro på lighed, prøver hver af de radikale at overgå de andre i sine formuleringer af hvor meget vedkommende bekymrer sig, eller ved at udvikle endnu mere radikale "systemer" for derigennem at vise eget geni. Parodien når et højdepunkt med den intellektuelle Shiglyov, som er gruppen uofficielle cheffilosof. Han holder en tale ved deres møde, hvori han udtrykker sit påståede ønske om et perfekt samfund, men indrømmer at hans oprindelige ønske om at opnå "ubegrænset frihed" ender med en opfordring til "ubegærnset tyranni." Det viser sig, at Shigalyovs system, den eneste "løsning på det sociale problem" ifølge ham, handler om at tage friheden væk fra 90 % af befolkningen og give magten til en lille gruppe, som skal organisere alting. Ingen point for at gætte hvem der skal udgøre denne gruppe og lede masserne.


Bakspejl Webbets bedste: En særlig Tradition: Paradokset af 'Vestlige Værdier'

moses painting
© Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn / Getty ImagesThe study of 'the Western tradition' may not be as solid as some wold have us believe.
Det er ikke nogen hemmelighed at den tidligere australske premierminister Tony Abbott er en fan af vestlige værdier.

Ved mere end en lejlighed har han lamenteret hvad han kalder "Den store australske stilhed" - forsømmelsen af "den vestlige kanon, litteraturen, poesien, musikken, historien og over alt andet, troen uden hvilken vores kultur og vores civllisation være utænkelig."

Abbott's forgænger, John Howard, er også kendt for at være en stærk forsvarer af den vestlige tradition og dets værdier, og han bekymrer sig ligeledes at vi er ved at tabe vore forbindelse med den: "Når vi tænker på vores civilisation, så mangler vi en integreret forståelse af bidraget fra de tidligere romere og grækere, rammerne som ligger til grund for hvad ofte er kaldt den jødisk-kristne etik."

Lidt længere væk, så har den tidligere britiske primeminister David Cameron prædiket om vigtigheden af kristne værdier i Storbritannien.

For knap så længe siden og måske ikke tiol gavn for sagen, så har Donald Trump hoppet på vognen. I et sjældent øjeblik af sammenhængenhed leverede Trump en tale forud for G20 topmødet i 2017 i Polen, tilskyndende til forsvaret af "vores værdier" og "vores civilisation."

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SOTT Fokus: MindMatters: Glemte Idealer: Kristendommen og Fundamentet for den Vestlige Civilisation

stark christianity
Alle er nu godt klar over, enten gennem personlig erfaring eller erfaret via nyhederne, den giftige arv af Kristen fundamentalisme. Hvadenten det er autoritær dogma eller de mange skandaler som har plaget den katolske kirke, mange såkaldte 'Kristne' har givet deres anklagere masser af ammunition. Alt imens er de enkelte i det store hele overladt til at klare sig selv i et samfund som er grundet i kristendommen men som er overvældende nihilistisk og materialistisk, benægtende sin egen historie i processen.

So today, on MindMatters, we discuss those aspects of the Christian belief system that may well be worth keeping and that have definitively shaped our world. Using sociologist of religion Rodney Stark's book Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success, we discuss how Christian beliefs formed the moral matrix of the Western mind from the collapse of Rome onwards. As Stark argues, centuries of belief in free will and individual responsibility in an intelligently designed universe provided the primary impetus for the West to abolish slavery, institutionalize science, use capitalism to improve the lot of the common man, and even pursue the freedom to repudiate Christianity itself.

If he's correct, then losing sight of what these Christian beliefs once stood for (and no they're not just 'fairy tales and dogmatic superstitions') we lose sight of the higher motivation that led ordinary people to found these great enterprises - arguably the few positive aspects of Western society left. So, while today it is fashionable to deny that consciousness exists, and that beliefs can have any impact on reality, today we will be entertaining a different hypothesis - that what we believe matters, and that, in order to understand our history, we should understand the good inherent within Christianity and not just the bad.

Running Time: 01:07:09

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Pasning af de døende i de 19. århundrede

A woman tending to a sick man, 1861. Engraving by Albert Bobbett
I de seneste år er mange amerikanere begyndt at se sig om efter nye måder på at nærme sig døden. Dø positivt bevægelsen støtter mennesker, som foretrækker at dø hjemme og endog de, som ønsker at tage vare på den elskedes krop på samme måde, som mange familier gjorde før fremkomsten af begravelsesindustrien. Historiker Karol K. Weaver tog et nærmere blik på de tidligere måder at gøre det på, ved at studere forretning omkring dødsprocessen i Pennsylvania i den første del af det 19. århundrede, da arbejdet med passe de døende og de døde oftest tilfaldt kvinder.

See also other articles: One can find guides that explain some of the concepts involved in taken care of the dying, like this WikiHow How to Care for a Dying Person

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Bakspejl SOTT Fokus: Interview med Russell Gmirkin: Hvad har Platon med Biblen at gøre?

Hvor gammel er lige det Gamle Testamente? Hvis Moses ikke skrev Moseloven, hvem gjorde så? I årtusinder har folk tænkt, at den hebræiske Bibel var lige så gammel som de hændelser, den skildrer. I de seneste generationer har forskere tænkt, at den blev dannet over en lang tidsperiode med forskellige forfattere og redaktører. Men skrifterne i den hebræiske Bibel, er måske ikke så gammle, som vi er blevet ledt til at tro.

I denne episode af programmet Truth Perspective, interviewe vi Russell Gmirkin, uafhængig forsker, akademiker og forfatter af to af de mest revolutionære bøger indenfor bibelstudier: Russell's arbejde udfordrer vores forståelse af historien af den hebræiske Bibel. Han demonstrerer, at der ganske enkelt ikke er bevis for at Biblen eksisterede før Aleksander den Store (ca 325 f.Kr.). Alle beviserne indikerer, at den samling af bøger, vi kender som den hebræiske Bibel, blev skrevet omkring 270. f.Kr. Og ikke kun det: de støttede sig kraftigt til græsk litteratur, særlig Platos sidste arbejde: Lovene.

Lyt mens vi diskuterer, hvordan, hvornår og hvorfor Biblen blev dannet.

Du kan besøge Russells website here:

Running Time: 01:56:09

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Book 2

Bakspejl Endnu én bider i græsset - Kulstofdatering indikerer at "verdens ældste" Koran er endog ældre end profeten Muhammed

koran older Muhammed
© Wikimedia Commons"Diez Albums Studying The Koran" by unknown / (of the reproduction) Staatsbibliothek Berlin/Schacht - Dschingis Khan und seine Erben (exhibition catalogue), München 2005, p. 266.
Forskere mener, at en kopi af Koranen, der opbevares i England, kan være endnu ældre end profeten Muhammed.

Kulstofdatering af et fragment fra en Koran opbevaret i et Birmingham bibliotek tyder på, at bogen blev produceret mellem 568 og 545 e.Kr. siger forskerne ved Oxford University, men Islamske lærde mener almindeligvis, at Muhammed levede mellem 570 og 632 e.Kr.

Hvis kulstofdateringen er nøjagtig, var Koranen lavet før den første formelle tekst var samlet på ordre af kalif uthman i 653 - o det kunne gå tilbage til Muhammeds barndom eller endog før han blev født, skriver The Times of London.

Dette er sammenligneligt med opdagelsen af formuleringer fra evangeliet, der datere tilbage til før Jesu Kristi barndom, siger forskerne.

Muslimske lærde er stærkt uenige i resultatet, som strider mod de fleste optegnelser af profetens liv, men nogle historikere siger, at der er voksende tegn på at de tradtionelle fortællinger om Islams oprindelse er upålidelige.

"Det destabiliserer, mildt sagt, ideen om at vi kan vide noget som helst med sikkerhed om hvordan Koranen opstod - og det har igen implikationer for historiciteten [historisk ægthed] af Mohammeds og hans It destabilizes, to put it mildly, the idea that we can know anything with certainty about how the Koran emerged - and that in turn has implications for the historicity of Mohammed and hans fæller," sagde Tim Holland, forfatter til In The Shadow of the Sword.

Andre meget gamle Koraner peger på, at hellige vers cirkulerede i skreven form inden Muhammeds død.

Kommentar: So it seems to be going with 'received' scripture. The Bible has been shown to be a hodgepodge of older texts welded together to fit particular political agendas. It's really no surprise that the Koran would be also.